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    deeww's Avatar
    deeww Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 15, 2006, 12:46 PM
    Change circuit breaker for part of house

    I am looking for info on how to change the circuit breaker that runs the front end of my house; i.e.. Bedroom, livingroom and front garage. It is a little black box with a 15 on it
    :) please help. Never realized how dependent we are on our appliances until now

    How do I change the little black circuit breaker in my home circuit box
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Nov 15, 2006, 01:26 PM
    After they trip a few times, they can start tripping too soon. It isn't much of a job to change one, but not the best task for the inexperienced. If you have several appliances on one 15 amp breaker, you might be better off getting a couple of quotes on adding some circuits. It wouldn't cost that much to pay somebody. Otherwise, start by turning off almost everything in the house. Then throw the main breaker. Remove the screws holding the cover on the main panel and pull it off. Don't touch, but look at the main breaker. It will have 2 large wires with bare ends clamped by bare metal screws. Those are still hot and have enough juice to quickly kill you. The bad breaker usually can then just be pulled out. Loosen the screw holding the wire, and move the wire to the a new breaker identical to the old one, a type TOL, QO, whatever. Many of the popular brands are interchangeable. To be sure, take the old one to a hardware store, not a home center and have somebody help you find the right one. You can't put in a higher amp one unless the circuit already have heavier than the usual #14 wire. Put the cover back on, and turn on the main breaker and then everything else.
    Electrictony's Avatar
    Electrictony Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 9, 2009, 12:53 PM
    Go to they have a lot of resources and info on Circuit Breakers. Here is a link to a article about changing a breaker it seems easy enough.
    Electrictony's Avatar
    Electrictony Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 9, 2009, 01:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Electrictony View Post
    Go to they have alot of resources and info on Circuit Breakers. Here is a link to a article about changing a breaker it seems easy enough.

    Circuit Breaker Info
    sorry here is the link for article<a href="">Circuit Breaker Info: How to Replace a Circuit Breaker</a>

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