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    Gbrown's Avatar
    Gbrown Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Dec 24, 2006, 07:40 AM
    Power in part of house goes dead w/out triping breaker
    Hello, great site, use it more than I thought I would.
    Question: The electricity in part of my house will go dead without tripping the breaker for those rooms and then will come back on within 30-60sec by itself, lights have been dimming as if a dip in voltage has occurred.
    tkrussell's Avatar
    tkrussell Posts: 9,659, Reputation: 725
    Uber Member

    Dec 24, 2006, 10:50 AM
    There is definitely a loose connection someplace, which can be in the panel, at a breaker, in a junction box, or at behind an outlet.

    There is no way anyone here can tell you exactly where this fault is. If you know how to use a voltage tester and can open electrical equipment and boxes, you may be able to find the problem and correct it.

    If not, then you will need to hire a good service electrical contractor that has good troubleshooting skills and knowledge of circuit wiring.

    Not to scare you, but this condition needs to be found ASAP, as it will not get better on it's own, and there is a possibility that heat is being created at the location of the loose connection, and ultimately be a fire hazard.
    Gbrown's Avatar
    Gbrown Posts: 4, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Dec 24, 2006, 12:03 PM
    With a voltage tester would I just measure voltage at each outlet?
    I've tightened screws in the panel and a lot of the house outlets, haven't noticed a dip in the lights lateley.
    Morrowrj's Avatar
    Morrowrj Posts: 345, Reputation: 22
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    Dec 24, 2006, 02:35 PM
    Don't forget junction boxes that may be present in ceilings, attics and other crawlspaces. That is if your condtion persists.

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