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    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 23, 2010, 11:12 PM
    How about some MORE lateral thinking puzzles!
    OK, Adam wants more puzzles. :D

    OK, first one is not really the yes/no question type. It is a lateral thinking puzzle, but more of a riddle and you just need to try to think of the scenario. There may be more than one logical explanation, but you have to guess the right one.

    A woman has incontrovertible proof in court that her husband was murdered by her sister. The judge declares, "This is the strangest case I've ever seen. Though it's a cut-and-dried case, this woman cannot be punished."
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 12:54 AM

    Oops, I didn't mean to name this the same as the other thread and confuse people. I just noticed that. And now I can't change it. Sorry 'bout that.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Aug 24, 2010, 12:58 AM

    I'll change it if you give me the title you want.
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 01:05 AM

    Doh, I don't know. Not too useful, am I? I guess it's not important - all these threads are starting to look alike anyway. LOL.

    Would "some more" instead of "new" be less confusing?
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 01:07 AM
    Or how about add Part 2.
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 24, 2010, 05:01 AM

    So is this just figuring out why it was a shut and close case and why the woman can't be punished even though all the proof is there?
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 12:04 PM

    Right. You can ask questions if you like, but I suspect the answers to most would be no. You mostly have to figure out why the woman can't be punished. There's one really obviously simple reason, but that isn't it cause it IS about thinking outside the box. (And I got it totally wrong myself.)
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 12:05 PM
    LOL J - that'll certainly get their attention.
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 24, 2010, 12:17 PM

    Hmm... I suck at these. Unless I can ask questions, I suck.
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 04:22 PM

    You can ask questions if you like. I'm just not sure that's the best way to go. Really, on any of these, if you can think up what the situation is, you don't have to ask questions. It's just that usually you really have to because it's so obscure - I mean, like there's just no information to go on. This one you have all the information you need - it's just a matter of thinking of it.

    However, I can dig up something else if you like.
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 24, 2010, 04:40 PM

    OK, here's a different one. This one actually can be solved without further information if you happen to think of it, but you can also easily ask questions for this one as well. (This is one of the "classics" so no big surprise if someone's heard it.)

    A man is lying dead, face down in the desert. He's wearing a backpack.
    What happened?

    You can still try to ask questions on the other one if you like and see what happens. Or someone else may be able to solve it. Maybe redhead would like it since she likes to just cut to the chase. :)
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 25, 2010, 04:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by morgaine300 View Post
    OK, here's a different one. This one actually can be solved without further information if you happen to think of it, but you can also easily ask questions for this one as well. (This is one of the "classics" so no big surprise if someone's heard it.)

    A man is lying dead, face down in the desert. He's wearing a backpack.
    What happened?

    You can still try to ask questions on the other one if you like and see what happens. Or someone else may be able to solve it. Maybe redhead would like it since she likes to just cut to the chase. :)
    Skydiving accident? I will think more on the first one now.
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 25, 2010, 04:27 AM

    The woman had no fingernails?
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 25, 2010, 03:10 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by adam_89 View Post
    skydiving accident? I will think more on the first one now.
    You really got that that quick? Perhaps that's just not something that occurs to me cause I don't think about flying or skydiving. Just depends on our mindset.

    But you also see they can sometimes be answered without questions. :)

    I need a harder one.
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 25, 2010, 03:11 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by adam_89 View Post
    The woman had no fingernails?
    Her fingernails are irrelevant.

    (I'm trying to figure out why she can't be punished just cause of having no fingernails.)
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 26, 2010, 06:08 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by morgaine300 View Post
    Her fingernails are irrelevant.

    (I'm trying to figure out why she can't be punished just cause of having no fingernails.)
    I heard once a person with no fingernails couldn't be prosecuted. I thought it was worth a try.
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 26, 2010, 08:15 PM

    I have to wonder where you heard that. The answer is completely legitimate, and not based on some obscure, weird law. However, it is unusual.

    If you would like to have the answer, I can give it. Or you can continue to ponder it. If you want to continue pondering, I can also do another puzzle in the meantime.
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 27, 2010, 06:00 AM

    We seem to be on at way different times of the day huh? Anyway, I don't think I will get this one, so if you would like you can post the answer and a new one or whatever you would like to do.
    morgaine300's Avatar
    morgaine300 Posts: 6,561, Reputation: 276
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    Aug 27, 2010, 02:26 PM

    My first guess was that the sister had passed away during the trial. But usually the first thing I think of is too easy and never it. It's cause they were siamese twins.

    OK new one, which will probably require the questions. But it seems I said that last time.

    A man is lying dead, face down in the desert. There's a match near his outstretched hand.

    And no it's not the same guy. :D

    Oh, yes -- I'm not exactly a morning person! Though we have been on at the same time before.
    adam_89's Avatar
    adam_89 Posts: 1,866, Reputation: 280
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    Aug 30, 2010, 06:40 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by morgaine300 View Post
    My first guess was that the sister had passed away during the trial. But usually the first thing I think of is too easy and never it. It's cause they were siamese twins.

    OK new one, which will probably require the questions. But it seems I said that last time.

    A man is lying dead, face down in the desert. There's a match near his outstretched hand.

    And no it's not the same guy. :D

    Oh, yes -- I'm not exactly a morning person! Though we have been on at the same time before.
    So this is a one for questions? Good. The times we were on at the same time were lucky. I tried finding your schedule so I could be here when you were. All right, I am going to do some thinking.

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