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    arimalloy's Avatar
    arimalloy Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 14, 2010, 07:07 PM
    Ghost movies from late 80s early 90s about a girl who sees her boyfriend ghost who di
    I saw a movie about a girl whose boyfriend died in a plane crash and she starts seen his ghost, then she has somekind of accident and goes into a comma and then her spirit meets with her boyfriends spirit and the hospital where she is and she can she her body lying on the bed. At the end of the movie she comes back from her comma and sings for the hospital patients and she is in a wheel chair. I think the movie is from the late 80s. This is all I remember
    Quinn F's Avatar
    Quinn F Posts: 6,048, Reputation: 913
    Movies Expert

    Jan 14, 2010, 07:40 PM

    Somewhere, Tomorrow

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