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Best way to attract.
[ 10 Answers ]
Ok so the other night I met this basically unattainable girl who can probably get any man in the world. I know that is selling myself short and it won't stop me for trying, I just wonder how do you attract someone like that. We met the other night and had a great conversation and I am moving in...
How do I attract him?
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Does anybody know how I could attract the boy I like? I love him and I want him to love me too, really bad! I'd like to know the best way, also by not embarrassing myself. I hope it will be something easy I could do! Thanks!:D
Opposites attract
[ 12 Answers ]
Can anyone help me... Why would a guy who is completely the opposite of me like me... alot! He is into weed, smoking and can come across quite cocky (despite the fact he is usually jokin, its just the way he is) Whereas I am sort of a geek, college work comes first, hate drugs and smoking,... View more questions Search