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    PalmMP3's Avatar
    PalmMP3 Posts: 321, Reputation: 28
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    Nov 2, 2006, 04:04 AM
    How can I set up a "mobile" mailing list?
    Hi all,

    I'm posting here (which is perhaps the wrong place) simply because I can't think of where the heck else to post this. ;) (I rarely wander out of my Plumbing forum.)

    I have a "mailing list" of approximately 40 phone numbers on my cell that I send out a daily quote to every day via text message. Since it was getting a bit cumbersome (not to mention that I was going over my text messaging quota), I painstakingly converted each number to email format (i.e. by finding out each person's carrier and adding the appropriate server, e.g. [email protected]) and tried running it through a Gmail account. Unfortunately, I have two problems, both based on the fact that I often don't have computer access when I send out the quote: Gmail's WAP interface, well, sucks, to put it mildly (you can't send to too many people at once from the WAP interface); and also, it's a big pain to have to log in through WAP, not to mention accruing airtime and kilobyte usage charges.

    So in a nutshell, what I'm looking for is an easy, simple way to run this list. For example, here's my ideal solution: I would send a text message to?? @?? com, and the server, upon seeing the message is from me, automatically forwards it to all the people on my list. I realize that some people might be thinking of Yahoo! Groups or similar, but here's the catch: I can't afford to have any ads placed in the messages, or any ads sent to members of the list, since (a) text messages are limited to a lousy 160 characters and thus I have none to spare for stupid lines like "Do you Yahoo?", and (b) text messaging costs the recipient money, and I'm sure they won't be pleased to pay to receive advertisements.

    So does anyone here have any suggestions for my dilemma?

    Thanks in advance,
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
    Computer Expert and Renaissance Man

    Nov 2, 2006, 07:24 AM
    I would talk to your cellular carrier. I've started to get text spam on my cell, so there has to be a way. They should be able to help you.
    PalmMP3's Avatar
    PalmMP3 Posts: 321, Reputation: 28
    Full Member

    Nov 2, 2006, 11:41 PM
    What's my carrier got to do with this? (If this were purely cellphone-related, I wouldn't be posting in the computer forum.) What I'm looking for, in a nutshell, is a way to set up an email address that when I send something to that address, it is immediately forwarded to a bunch of other addresses. I.e. in Gmail, for instance, you can set it up to forward all your mail to another address, but only ONE address; what I'm looking for is similar functionality, but allowing allowing me to forward messages to MULTIPLE addresses.

    Sorry if I was a bit confusing before... am I clearer now?

    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
    Computer Expert and Renaissance Man

    Nov 3, 2006, 06:34 AM
    You said; "I would send a text message to ????@????.com". From that and other things you said, it seemed clear that you aren't using or prefer not to use a computer to send this message. Hence my suggestion to contact your carrier. And I still maintain that is the best place to start. Your carrier may have a service that will allow you to send a message to some address that would automatically forward it to your distribution list.

    Personally, I know of no service that works like that. Though it shouldn't be too hard to do. If your carrier can't help, then I would try finding mass mailing support firms by doing a web search on that.

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