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    pink_poodle's Avatar
    pink_poodle Posts: 55, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Feb 8, 2010, 10:00 AM
    3rd trimester
    I'm about to hit my 3rd trimester and I'm starting to feel very fragile.Since I live in a dorm at my university I walk to all my classes and Im exhausted by the end of the day. It is hard for me to bend over to get my socks and shoes on because of my belly. I feel like I can't do anything for myself. Im getting very frustrated. Is anyone else feeling the same way?
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Feb 8, 2010, 10:28 AM

    Let me tell you, honey--I'd rather go through labor 10 times than go through the last trimester of pregnancy once.

    What you're feeling is completely normal.

    Is it possible for you to get some slip on shoes that you could wear without socks? I know that helped me toward the end of my pregnancy. I see you're in TX--depending on where in TX, that may or may not be an option (didn't you get some snow just a couple weeks ago?)
    pink_poodle's Avatar
    pink_poodle Posts: 55, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Feb 8, 2010, 11:00 AM

    I went out and bought some keds and they're sort of slip on they don't have laces. But no I'm in Kingsville which is South Texas thank God no snow lol
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Feb 8, 2010, 11:02 AM

    Slip on shoes and skirts made my last few months bearable.

    Remember to also use lotion on your stomach and thighs--it will help with some of the itching from stretch marks, and by keeping your skin supple, it will help reduce the stretch marks in general.

    Try to keep your salt intake low, too--that's what caused me to retain water, and made my feet and ankles VERY swollen.
    nicckidoodle's Avatar
    nicckidoodle Posts: 146, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Feb 8, 2010, 11:47 AM

    The last weeks of my pregnancy were terrible, my maternity clothes didn't fit, I had to wear flip flops because my feet were so swollen, and I felt like I might as well be rolled everywhere I went because it had to be fasted lol! Just remember pregnancy is coming to a close and as uncomfortable as you feel now it will be amazing soon! Try to keep yourself comfortable haha that's a joke I know, but try! And stay hydrated!
    Aurora_Bell's Avatar
    Aurora_Bell Posts: 4,193, Reputation: 822
    Dogs Expert

    Feb 8, 2010, 12:57 PM

    Me too!
    I was HUGE. I literally gained 100lbs.
    I had to wear flip flops, and like nicckidoodle, my maternity clothes didn't even fit. I had to wear these balck sweat pants, that I made into capri's.
    I was very un lucky because no lotion, oil or cream helped me with my stretch marks, but luckily they are starting to fade away.
    I was irritable, hot (it was one of the hottest summers) and cranky. I couldn't stand being around anyone, and to top it all off, my grandmother passed away a few weeks before I gave birth, I had to travel and stay in a small house with A lot of family and no air conditioner. I had all types of people telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I had one aunt who thought I was there to be her personal errand runner!
    I ended up sneaking away to their un finished basements with the dogs!
    And sleep? Not like it's bad enough you hve this HUGE watermelon on the front of your gut, I didn't even have my own bed to sleep in! I had to share it with my cousin who snores, kicks and punches in her sleep! It wasn't fun.
    Let's not get started on my birth!
    I feel your pain, but you're almost done and when you look into your little one's eyes it will all be worth it! :)
    Good luck

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