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    Pallab's Avatar
    Pallab Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 1, 2006, 12:23 PM
    From a call center in India, can we call all the states in USA? If not, how does one get the licence, how much time it takes and what is the cost involved.

    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
    Uber Member

    Sep 1, 2006, 01:35 PM
    Hello Pallab:

    Yes, you can call anywhere in the US - no license required - to call anyway. The only restriction is that you may not call anyone on the "do not call" registry. I have no idea how to find it, though. Even though there's no license required to call, there may be other licensing requirements to do business within a particular state, however, such as a sales tax license. It depends on what you're selling.

    GaryArt's Avatar
    GaryArt Posts: 43, Reputation: 12
    Junior Member

    Sep 1, 2006, 09:33 PM
    You may call anywhere in the U.S. as excon correctly noted. Business phones cannot be placed on a "Do Not Call List" as residential and cellular phones may be. You must not call any number listed on such a list.

    The national list is administered by the Federal Communications Commission. You can learn more about it at Some states also have "do not call" lists and laws.

    Additionally, while you may call anywhere not listed, some jurisdictions to have restrictions: Wisconsin requires the posting of a bond before you may conduct telemarking campaigns in that state. (Personally, I think their law is unconstitutional and a violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause, but no one has challenged it yet (as far as I know); it was only enacted last year).

    Some other states place restrictions or limitations on the hours or days you may call, and still others restrict or regulate the use of predictive dialers (auto dialers) and/or recorded messages. The attorney-general's office in each state can provide you with information on their respective rules.

    Note my profile shows I am a marketing executive. More precisely, I am national sales director at a large technology supplies wholesaler. The vast majority of our business is b2b, and done over the phone.

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