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    ineedsomeadvice's Avatar
    ineedsomeadvice Posts: 36, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2009, 06:33 PM
    Intrusive In Laws
    Hi everyone. I'm new to the site and hope to gather some good advice in order to stay sane. I have some in law problems. My husband and I got married 4 months ago, we live with his family. I do not have any family in the US, only my husband. The problem I have is with my husbands' mother and older sister. Those two have a can't live with and can't live without relationship. When they are mad at each other they like to bad mouth each other behind their backs, but when they aren't at each others' throats, I seem to be the target of them not having anything better to do with their time. They're such miserable people, buzz killers, I can't stand being around their negativity and they love to play the victim card. They have done some pretty nasty and mean things to me and the other day someone told me that my mother in law is going around telling everyone that I am a two-faced b@#ch. I told my husband about this and he gave her a piece of his mind. It took him a few months to stand up for me to them and now his got it down, which I am very grateful for.
    I am just so sick of all the bull, cause if anyone is two-faced it will definitely be her. She always says that her in laws always treated her so bad and that she will never do that to anyone else, but when the hairdresser, her friend, couldn't do our hair for our wedding. She went and made appointments for her and her two daughters, never mind the bride. My husband confronted her and she had absolutely nothing to say. At our wedding reception she and her daughter were going around talking nonsense about me again, I had people, who don't even know me, give me dirty looks and the cold shoulder all night. After the wedding I heard from a friend that my mil told him that I'm a little b&$ch and that I told the photographer not to take pictures of my husband and his family. This is not true. She was furious because the photographer was paying attention to the bride and groom and not her demands. But of course she needed someone to blame. Whenever I stand up for myself, she would throw it in my face of how "good" she has been to me and all the things she pays for, so I guess what she is trying to say is that because she "pays for things" and that my husband and I live with them, allows her to treat me like crap. So I have become pretty good at ignoring them. I'm working now too and am very busy, so I don't really see them that often, but now the problem is keeping them out of my personal business. I try answering questions in a polite way, but also in a way that doesn't allow for more questions, but she just keeps digging, like she has a right to know my personal business. I don't feel like being rude or starting a argument.
    Does anyone have any advice for me? Or any comments?
    ethansmommy's Avatar
    ethansmommy Posts: 19, Reputation: 3
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    Jan 26, 2009, 02:24 PM

    Two words. MOVE OUT. I HATE my inlaws and couldn't/wouldn't ever live with them and my husband wouldn't put me through that.
    amayko's Avatar
    amayko Posts: 5, Reputation: 0
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    Feb 6, 2009, 02:29 PM
    If you move away from her then she will have less control over your life. Sorry that you are going through this. It is also good that your husband is standing up for you otherwise it might hurt your relationship with him.
    ineedsomeadvice's Avatar
    ineedsomeadvice Posts: 36, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Feb 6, 2009, 05:52 PM

    You guys are the best. Thank you for your advice, it is very comforting knowing that someone cares.

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