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    princessdani136's Avatar
    princessdani136 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 18, 2009, 03:44 PM
    Can suboxone come up in a mouth swab test if only used the pill once?
    I took a suboxone on a Saturday, and the following Tuesday I took a mouth swab drug test for probation to get sent out and he marked on the test to test for suboxone.. now that I only took it once and not often, do you think it will be detcted in the mouch swab test?
    stevetcg's Avatar
    stevetcg Posts: 3,693, Reputation: 353
    Ultra Member

    Aug 19, 2009, 06:08 AM

    Yes, I do. Suboxone has a half life of 36 hours. Mouth swap tests are pretty accurate. Its likely that it would show up for weeks.

    Plus, its not THAT common of a drug, so if they are testing for it, it sounds like they have a good reason.

    Get a lawyer now... because I would bet money that you are about to be slammed with a Violation of Probation.

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