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    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 23, 2009, 02:55 AM
    How can I leave my 18 year old son on his own?
    I have an 18 year old son who has had legal problems, drug problems, has a 3 month old daughter, is back and forth with his relationship with the mother of his daughter. He is doing better now but can't keep a job...

    The love of my life, my boyfriend from 28 years ago, he is 54 and I am 48, wants me to get married and move to Kentucky from PA. The thing is is that I have been through so much with my son and just want to leave and spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. I don't want to turn my back on my son but he does not follow the rules of his probation, is abusing drugs again, not motivated to find a job. I know I have been enabling my son by providing for all his needs. Could I live with myself if I left him on his own? He is smart, capable but lacks motivation... What do I do?

    My life has been a living hell with him the last few years and I have a chance at happiness and am miserable working to support my 18 year old son and being alone. Am I being selfish to expect some happiness with the man of my dreams?
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Jul 23, 2009, 03:15 AM

    Cut the apron strings mom and find happiness for yourself. Could be this is a good thing for him. Not having you around to support him will, I hope, be a wake up call for maturity.

    caz1961's Avatar
    caz1961 Posts: 25, Reputation: 3
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    Jul 23, 2009, 03:20 AM
    Yes a difficult one for you I agree! I'm asuming his dads not on the scene. But does he have any friends or other support. Pvresumably he must have a probation officer that should be keeping eye on him, and could be housed by youth offenders which often happens if they can't live at home for one or other reason. It may be that it could be good to make him stand on his own feet with the above support. Because it doesn't sound as though what's happening at the moment in his life is making him change. He will only change when he wants to or reaches rock bottom, no matter what you do for him. Does he have siblings or not. And does he want to see his daughter? If that incentive doesn't help think maybe you should spk to youth offenders or probation officer and let them know of your intentions. You should be able to enjoy your life as well and not go without this happiness you have found. But if you do go to america will it work with all the worry you are going to feel back home, you don't say where your are at present but there is still email skype and video phone links to keep in touch.
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 23, 2009, 03:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Cut the apron strings mom and find happiness for yourself. Could be this is a good thing for him. Not having you around to support him will, I hope, be a wake up call for maturity.

    Thank you for your thoughts... I hear this from a lot of my friends also... I haven't dated much for the last 12 years and devoted my life to raising him, I have a second chance at happiness and don't want to let that go... thanks for the cut the apron strings comment, I needed to hear that!
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 23, 2009, 03:35 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by caz1961 View Post
    yes a difficult one for you i agree! im asuming his dads not on the scene. but does he have any friends or other support. pvresumably he must have a probation officer that should be keeping eye on him, and could be housed by youth offenders which often happens if they can't live at home for one or other reason. it may be that it could be good to make him stand on his own feet with the above support. because it doesnt sound as though whats happening at the moment in his life is making him change. he will only change when he wants to or reaches rock bottom, no matter what you do for him. does he have siblings or not. and does he want to see his daughter? if that incentive doesnt help think maybe you should spk to youth offenders or probation officer and let them know of your intentions. you should be able to enjoy your life aswell and not go without this happiness you have found. but if you do go to america will it work with all the worry you are going to feel back home, you dont say where your are at present but there is still email skype and video phone links to keep in touch.
    His father is in the picture but hasn't been for many years... We live in PA, Kentucky is only a 10 hour drive... he has no siblings, unfortunately friends who lack the motivation to grow up themselves also... Loves his daughter dearly but girlfirend and him have lots of issues, always fight etc... always drama here when I spend weekends with my boyfriend, he took a job to be close to me but it is not long term, I feel so happy and peaceful, hate to come home always drama... stupid drama... I am 48 and feel like a kid... I really don't want to be here and am tired of mothering this child. I have tried to step back as much as I could, wrote long letters outlining what I expect of him but did not give him a time table... ughhhhh
    caz1961's Avatar
    caz1961 Posts: 25, Reputation: 3
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    Jul 23, 2009, 03:45 AM
    Sounds like a typical teenage nightmare situation. Maybe his father should take some re sponsibility as well if he's in the picture. Ten hours isn't far away, thought maybe you were leaiving country. There's lots of them in england too. Called 'kippers' kids in parents pockets eroding retirement savings! Don't want to grow up living of parents and not paying their way.
    Too easy for them with mums around. Don't know rules in USA but if got probation officer leave them with problem. And move on with your happiness. Good luck.
    ANB428's Avatar
    ANB428 Posts: 450, Reputation: 42
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    Jul 23, 2009, 06:38 AM

    I just wanted to tell you my story. My mother and I always fought. I was always in and out of trouble with the law and with her. I never listened to anything that she told me and I was going down the wrong path.

    When I was 18 she kicked me out of her house and I move to CA from TX. I ended up getting pregnant and having my child. Two months after I had her, I left her dad because of his abuse. At that time I was 19 years old. When I called my mom to help me, she told me that she didn't tell me to move out to CA and told me to figure it out on my own and hung up on me.

    I didn't talk to her for a year or so after that, but I also grew up. I knew that I only had me and I was the only one who was there to take care of my daughter. Right then and there my life did a 360. I started going to church and changing my ways. Now, 4 years later, I am doing great. I am almost done with college, I have a house and I am supporting my daughter fully by myself. My mom is also my best friend now.

    If it wouldn't have been for my mom showing me tough love and cutting the rope, then I wouldn't be where or who I am today. I thank my mom everyday for eveything that she has done for me and that she was the best mom for telling me to figure it out on my own. It made me grow up and see what life was really about. She started helping me out when she saw that I was working two jobs and going to school full-time being a single mother, but before I worked on bettering my life she wouldn't help me.

    So, my advice for you is to show him tough love and do what makes YOU happy, not him. He is an adult now and the decisions that he makes shouldn't effect your life and make you miserable. He needs to figure out life and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom in order to start changing. I know that it will be hard, but at least you aren't that far away in case he really needs you. Good luck and you will be in my prayers.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 23, 2009, 10:14 AM

    Go be with him.
    Your being there for his son isn't going to fix or change him all that much. He is going to do what he is going to do until he learns for himself and wakes up on his own.

    Enabling and worry doesn't do one bit of good.
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 23, 2009, 05:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ANB428 View Post
    I just wanted to tell you my story. My mother and I always fought. I was always in and out of trouble with the law and with her. I never listened to anything that she told me and I was going down the wrong path.

    When I was 18 she kicked me out of her house and I move to CA from TX. I ended up getting pregnant and having my child. Two months after I had her, I left her dad because of his abuse. At that time I was 19 years old. When I called my mom to help me, she told me that she didn't tell me to move out to CA adn told me to figure it out on my own and hung up on me.

    I didn't talk to her for a year or so after that, but I also grew up. I knew that I only had me and I was the only one who was there to take care of my daughter. Right then and there my life did a 360. I started going to church and changing my ways. Now, 4 years later, I am doing great. I am almost done with college, I have a house and I am supporting my daughter fully by myself. My mom is also my best friend now.

    If it wouldn't have been for my mom showing me tough love and cutting the rope, then I wouldn't be where or who I am today. I thank my mom everyday for eveything that she has done for me and that she was the best mom for telling me to figure it out on my own. It made me grow up and see what life was really about. She started helping me out when she saw that I was working two jobs and going to school full-time being a single mother, but before I worked on bettering my life she wouldn't help me.

    So, my advice for you is to show him tough love and do what makes YOU happy, not him. He is an adult now and the decisions that he makes shouldn't effect your life and make you miserable. He needs to figure out life and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom in order to start changing. I know that it will be hard, but at least you aren't that far away in case he really needs you. Good luck and you will be in my prayers.
    Thank you so much you dear young woman for replying to me with your invaluable advice. It appears I have been getting the same from family and friends. I am SOOO proud of you for your achievements and wish you continued success with you and your daughter... you are an incredibly remarkable young woman to have gone so far and to take the time out of your busy schedule to help this 49 year old woman who is old enough to be your mother means the world to me... Peace, Love and Light, Karen
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    ANB428 Posts: 450, Reputation: 42
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    Jul 24, 2009, 05:43 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by kayemak View Post
    Thank you so much you dear young woman for replying back to me with your invaluable advice. It appears I have been getting the same from family and friends. I am SOOO proud of you for your achievements and wish you continued success with you and your are an incredibly remarkable young woman to have gone so far and to take the time out of your busy schedule to help this 49 year old woman who is old enough to be your mother means the world to me...Peace, Love and Light, Karen
    No problem, I just wanted to let you know that once teenagers hit "adult" hood, they think that they know everything. Reality has to hit them smack dab in the face before they will wake up and say oh sh*t, my mom was right! I look back at the things that my mom used to tell me and at the time I thought that she was so dumb, but now, I totally understand what she was talking about.

    As long as you have raised that child right, he will end up right in the end. You at least gave him a fighting chance by actually caring about him and putting him first for so long! A lot of parents don't do that for their child and it is sad, but you have and all of your hard work will pay off when it is all said and done. Just remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and that it may be really hard to show tough love. He may hate you at the time, but later in life he will thank you. I thank my mom everyday almost. Good luck and I will pray for God to give you strength to do this and for him to give your son wisdom. God bless.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 24, 2009, 08:18 AM

    ... yep and often reality doesn't smack kids when mommy is there to pick up the pieces.
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:16 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ANB428 View Post
    I just wanted to tell you my story. My mother and I always fought. I was always in and out of trouble with the law and with her. I never listened to anything that she told me and I was going down the wrong path.

    When I was 18 she kicked me out of her house and I move to CA from TX. I ended up getting pregnant and having my child. Two months after I had her, I left her dad because of his abuse. At that time I was 19 years old. When I called my mom to help me, she told me that she didn't tell me to move out to CA adn told me to figure it out on my own and hung up on me.

    I didn't talk to her for a year or so after that, but I also grew up. I knew that I only had me and I was the only one who was there to take care of my daughter. Right then and there my life did a 360. I started going to church and changing my ways. Now, 4 years later, I am doing great. I am almost done with college, I have a house and I am supporting my daughter fully by myself. My mom is also my best friend now.

    If it wouldn't have been for my mom showing me tough love and cutting the rope, then I wouldn't be where or who I am today. I thank my mom everyday for eveything that she has done for me and that she was the best mom for telling me to figure it out on my own. It made me grow up and see what life was really about. She started helping me out when she saw that I was working two jobs and going to school full-time being a single mother, but before I worked on bettering my life she wouldn't help me.

    So, my advice for you is to show him tough love and do what makes YOU happy, not him. He is an adult now and the decisions that he makes shouldn't effect your life and make you miserable. He needs to figure out life and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom in order to start changing. I know that it will be hard, but at least you aren't that far away in case he really needs you. Good luck and you will be in my prayers.
    :( Now I come home from a weekend with my boyfriend and find vials of pills and a straw, one is skelaxin and one is ultram the other is xanax, he takes medication, including Klonipin for a seizure disorder that startd last year, wndering if this snorting drugs has caused it//?. and also an empty bottle of rum... and an email talking about xanax... Do I try and help this kid and get him in rehab, he always smoked pot, after he was arrested in March, I never realized how much, so now with the drug tests from the probation officer, I just don't know what the hell he is trying to do. Do I try to get him in rehab or kick him out?
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:17 AM
    [QUOTE=kayemak;1875095]I have an 18 year old son who has had legal problems, drug problems, has a 3 month old daughter, is back and forth with his relationship with the mother of his daughter. He is doing better now but can't keep a job...

    The love of my life, my boyfriend from 28 years ago, he is 54 and I am 48, wants me to get married and move to Kentucky from PA. The thing is is that I have been through so much with my son and just want to leave and spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. I don't want to turn my back on my son but he does not follow the rules of his probation, is abusing drugs again, not motivated to find a job. I know I have been enabling my son by providing for all his needs. Could I live with myself if I left him on his own? He is smart, capable but lacks motivation... What do I do?

    My life has been a living hell with him the last few years and I have a chance at happiness and am miserable working to support my 18 year old son and being alone. Am I being selfish to expect some happiness with the man of my dreams?

    Monday July 27, Now I come home from a weekend with my boyfriend, my son tells me he is going to bed and I hear him sneak out at 10"30 so I look through the house and find vials of pills and a straw, one is skelaxin and one is ultram the other is xanax, he takes medication, including Klonipin for a seizure disorder that startd last year, wndering if this snorting drugs has caused it//?. and also an empty bottle of rum... and an email talking about xanax... Do I try and help this kid and get him in rehab, he always smoked pot, after he was arrested in March, I never realized how much, so now with the drug tests from the probation officer, I just don't know what the hell he is trying to do. Do I try to get him in rehab or kick him out?
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:18 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    ...yep and often reality doesn't smack kids when mommy is there to pick up the pieces.

    Monday July 27, Now I come home from a weekend with my boyfriend, my son tells me he is going to bed and I hear him sneak out at 10"30 so I look through the house and find vials of pills and a straw, one is skelaxin and one is ultram the other is xanax, he takes medication, including Klonipin for a seizure disorder that startd last year, wndering if this snorting drugs has caused it//?. and also an empty bottle of rum... and an email talking about xanax... Do I try and help this kid and get him in rehab, he always smoked pot, after he was arrested in March, I never realized how much, so now with the drug tests from the probation officer, I just don't know what the hell he is trying to do. Do I try to get him in rehab or kick him out?
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Cut the apron strings mom and find happiness for yourself. Could be this is a good thing for him. Not having you around to support him will, I hope, be a wake up call for maturity.

    Monday July 27, Now I come home from a weekend with my boyfriend, my son tells me he is going to bed and I hear him sneak out at 10"30 so I look through the house and find vials of pills and a straw, one is skelaxin and one is ultram the other is xanax, he takes medication, including Klonipin for a seizure disorder that startd last year, wndering if this snorting drugs has caused it//?. and also an empty bottle of rum... and an email talking about xanax... Do I try and help this kid and get him in rehab, he always smoked pot, after he was arrested in March, I never realized how much, so now with the drug tests from the probation officer, I just don't know what the hell he is trying to do. Do I try to get him in rehab or kick him out?
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:20 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    Go be with him.
    Your being there for his son isn't going to fix or change him all that much. He is going to do what he is going to do until he learns for himself and wakes up on his own.

    Enabling and worry doesn't do one bit of good.

    Monday July 27, Now I come home from a weekend with my boyfriend, my son tells me he is going to bed and I hear him sneak out at 10"30 so I look through the house and find vials of pills and a straw, one is skelaxin and one is ultram the other is xanax, he takes medication, including Klonipin for a seizure disorder that startd last year, wndering if this snorting drugs has caused it//?. and also an empty bottle of rum... and an email talking about xanax... Do I try and help this kid and get him in rehab, he always smoked pot, after he was arrested in March, I never realized how much, so now with the drug tests from the probation officer, I just don't know what the hell he is trying to do. Do I try to get him in rehab or kick him out?
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:25 AM

    He is going to do it even if you are there or not. You can't put your life on hold for him. He feels that now he is 18 he can do as he pleases. Kids at that age are hard headed and think they are above harm.

    You do need to get some facts about the interaction of these pills and sit down with him and tell him that you are concerned about him and the dangers of interactions between these pills complicated with the fact he has seizures is going to kill him. That he most likely started getting seizures from the combination. Then have a heart to heart talk with him.

    You really can't get him into rehab he is 18 and would have to sign himself in unless maybe there is a problem that makes it possible like him flipping out or being a danger to himself or others.
    Also unless a person really wants to quit all rehab does is clean them up from the drug and they go out and start all over again.

    Archewellness is on rehab that has a better success rate than most.
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:27 AM
    Should I kick my 18 year old son out?
    July 23 I have an 18 year old son who has had legal problems, drug problems, has a 3 month old daughter, is back and forth with his relationship with the mother of his daughter. He is doing better now but can't keep a job...

    The love of my life, my boyfriend from 28 years ago, he is 54 and I am 48, wants me to get married and move to Kentucky from PA. The thing is is that I have been through so much with my son and just want to leave and spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. I don't want to turn my back on my son but he does not follow the rules of his probation, is abusing drugs again, not motivated to find a job. I know I have been enabling my son by providing for all his needs. Could I live with myself if I left him on his own? He is smart, capable but lacks motivation... What do I do?

    My life has been a living hell with him the last few years and I have a chance at happiness and am miserable working to support my 18 year old son and being alone. Am I being selfish to expect some happiness with the man of my dreams?


    July 27, Now I come home from a weekend with my boyfriend, my son tells me he is going to bed and I hear him sneak out at 10"30 so I look through the house and find vials of pills and a straw, one is skelaxin and one is ultram the other is xanax, he takes medication, including Klonipin for a seizure disorder that startd last year, wndering if this snorting drugs has caused it//?. taking xanax would show up the same as the klonipin he takes so now I am wondering if he is selling drugs. I also found an empty bottle of rum... and an email talking about xanax... Do I try and help this kid and get him in rehab, he always smoked pot, after he was arrested in March, I never realized how much, so now with the drug tests from the probation officer, I just don't know what the hell he is trying to do. Do I try to get him in rehab or kick him out? I am so torn, I so want to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams... I spend weekends at his house cause he doesn't want to make all this worse, plus the weekends he has spent with us, he has seen what is going on and doesn't want to influence my decision and says it is my son, I need to make the decision on what to do but he does talk to me about him, gave my son a card for his birthday with 50 in it...
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Jul 27, 2009, 04:52 AM

    The moderators here like you to stick with one post per topic.
    I didn't notice in the other post that he was on probatiion. That makes a lot of difference. He is on probation so if he is being drug tested on the probation then he would be in violation where they could arrest him and put him in rehab.
    I replied about rehab not being any help if they do not go willingly on your other post.

    Your son is going to do what he wants. You need to have a good talk with him and then make your decision based on how it goes.
    kayemak's Avatar
    kayemak Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 27, 2009, 05:11 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    The moderators here like you to stick with one post per topic.
    I didn't notice in the other post that he was on probatiion. That makes a lot of difference. He is on probation so if he is being drug tested on the probation then he would be in violation where they could arrest him and put him in rehab.
    I replied about rehab not being any help if they do not go willingly on your other post.

    Your son is going to do what he wants. You need to have a good talk with him and then make your decision based on how it goes.
    Thank you... this is so hard... I always tried to protect him, now I am just so torn, what is the best thing to do for my son?? Make him leave, call his probation officer, give him another chance... I am going to get married to the man I am seeing again,and we are moving about 10 hours away but I need to know in my heart I did all I could for my son before I do that and thank GOD he is patient with me and understands that I need to do the right thing or I couldn't live with myself... Thank you again for your time... I really appreciate it and never did anything like this before... I emailed all my friends also and the basic consensus is the same... which helps me more than you can ever know.. thank you, love, light and peace... Karen

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