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    luthien's Avatar
    luthien Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 29, 2004, 02:57 AM
    Should I Propose?
    Seeing as no one here has replied to any of my previous questions (which I really hope someone is going to soon, please!) I would like to ask for advise and better yet, if someone can see into my future... I am thinking of proposing to this guy who I have mentioned in my earlier question. His dob 8th of November 1976, my dob 1st of April 1983... please someone tell me if and when I propose to him (I want to propose to ask him if he'll marry me) he will accept it or will he laugh it off and make me feel bad and then that there won't be any future at all with him? A friend of mine said I should do it, cause it'd be romantic and he would most probably say yes cause of it. Please tell me what I should do as he's coming back in September-October... I'm in dire need of help now :'( :( thank you!
    dreamguide's Avatar
    dreamguide Posts: 12, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 29, 2004, 10:44 AM
    Should I Propose?
    We all make our own lives(past,present and future). Sometimes it's worth taking a chance(even at the risk of rejection). If you are confident he loves you then yes , propose! If this is more of a "fly-by-night" crush then let it go.
    Actually if yiu know your own heart you wouldn't need to ask strangers to plan YOUR life. 8)
    webwitchhunter's Avatar
    webwitchhunter Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 13, 2004, 06:22 AM
    Should I Propose?
    You're 21-22 years old? Just think about it. If you are wanting to propose and don't know if you should, what is going to happen if he says yes? If you don't know if you should propose, how are you going to feel when you are saying "I do"? From personal experience, I did that and twenty years, two children later, found myself in a deep depression because I kept in the marriage 'for the kids' and because it was the right thing to do for everyone but myself. If you are the kind of person who needs to 'keep the peace' and everything balanced in your life, that decision may eat you alive and spit you out in years to come. Don't go there! You are not ready for it. When you are, you will know in your heart that it is definitely something you need to do. That goes for everything else, too! Before I became a Christian, I went to a psychic that I just loved; she knew things and told me things that came true that couldn't even fathom happening. I wrestle with seeing her knowing what the Bible says about psychics, but I like her as a person, don't agree with all of her beliefs, and still pay her to read my cards twice a year because I am addicted to hearing her predictions and the feeling I get when they unfold, anyway... Where I am going with this is... that when you feel something moving you deep in your heart, more than likely it is God whispering to you, moving you in a certain direction that is best for you. And the urges you get are sometimes an enigma, not knowing where the hell they are coming from and thinking, "I would never do that or 'go there'!" And sometimes they take you places you'd never think of going, whether they be physical places such as Australia or places in your heart, but it doesn't matter. If, at your young age, you put faith into what you are being moved toward or away from, and follow His guide, you will learn a skill that most people don't pick up on until much later in life, and one that some people never do.
    My daughter is your age. She is full of life, artistic, plays in a band, works at a store that sells safe products that feel and smell good... tried college for performing arts but isn't an academic kid... and she has this opportunity to go to San Francisco (we live in Ohio... ) with her band. They have a following there, have cut a few cds, she has no real ties here, other than her family, and she is thinking seriously of going. I believe that she feels so moved to do this, prayed for God to help her know what to do, that it is right for her at this time of her life. Now, cognitively, I don't want her to go because I will miss her, which is selfish on my part... and as a mother, I worry that she will make it on her own so far away and in a strange place... but I know that she has been raised to be a free spirit and to follow her dreams! If this describes you, you don't need a psychic to tell you what to do. If it is your dream, and you can swing it, go to Australia! What is the worst that can happen? That you don't make it, run out of money and have to lean on people back in the states that love you and will do anything they can to keep you safe, bring you back even? If I were in your position, I wouldn't cloud my mind thinking about a marriage proposal. That might screw up everything that you want. Prioritize what is most important to you. Chances are, moving to Australia to follow your dreams and getting married aren't going to work out together. Moving and trying to make it in the entertainment world will take up so much time and energy, and a marriage deserves just as much, if not more, than that. Take one thing at a time. Don't be afraid of going. My daughter played there with her youth orchestra for the Olympics. Went on a ten day tour and would go back in a heartbeat; loved the people, the land, the excitement of Sydney, the sea... Now is the time of your life to do it, and if you don't, you may regret it. As you get older, into a career, into family, you make ties that get harder to break. You don't need a psychic to tell you that! Good luck! And think about posting to let us know where you are after Christmas! :-*
    microbe's Avatar
    microbe Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 15, 2004, 12:27 AM
    Should I Propose?
    I have consulted The Oracle Book and answer for your question is" You have drawn The Ace of Pentacles: you will be rewarded for your efforts."
    luthien's Avatar
    luthien Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 15, 2004, 09:33 AM
    Re: Should I Propose?
    Hi, microbe
    Thanks for your reply, I don't understand what you mean though by I will be rewarded for my efforts? Do you mean that it is good that I would propose to him? Will he say yes or will he say yes but not get married now? Please let me know asap. Thank you
    luthien's Avatar
    luthien Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 15, 2004, 09:39 AM
    Re: Should I Propose?
    Hi, webghostbuster
    Thank you for your reply... I understand what you're trying to say, and I do want my own career... the thing is that I feel, it maybe stupid but I feel that maybe marriage is the thing that could keep us together, I mean he has his career and I'm after mine and am doing it, but I want to be with this man, and there is nothing I would be regreting if he would say yes, I would be happy... I have never done and am never going to do anything that would make me regret it... I just wanted to know, that's all. And I thank you for your concern and post. Have a great day, and I shall post a message here and let everyone know how everything is! Thank you.
    microbe's Avatar
    microbe Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 18, 2004, 05:55 PM
    Should I Propose?
    I have consulted The Oracle Book and answer for your question is " The Psychic says to expect your answer to emerge during a crisis. "
    luthien's Avatar
    luthien Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 19, 2004, 02:23 AM
    Re: Should I Propose?
    I'm sorry but I still don't understand what you meant? What crisis? When is this? All I actually want to know is that if it's a good idea to propose to him, will he accept? I'm going to see him early next month, like in the first week of August so please let me know all that I need to know in time. Thank you very much for you help!
    Devorameira's Avatar
    Devorameira Posts: 2,461, Reputation: 981
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    Jul 15, 2010, 02:41 PM

    I'm sorry, but we don't have any psychics here that can predict your future.

    If you love each other, if you trust him, and truly want to spend the rest of your life with him, then I say "go for it".

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