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    marie5555's Avatar
    marie5555 Posts: 7, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 9, 2009, 05:51 PM
    40 weeks and no labor
    This is my first pregnancy so I feel like I do not know much sometimes... Reading has helped but I still feel like there is so much more to learn. I am 40 weeks pregnant and I only have mild cramp like pains and back pains, but nothing... I feel huge and uncomfortable and feel like I might be pregnant forever... I have read the true labor signs but I have also learned EVERYONE is different and it can be different for anyone... Is this normal and How can I remain calm during this nerve racking week.:)
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Feb 9, 2009, 06:02 PM

    "Get down on your hands and knees and wash the kiitchen floor."

    That's what people told me when I was wearing your moccasins. Not only is everyone different, but every pregnancy is different. What happened with my first never happened with my second.

    What does your doctor say? Have you dilated? When your water breaks or the mucus plug has fallen out or you can't talk during contractions, you will know labor is beginning or has begun. In other words, you won't have any doubt.

    Calm? Did you take a class on how to breathe? Take long, slow breaths and exhale slowly. Think about sunny beaches and floating on your back in the ocean. Enjoy the peace and quiet. It will soon be over.
    SSaurabh's Avatar
    SSaurabh Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 10, 2009, 12:52 PM
    I am in full agreement with Wondergirl's reply but would like to add my bit as well.

    I gave birth a year ago and my son didn't keep me waiting too long (delivered at 37weeks). My gyn gives my example to most of her patients so I feel my efforts are worth sharing.

    I attended Lamaze classes every weekend and did some of the stretching excercises at home too. And went for walks almost daily in the last 2 weeks. Just before delivery too, I was on a 30min walk to the supermarket. My labor did start on the way back (though it was mild cramps).

    So I suggest you get down on your fours and practice Cat Stretch Pose & Full butterfly Poses (refer site Third Trimester Pregnancy Exercises)

    Make sure u are relaxed enough and get some sleep when you can because once labour starts, it's a new n hectic world..

    Good luck..
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Feb 10, 2009, 01:03 PM

    These are the last days of your baby inside of you and soon you will start on the most incredible journey of your life!

    As the girls above said,lots of deep breathing and positive visualization.

    Pamper yourself ,a candlelit bath,ask your mate for a soothing back rub. Eat your favorite foods and take a nice leisurely walk.Not too far from home.

    Enjoy this time,feel your motherhood essence and your connection to earth.Its so profound!

    Many Blessings to you and your new child!
    DSMom's Avatar
    DSMom Posts: 55, Reputation: 17
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    Feb 10, 2009, 01:15 PM
    I was overdue with my first son. I delivered on March 23rd (I was due March 15th) and I too felt like you. They thought I was having twins because of how big I was! (they checked me for twins 4 times and insisted one baby was "hiding"... in reality I just had a big 9 1/2 pound baby inside):eek:

    I did all the stretches, had sex (the Dr. said it could help, so unbelievable enough, I tried my best, :olol), and walked through the whole neighborhood every evening (approx a mile a night), drank red raspberry leaf tea (which is supposed to "ripen" the cervix)... NOTHING WORKED! LOL

    Babies come when they are ready hun, I know it is hard and you want nothing more than for your baby to begin its journey to the world. If you go too long, the Dr. will induce you. Try to relax and enjoy the time you have to yourself as others here have said, because it will soon be a memory :)

    Good Luck!
    bobeyes's Avatar
    bobeyes Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 10, 2009, 08:19 PM

    Doctors give a due date, but it's more of a birth month. It all depends on when you ovulate, if you chart, etc. knowing your last period might not be accurate, if you're irregular, or under stress, or any of a million things.
    I was due with my son on November 24th, delivered him on December 4th. Now, I'm not sure, he was my first, but we went to the L&D ward twice in the middle of the night with contractions and etc, two minutes apart then.. nothing. I'm wondering if my body was ready and we just didn't know.
    Have them check and recheck your amniotic fluid levels - that seems to be what my problem was. My son wasn't too big (7-12), but my fluid levels were low, keeping him from turning and descending. They checked only from the front, so if it's a concern, have them check from the side as well.
    Did you notice a drop? If so, I'd say be patient. If you're dilating and effacing, it's only a matter of time. Like everyone will tell you, when it's time, you'll know.
    Also, which way is the baby facing? If the baby's face is turned up, you may experience back labor, which can differ completely from "normal" labor.
    As long as you're able to do kick counts, and the doctors tell you you're fine, don't worry.
    They won't let you go forever, and being induced (if need be) isn't as terrible as it's made out to be.
    Even a C-Section isn't too bad, I was up and feeling a pained normal in five days. Might have something to do with being on the younger side (I'm nineteen).
    Take this time to relax and nap when you can, 'cause that time's about over - lol.
    Try reading, if you enjoy it, or listening to music. Take a walk, who knows, might speed things up. Take this time to do some things you enjoy - safely, please. I remember my whale days, and that belly really can throw you for a loop when you least expect it.
    There's a million suggestions out there to induce labor, from the tea above to pressure points, to who knows what all.
    My OB suggested walking, relaxation and sex.
    Walking because it helps the baby to move into position, relaxation for the same reason, and the sex - if your partner has an orgasm - because the prostaglandins in semen ripen the cervix, not to mention the exercise. Thankfully, the OB didn't mention that the hormones work better when ingested (I was pretty nauseated near the end). But they do.

    Good luck and enjoy the new little one when he/she arrives.
    Everyone will say this, but enjoy this time. My ten week old learned to "fake cry" at five weeks, and yells (no change in facial expression, just open mouth) to keep himself awake. For hours. It isn't colic, of that we're fairly certain. 'Eh, new mommy horror stories! Love to hear yours back, we can trade misery.
    Once again, relax! And good luck.
    jjb4060's Avatar
    jjb4060 Posts: 87, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 12, 2009, 10:32 AM

    As soon as you give up trying to do anything you can to get the baby to come out, that's when it will come :) Enjoy the silence while you have it and SLEEP all you can because you will never in your life be as tired as you will be with your new little bundle of joy for the 1st few months!
    liz28's Avatar
    liz28 Posts: 4,662, Reputation: 1034
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    Feb 12, 2009, 10:40 AM

    Sometimes the 1st is takes the longest. With my first daughter I didn't have her until the really end, 42 weeks. My doctor at the time told me to do a lot of walking which I did but still nothing happen. Eventually they wind up inducing my labor because of my dauthter stubborniess.

    Now my son couldn't wait to come out because he came a month early, at 36 weeks and 6 days, so yes every pregnancy is different.

    The baby will come when he/she is ready too. In the meantime make should you have your bag pack and ready to go when the time strike.

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