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    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Jul 16, 2009, 11:53 AM
    How long should an LFT result take?
    Any of you medical experts know how long an LFT result should be in? I'm getting REAL anxious about it, so I'd really like to know. Tried Google with no luck. The blood was drawn on Monday (6th).
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jul 16, 2009, 12:10 PM

    Husband got his results in 10 days, live and in person at the Doctor's office.

    Are you waiting for a phone report or do you have an appointment with a Doctor?
    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Jul 16, 2009, 03:26 PM

    I am waiting for a phone call, as my next appt is not until October. I was told that if everything is OK, I WON'T hear from them, if sometthing's wrong, then they'll call. Nervewracking, huh? SO since you said 10 days, I think if I don't hear from them within,say, 2 weeks, I'll just call to speak to the nurse... otherwise I'll be a nervous wreck!! Well, sheesh, I already am a nervous wreck!

    I had to have it done due to the amount and combination of meds I was on, so I'm pretty freaked out.

    I was on (still am) Soma 350, Lortab 7.5 and/or 10 mg for over a year 8 per day, Xanax 2mg 3xday.

    Soma and Xanax are the only ones I currently take out of those listed. I now also take Fentanly 50mcg, ambien CR, OxyContin 10mg... I think thta's it for scripts. I do take some OTC's.

    I was in Whole Foods yesterday and Iwas looking for the sublingual melatonin so I could stop taking the script ambien, but it had a liver warning. KavaKava as well, same warning, but I thought it could replace the xanax.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jul 16, 2009, 03:35 PM

    I'm surprised that your Physician has prescribed Soma and Lortab together for an extended period - both can damage your liver. Same with Fentanyl (which I assume you mean) and Oxy.

    In fact, Fentanyl and Oxy at the same time is rather surprising.

    I'm sure you are aware that just because it's natural doesn't mean something is safe.
    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Jul 17, 2009, 10:22 AM

    I was in excruciating pain, sciatica (extreme), I could'nt sit, stand or walk without pain. My hip and leg felt like broken glass. He prescribed them for me in Novenber and I had to wait months for my surgery, and of course had to take them after surgery as well for some time.

    As far as my GP, I can't explain why he does what he doas.
    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Aug 10, 2009, 12:37 PM
    I Got My MRI Results Today
    ... and the news wasn't good at all. I'm so depressed, I really need some support but my husband is being downright cruel to me. I woke up in such excruciating pain and had to call him home from work and he has treated me like I did something wrong by doing that. I wa supposed to get the MRI at 5:30 PM so that it wouldn't cut into his workday, but there was no way I could be left alone with 2 small kids (it was a miracle that I could even get out of bed myself! ). So not only do I hurt like heck but I feel like crap for calling him from work, and the mental/verbal bashing has not stopped. I was also wanting to get the MRI done early so that I could get a head start on getting started on some better meds (this morphine is crap and doesn't help) but I got nowhere in that department! IThere is a chance that the nurse from my GP's office could call me back but it will be after 5, so if she doesn't call with a solution I have no choice but to go to the ER which is ridiculous. It'll cost me over $500 that I don't have to spend, plus I'm sure the ER doesn't deal with high-level pain meds, so the $500 would most likely be a waste. Gosh I am so upset and in so much pain. The MRI tech said he was amazed I could even stand based on how bad my injuries were. Prognosis is not good :( What a day, I can't believe this! Sorry, needed to vent. If anyone has any advice to throw in, feel free. Oh, I'm just burning up right now!

    Sorry, had to vent, I've got no one else to talk to since my hubby is being a complete jerk!
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Aug 10, 2009, 12:54 PM

    I'm so sorry that this is happening and that hubby is being less then supportive.

    I wish I had some advice, but I don't. I am here if you need a shoulder. :)

    You have an uphill battle, but you can do it. Give yourself some time to feel the anger, the hurt, then find a way to fight this.

    We're all here whenever you want to vent. :)
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Aug 10, 2009, 12:56 PM

    Where you live can you sign up for home nurses. I know it won't help you much but then you might not have to rely on your husband so much.
    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Aug 10, 2009, 09:13 PM

    Alty and NoHelp, I'm sorry but I had to spread the rep, so here's a pretend greenie and a big ((((((HUG))))))!

    NoHelp, my ins is pretty cheapo so I doubt they'd pay for a nurse, but I will check into it, as of course my husband certainly won't be able to be home with me enough to help due to his work schedule.

    And I'm so sad that I have had to quit my job. I loved my job. This is true hell for me right now! Thanks so much to all of you who are here to talk to!

    I wonder if I would qualify to get disability, because we really rely on my income. I don't know how we will get by without it. I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what I could do for a job but I'm very limited at this point as far as sitting, standing, driving... pretty much everything. I'll have to discuss this further with my neurologist once he figures out my best route for treatment. All I know at this point is that the injury is severe, one of the most severe he has seen, and that surgery is a definite if I am to feel any better or regain any mobility.

    I've never been on any kind of public assistance so I have some reservations about that. Oh God, what do I do? I feel so alone and left out in the cold! I feel like I've lost everything.

    Since I had to quit my job immediately, should I apply for disability now or what? I don't know anything about this, all I know is that we can't get by without my income. We're already barely scraping by and we're in foreclosure too. I'm in a real mess. I need a friend more than anything right now! My children are my only source of joy right now but I also feel like I am letting them down due to my condition (I have a previous back surgery that didn't "take" and this new injury is a new and worse addition to the old injury).

    Oh God, I feel like such a loser and a let down. I truly thank all of you for reading and responding to me, you just don't know how much it helped me!

    Oh yeah, if anyone knows about the disability question or could PM someone who may know, it would be a great help and a load off my mind.

    Thanks again so much guys, you have made me know that here is someone out there who cares and is willing to be a friend. (((HUG)))

    Sorry my post is so mushy, but I can't help it, you don't even know how much you have helped me out just by being there. I haven't known the feeling of a true friend for a long time. I miss it.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Aug 10, 2009, 09:27 PM

    Maybe you would qualify for ssd?

    Are you in Canada or what state?

    I can try to find some organizations that might be able to help
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
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    Aug 10, 2009, 09:56 PM
    Hi, passmeby!

    Would you mind sharing what your injuries were? I'm in a similar "boat" as you, but I don't have a spouse.

    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Aug 10, 2009, 10:08 PM

    You may not qualify for a nurse but you may qualify for a home health aide.Someone who does light cleaning and makes meals and will run errands.

    I also suffer from chronic back pain ,it is getting progressively worse and there are times my BF is not very supportive.

    He is a great guy but is very uncomfortable when it comes to dealing with seeing me in pain.As much as I keep it to myself.

    I think some of that is seeing me as a strong person,and when I am not (because of the pain) he does not seem to know how to relate to me.Could that be what is happening here with your hubby?

    Men like to fix things,that's what they do and I think when they feel helpless to fix things their frustration gets the better of them.No excuse for being cruel.

    I do understand how living with chronic pain can be depressing.I was on antidepressants for that very reason but I did not fare well on them but many people do.

    Have you considered that? Some antidepressants combined with a narcotic will also enhance the effectiveness of the narcotic.

    And not having medication that is effective just adds to the burden.Stress makes pain worse as well so it's a vicious cycle.

    I'm sorry you are going through this.I can relate ,believe me.Anytime you need to let off steam,you have friends here who will listen.

    Take care... Michele
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Aug 10, 2009, 10:10 PM

    You may not qualify for a nurse but you may qualify for a home health aide.Someone who does light cleaning and makes meals and will run errands.

    I also suffer from chronic back pain ,it is getting progressively worse and there are times my BF is not very supportive.

    He is a great guy but is very uncomfortable when it comes to dealing with seeing me in pain.As much as I keep it to myself.

    I think some of that is seeing me as a strong person,and when I am not (because of the pain) he does not seem to know how to relate to me.Could that be what is happening here with your hubby?

    Men like to fix things,that's what they do and I think when they feel helpless to fix things their frustration gets the better of them.No excuse for being cruel.

    I do understand how living with chronic pain can be depressing.I was on antidepressants for that very reason but I did not fare well on them but many people do.

    Have you considered that? Some antidepressants combined with a narcotic will also enhance the effectiveness of the narcotic.

    And not having medication that is effective just adds to the burden.Stress makes pain worse as well so it's a vicious cycle.

    I'm sorry you are going through this.I can relate ,believe me.Anytime you need to let off steam,you have friends here who will listen.

    Take care... Michele Sorry for the double post!!
    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Aug 11, 2009, 10:39 PM

    Thanks for the nice posts offering support, I truly appreciate it.
    No Help, I live in Oklahoma, so what I'll do is Google Disability and if I can't wade my way through all the lawyers ads I'll maybe neeed one of you guys to help me figure out where to turn for the info I need.

    I was busy all day today, I have somemore great news... as many of you know I have a pending misdemeanor case and I was to go to court on the 13th, but due to my condition and the many appointments I have lined up plus a surgery and a possible immediate hospitilization (I might have to go directly to the hospital right from my Pain Mgt Dr as I am having horrible problems, incotinence being one... yes, totally embarrassing), I was graciously granted a continuance.

    Well, I'm trying my best to keep my head up, and so far things have been going well. I got my MRI done very quickly, I got an almost immediate appt with the pain mgt Dr (the 12th), and I was granted the continuance on my case so things are looking great aside from the horrible medical issues but at least I don't think any of it's life-threatening so I guess that's a plus as well. Got to stay positive!

    Thanks so much guys, you really don't know how much I enjoy reading your kind words and having your support. I know I haven't always been the nicest person here at AMHD, but I am seeing the light now, we are all people with feelings and I shouldn't judg so harshly and I am going to make a sincere effort to be nicer and more supportive... or if I can't say anything nice, then I won't say anything at all!

    You guys are great! I'll check back in later on tomorrow after I am through with my appt to let you guys know how things went and what my prognosis is unless I get sent directly to the hospital. So if you don't hear from me tomorrow evening, then it might be bad news, but I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and everything will be OK, I just know it will.

    Goodnight all, and thanks for helping me and making me a better person through your kindness.
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Aug 11, 2009, 11:08 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by passmeby View Post
    Thanks for the nice posts offering support, I truly appreciate it.
    No Help, I live in Oklahoma, so what I'll do is Google Disability and if I can't wade my way thru all the lawyers ads I'll maybe neeed one of you guys to help me figure out where to turn for the info I need.

    I was busy all day today, I have somemore great many of you know I have a pending misdemeanor case and I was to go to court on the 13th, but due to my condition and the many appointments I have lined up plus a surgery and a possible immediate hospitilization (I might have to go directly to the hospital right from my Pain Mgt Dr as I am having horrible problems, incotinence being one....yes, totally embarrassing), I was graciously granted a continuance.

    Well, I'm trying my best to keep my head up, and so far things have been going well. I got my MRI done very quickly, I got an almost immediate appt with the pain mgt Dr (the 12th), and I was granted the continuance on my case so things are looking great aside from the horrible medical issues but at least I don't think any of it's life-threatening so I guess that's a plus as well. Gotta stay positive!!

    Thanks so much guys, you really don't know how much I enjoy reading your kind words and having your support. I know I haven't always been the nicest person here at AMHD, but I am seeing the light now, we are all people with feelings and I shouldn't judg so harshly and I am going to make a sincere effort to be nicer and more supportive.....or if I can't say anything nice, then I won't say anything at all!!

    You guys are great!! I'll check back in later on tomorrow after I am thru with my appt to let you guys know how things went and what my prognosis is unless I get sent directly to the hospital. So if you don't hear from me tomorrow evening, then it might be bad news, but I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and everything will be OK, I just know it will.

    Goodnight all, and thanks for helping me and making me a better person through your kindness.
    Good luck! Hay you are right,we are not so bad here.:rolleyes:
    I'm like the meanest beouch around but I learned that I got bigger and better broads who will take me down LOL :eek: They know who they are and so do I LOL!
    passmeby's Avatar
    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Aug 12, 2009, 07:36 PM

    Oh, sorry Clough, I missed your question before! I wasn't ignoring you! Well, I herniated some discs during childbirth, the pain was excruciating, it was concentrated in my hip and left leg so I thought at first I broke my hip! I had no clue it was a back problem until I explained my symptoms to the Doc and he immediately figured out what it probably was!

    This time, I have no clue what caused it, but I have a MAJOR herniation, one of the worst the Doc or MRI tech had ever seen.

    Then when I was at my appt today, I got some more seriously depressing news. I now need a cervical (neck) MRI because I have a major thing going on with my upper back. I forgot what it was called, but the Doc said there was major atrophy and disfigurement of my upper back/neck.

    I have a decision to make now, I need surgery or I can try an experimental injection therapy. I don't know what I'm going to do at this point, I am just falling apart. The odd thing is, no one in my entire family has any type of problem like this, they're all generally healthy and sound. Strange. I'm also the only one who wears glasses. I wonder what on Earth happened to me to have all this strange stuff happen to me? I feel like a loser! I'm 31 for Pete's sake, I shouldn't be falling apart like this! I can hardly move and now I can't work, man I miss working. And I feel so bad for not being able to do much physical activities with my kids.

    So, I have to think on the injections or to see a neurosurgeon immediately and see what he says. I think I'll see the neurosurgeon first because I'd like to get as much knowledge and info as possible before making such a big decision. Since I have this other major thing going on with my upper back, I am pretty sure I want to get another MRI ASAP and see a neurosurgeon first. Yeah. Decision made!

    Edit: Does anyone perhaps know what the cervical spinal abnormality and atrophy thing might be called? I've been trying to Google it forever now and keep getting the wrong "cervix"! What I remember him saying is tthat there is a deformation of my cervical spine and something is atrophied, well completely missing, a muscle or "bump" of sorts that's supposed to be right in the middle of the shoulder blades. If someone could help me figure it out I'd be grateful! I hate not knowing! I know I'll probably have to wait till Monday at least to get the MRI done so curiosity just kills me! I can't go all weekend! I'll be pulling my hair out!
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    passmeby Posts: 473, Reputation: 11
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    Aug 13, 2009, 07:16 PM

    OK, I spoke with my Doc today to set up an appt with a neurosurgeon, which will be wonderful! I also got my diagnosis fully explained to me:

    Lumbar Post Laminectomy Syndrome

    Cervical Radiculopathy with Atrophy (cause unknown until MRI is done, but the causes are either injury, arthritis or cancerous lesions)

    Lumbar Radiculopathy

    So, after thinking it over and doing some research online I am definitely not going to do the injections. Not to mention they're $4000 apeice and I'd need numerous, and they're not a cure necessarily, just a shrinking agent/anti-inflamitory and steroid, I would have to constantly keep getting them all my life basically so it just doesn't sound like a good idea at all! So I will be getting another surgery, or two surgeries depending on how bad the cervical injury is and what the root cause is. The good thing is, if the cause is not something terrible there are numerous non-surgical fixes.

    Has anyone else been through this kind of problem? Esp the cervical one? I do have some upper back pain but it's not sharp it's more of an aching and tight muscles, but the most severe symptom is that my upper back/shoulder area gets majorly fatigued easily and almost constantly. Like I just lifted weights or something! I really had no clue I had a major cervical issue like this! Total shock.

    The pain mgt Doc got me on a good combination therapy so I am feeling much better in that department. My GP had me on that morphine and boy was it terrible, I am so glad to be rid of that crap!

    So things are going allright now, I am a tad nervous about the cervical MRI, I really hope it's not cancerous lesions! It's probably not, but there's a possibility and I tend to worry about that kind of stuff!

    I'll be getting the MRI next week and I will know my neurosurgeon appt by tomorrow evening, but I know it will be soon, my Doc is great about getting me right in for appts! I hope I can get this surgery done ASAP!

    Oh, LOL, I left my cane in the store yesterday, I painted it all up with glittery paints and paint pens, it's got flowers and birds and stars all over it, I had to call the store to make sure they had it and they had me describe what it looked like, lol, there was no mistaking it was my cane! I think it was the only cane there, I think they just asked me to describe it as a joke! Oh well, we all got a laugh out of it!
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Aug 13, 2009, 07:29 PM

    Here are some places to check into

    Oklahoma Offices

    Oklahoma Respite Resource Network  - Oklahoma Areawide Services Information System - OASIS

    I know there are other organizations but I have to remember the names of them
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Aug 14, 2009, 05:54 AM

    You were on morphine and functioning?
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Aug 14, 2009, 06:02 AM

    Probably very low dosage

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