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    Yellowannabe's Avatar
    Yellowannabe Posts: 67, Reputation: 12
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    Mar 1, 2010, 03:07 PM
    Let It Burn...
    So I will say that overall, I have lightened about 2 shades. Success. And I'm very happy about that. But this week, I got a little carried away with my application. Although I see my skin lightening, my impatience got the best of me and now I'm a little burnt. Lol. It's not anything dire, but it definitely isn't a pleasant sight either. Along both sides of my jaw line, I have burns and I feel my face becoming really dry, borderline scaly. (And that's not a good look because I'm a makeup wearer and AM not trying to look like America's Next Top Clownola) On my left side, I was able to exfoliate a bit, and underneath was lighter. I was very careful with this because my skin is sensitive and prone to scar easily. The right is way too tender at this point.

    My skin lightening journey (on my face) has obviously been halted, thus far.
    My question is what can I use to soothe the burns and to remove the scaly superficial dead layer? Spring break is in two weeks and I need my face to make a comeback preferably before then.

    Thanks Dolls & Gents (-;
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Mar 1, 2010, 04:17 PM
    1. Raw natural Shea butter (rich in vitamin E which helps repair and soothe skin)
    2. Neosporin (not neoprosone, diff. product) or
    3. Natural Aloe Vera gel
    4. An ice pack used throughout the day with the following mentioned above can help too (some cubes in a ziplock bag works well)

    These are the 3 + ice pack sometimes that I am aware of that will help soothe the irritation and burn in minutes, as well as help calm some of the redness, reapply throughout the day. You have to pretty much treat it as any burn. Do not use any products or lightening products on that specific area of your skin at all for the next few days, your skin needs time to heal. Instead you can rinse it with luke warm water. But, you can use products on the rest of the areas (except for exfoliators such as scrubs, retin-a, etc) that are not irritated. Your skin is irritated, and in order for it's condition to improve you'll have to cut back for a few days. But can still continue using a gentle cleanser with soft wash cloth, and skin lightening products on the areas that are normal, but if your lightening product contains a lot of AHAs, kojic acid, or other exfoliatants then its best to cut back and use a bit less as well, instead of the 2x daily.. at least until your skin is back to normal.

    But, do not scrub your skin, be really gentle. Use sunblock high in spf before going out to help avoid the situation becoming worse. Do not pick at the peeling skin, let it come off naturally on its own... I know it can be hard not to tamper with it. But, this is for the best because your skin is healing underneath and the scaly skin on top is its protective barrier until all healed and back to normal, so let it peel off naturally and when you lightly rub it with warm water and a wash cloth. If you peel or tamper with it, you may prolong the healing process. Thus prolonging your lightening progress. If you do this, then your skin should return back to normal. But, depending on how much of it you were using you'll have to cut back a bit so that you still receive the lightening, but help decrease your chances of having your skin go through burns and irritation like this again.. unless it's a chemical peel or something.

    May I ask what is your regimen and products that you use?
    Yellowannabe's Avatar
    Yellowannabe Posts: 67, Reputation: 12
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    Mar 1, 2010, 07:03 PM

    Thanks so much Golden Girl.

    I'll definitely make a trip to get some Shea Butter tomorrow and follow through with your advice. I think the reason I ended up burned is because I was way too zealous and way too generous with applying the product. And I should have know better because I have really sensitive skin.

    As far as my regimen, I try to be consistent, but I'm a college student so whenever I can afford to get my products, that's when I get them. I've used an array of products: bio claire, esoterica, neoprosone, dr. fred summit, movate and vit-c soap. I generally use esoterica, dr. fred summit and bio- claire the most.

    My general routine:
    I wash my face with pro-activ's cleanser and apply the toner and lotion every day. Then I apply whatever lightening product I'm using, thickly on to the hyperpigmented areas, and then onto the rest of my skin. I apply the product probably about 3-4 times a day. Since my feet are stubborn, I use the wrap method for them. I need to buy a good sunblock though. I generally wear MAC and Loreal True Match which have a sunblock formulated within them. So I haven't had any darkening.

    If you don't mind sharing, what's your regime, goal and current complexion?
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Mar 2, 2010, 04:36 PM
    Yeah, make sure it is organic raw shea butter (100% natural) I love this stuff. Proactive I like too and have used it in the past for acne. But, there are a few suggestions you may want to also consider:
    - No need to apply skin lighteners thickly, this doesn't speed up progress. Only a minimal amount is needed to spread over the area and still have the same effective results.

    - Bio claire, Neoprosone, Movate and Neoprosone vit-c soap can give bad skin reactions, whether it is being used for a normal or sensitive skin type. Because they contain high amounts of steroids, which can burn the skin and cause a vast amount of other external and internal issues. Due to them eating away at the skin, causing it to become thinned and greater chances of getting stretch marks. So, be careful using these. Dr. Fred Summit and Esoterica that I know of are fine and steroid-free, containing about 2% hq.

    - Look for a sunblock with an spf of 55 or higher and apply about 15 minutes before going out.

    - Using an exfoliant such as an AHA product (lactic &/or glycolic acid), papaya soap, papaya kojic soap, natural genuine black soap (it's quite gentle), retin-a or another form of vitamin A product, face/body scrub, etc along with your lightening product, This will help remove hyperpigmentation and fade scars, gives your lightening a boost, and speed lightening.

    - Applying 2x daily is the best amount of times to apply, and also decrease the chances of your skin becoming irritated. Although bio claire states to use 2x a day, this is mentioned to go through products faster in order to buy more of the products at a faster rate.

    My current regimine is:
    -neutrogena pink grapefruit scrub, 1-2x daily
    -fair&white exclusive whitenizer gel, 2x daily
    -retin-a gel 0.05%, 1-2x every two days

    for my arms and hands:
    -lactic acid peel 50% for scars and hyperpigmentation, nadinola extra strength
    -nadinola extra strength also on my neck and ears

    I just started the f&w a few days ago so its still soon to know how well it will work on me, before that I used a few other products to help me to reach where I'm currently at. I say I was about Toni Braxton's shade, I'm currently at Jill Scott's now, and my goal is to reach somewhere around Mya, Beyonce, or depending how I'll look I say Sade.

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    Yellowannabe's Avatar
    Yellowannabe Posts: 67, Reputation: 12
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    Mar 3, 2010, 08:01 PM

    Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond. For some reason I am not receiving notification when I receive responses, (I have to fix that) so I haphazardly saw your answer just now.

    First of all, thank you so much for being so informative and sharing. It really helps. Tremendously. At this point, I'd also say that I am Jill SI wish I had read your post on "The Dangers of Neoprosone." I now believe this is what has caused the burns and the small bumps on my face ;-( Luckily, the worst phase of it is beginning to pass and I see the healing process starting up. I have yet to get the Shea Butter (I have to go into Harlem for the good raw stuff), but the burns are leaving, as is the hyperpigmentation that was in those areas.

    Quick Follow Up Questions:

    I am interested in glycolic acid (for face) and tca (for my body). Have you ever used TCA? If so, how was your experience with it? I know it offers dramatic results for improving the clarity and overall tone of the skin, but I know it also kind of removes the superficial layers of the skin. (Only plan to use this on my body.).

    Additionally, where did you purchase your retin-a and glycolic acid from? And about how much did it come to?

    Thanks again.
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Mar 4, 2010, 08:15 PM

    I had just written a half page post just now and something stated this question was nolonger visible... serious amhd glitches. Give me a minute and I'lll rewrite it.
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Mar 4, 2010, 10:09 PM
    Your beautiful in your avatar, from my view I can't see any burns :). You can use vaseline as well if you need something soon, since this works as a protective barrier for burns and can try the shea later. Yeah, steroid-based lighteners has a tendency of doing this. Bio claire had really burned my legs in a matter of days and upper arms in about 1-2 weeks. Although not visually visible on my legs, my upper arms were beet red for days and then turned pitch black. I had to exfoliate for about 2-3 months along with another lightener to get it back to its normal brown shade. I had assumed it was because I have sensitive skin and that if I continue to try my skin will become adjusted to it. I never knew it was adulterated with high amounts of steroids as they never advertised this.. he he he.

    But, people never know why they are really getting sick, diabetes, etc and overtime that it may be coming from something in a tube or jar on their night stand. Right now I'm using Skin Laboratory lactic acid peel on Amazon for around 16-18, and retin-a alldaychemist for around 2. Best to start at a low concentration until your skin builds tolerance and to prevent serious burns, especially with tca. TCA should mainly be given by a professional as that is in an element on it's own and is quite strong, only way for me to ever use tca is on my hyperpigmented elbows if nothing else works for them. Lactic actually slightly lightens the skin on it's own, no down time, and adds moisture to the skin, and works really well for boosting lightening results and removing scars and hyperpigmentation. Glycolic should be used in lower strengths since it is stronger and always use a pH balancer to help neutralize the skin and prevent acid curns when using a peel.
    Yellowannabe's Avatar
    Yellowannabe Posts: 67, Reputation: 12
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    Mar 5, 2010, 07:16 AM

    Thanks so much. I appreciate that ;-) But this picture was prior picture was taken about 4 days prior to the burns when my skin was flawless. Good ol' days lol. But I have been putting vaseline and a bit of the shea butter on, and the burns are a lot better than they were initially.

    I have learned my lesson and will never put that cheap stuff on my face again. I'm going to look up the websites you gave me and order some. It seems like I had used retin-A in the past for hyperpigmentation, I believe. But I had gotten that by prescription.

    I'm really thinking about getting the TCA. Ill def. use glycolic/lactic acid for my face though. But as far as the TCA,I'm not even trying to use it for lightening though. I just have bad hyperpig. On my back and I can't stand it and not even lightening is dramatic enough. So I shall try a low concentration and ill see where it takes me.
    Golden_Girl's Avatar
    Golden_Girl Posts: 1,930, Reputation: 60
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    Mar 5, 2010, 08:01 PM
    Here are some links that are an intersting read and remember to do patch tests of where you plan to apply:
    Peels for African American Skin - What peels are safe for African-American skin?
    What peels are safe for African-American skin?
    TCA can be risky for African-American skin. - What peels are safe for African-American skin?
    stacymica's Avatar
    stacymica Posts: 33, Reputation: 3
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    Mar 14, 2010, 07:14 PM

    With any type of chemical burn(from a product) or mechanical burn(from rubbing) stop whatever your doing, give yourself a break because you can cause a degree burn that can leave permanent scarring. Apply aloe to soothe and reduce swelling and coco butter for scars. Don't put any other peels or bleach on it until it has completely healed. It might look uneven but don't risk scarring from further burns. If the skin looks really uneven because you stop bleaching it, try mac full coverage foundation 2 shades lighter than your regular foundation to blend for the time while your healing.-hope everything goes OK

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