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    avaanstar's Avatar
    avaanstar Posts: 48, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Sep 11, 2009, 09:19 PM
    I have No One
    I HATE MY LIFE! Like someone just kill me now! I am really depressed. I have no friends at my school. I'm a High School senior and I can't wait for school to be done and I still have 9 months left! Last week, I went to this college campus, and I met this 21-year-old guy. I liked at said I was 18 and he was totally into me. He added me on Facebook and I told him I was 17 and he freaked out and now he won't talk to me because I am not legal. I called him 3 days ago and he won't call me back. Then I called him 2X today and a girl picked up. He's being an hole.

    Then I have this guy named Mark, who is 17, and actually LIKES me but I push him away because I like Justin...
    I really hate my life because I don't have any boys in my life and I don't have any friends at school.

    I have no one... I just want to end my life.
    snippy07's Avatar
    snippy07 Posts: 84, Reputation: 6
    Junior Member

    Sep 11, 2009, 09:28 PM

    The 21 year old guy probably just wanted to use you and have sex with you if he is not interested in you just because you are not legal.

    Join a sport or a club and find friends who have the same interests as you.

    Ending your life is not a good thing to do, nothing in life is ever bad enough to do that. Many people have the same situation as you, you just have to tough it out and keep trying.

    Maybe you should hang out with this Mark guy if he likes you, if you're not interested in him you could still just be friends and hang out. Maybe he could even introduce you to new people that you might become friends with also.
    britEl's Avatar
    britEl Posts: 244, Reputation: 35
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    Sep 11, 2009, 09:29 PM

    Ok first off, life totally changes once your done high school, you barely see the people you go to school with anymore and you either work, or go to college/university and meet new people and make new friends.

    For the 21 year old you should have just been honest, he may have blown you off but then at least he new the truth and you wouldn't have gotten hurt and wouldn't be spending your time trying to call him. (Which I suggest you quit because now you are just seeming desperate, and it appears he doesn't want anything to do with you).

    Why exactly do you want boys in your life? I mean you have your whole life to find someone why is it such a necessity now?
    ohsohappy's Avatar
    ohsohappy Posts: 1,564, Reputation: 314
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    Sep 11, 2009, 09:36 PM

    Don't be so dramatic! That's the stupidest thing I think I've heard in a long time, saying that you want to end your life because you have no friends and no boy, yet you're pushing one away that's right in front of you for a dud that only wanted to hook up?

    First, Yeah, he probably only wanted you for sex. You lied, he thought you were legal and he was probably going to take advantage of it and then stop talking to you. Don't be too upset by this, the guys is still a stranger to you.

    If there's a guy that likes you, don't push him away, especially if you're feeling sorry for yourself about not having anyone. If you keep pushing people away and then being so dramatic about it then nobody is going to sympathize with you.

    Join clubs and be more social. It's not that hard if you stop pushing people away. I'm sure there's a lot more people that would care if you paid more attention.
    Maybe it's just because they're not the "popular" kids? That's why a lot of kids feel sorry for themselves. Because they're not part of the crowd that they think is "cool" So they push others away. I wouldn't be surprised if you ignored the "uncool" kids because of that. Considering you're doing it for a random guy that doesn't give a S*** about you. In real life there's no cool or uncool kids, there's just people. Everyone is a person. If you don't treat them like people, chances are that you might not be treated like one either.

    Sorry to be so harsh, but you need it.
    ohsohappy's Avatar
    ohsohappy Posts: 1,564, Reputation: 314
    Ultra Member

    Sep 11, 2009, 09:44 PM

    I'm going to tell you exactly the same thing that I told another member. It's all in the way you think about the situation.
    I'm just going to quote myself, I copied and pasted it from my other post.

    "To keep it simple, try to think about what you're thinking.

    Most things happen like this; something happenes to someone that causes an emotional response. This is called a trigger. Most people understand the trigger and the emotion only, what they do not understand that their emotions are directly connected to what your thoughts were at the time of the trigger. Make sense?

    Here, just in case

    A) Trigger, Something happens
    B) You have thoughts about the event
    C) emotions caused directly from the thoughts they had

    To make it simple, most people do not pay attention to what they think (B) after the trigger occurs.
    Most often people try to change their emotions by changing the trigger, when in fact, they can usually be changed by changing your thoughts.

    Thinking about your thoughts after there is something upsets you can be really helpful.

    I suggest this, if something upsets you during the day, quickly write it down, and your immediate emotional reaction to it.
    Later on in the day, when you have time, go back and read them and think about your thoughts when that happened.

    Try it out, it can really help."

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