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    bernc032's Avatar
    bernc032 Posts: 19, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 2, 2006, 06:45 PM
    I don't get along with a sister who is a year and half older than me, I am having problems with my parents with communicating, the youngest sister doesn't like talking to me and is hostile towards me when I try to involve her or get invloved with things with her, and the oldest sister I don't really have an interest in talking to because she tries to solve my problems rather than just let me talk about them. Any suggestions to mend these bridges would help.
    Knowledgefinder's Avatar
    Knowledgefinder Posts: 45, Reputation: 6
    Junior Member

    Oct 2, 2006, 10:01 PM
    Try allowing your younger sister to come to you instead of you going to her.

    Your oldest sister it seems is trying to help you, though obviously not to your likng, which is understandable. Have you tried politely asking her to just listen to you because you want to vent? She may not know that you just want someone to listen to your problems rather than to have someone fix them?

    (I apologize if I missed a section, I am a little confused on how many siblings you have. So I apologize if I cut someone out, I didn't mean to)

    As for your parents, what kind of communication problems are you having with them? For instance, are they not wanting to hear you out or are they just having a problem with understanding you? Or is it something else?

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