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    MeAndBobbYMcGee's Avatar
    MeAndBobbYMcGee Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 12, 2009, 08:52 AM
    Re-piercing ear lobe
    This may be the wrong topic, but here goes:

    I had my ears pierced many years ago, but I haven't worn earrings on a steady basis. The left one was most frequently sore, so last week I inserted an earring into my right ear. It bled a bit on the right lobe, but I soldiered on, putting an earring in the left lobe. When I put a sweater on, it and caught on the right piercing. It was painful, but I kept going.

    Saturday I removed the earrings and the right was very sore, almost felt like there was a bump in the ear and bled more than a bit. The bump has almost gone, as have the pain and the bleeding has stopped.

    What should I do toward "re-piercing" my right lobe. Help:eek:

    Kadehadaire's Avatar
    Kadehadaire Posts: 197, Reputation: 10
    Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2009, 05:13 AM

    I think let it heal over, then go and have it pieced with a needle professionally.

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