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    hezzy1's Avatar
    hezzy1 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 18, 2009, 01:08 PM
    Can I be forced to sell an asset to pay a law suit
    My 16 yr old daughter was involved in an accident resulting in a pedestrian being injured. Of course, this pedestrian was trying to play chicken with her car according to a relative of the pedestrian.

    I only had the minimum amount of liablility insurance. He needed an operation on his leg and now the medical bills are more than my insurance covers. Can I be forced to sell my home or the property next to me that I own to pay these medical bills? I'm not trying to get out of paying them, but I don't want to lose something I've worked hard for because some kid was being stupid. If my wages are garnished, is there a set amount in Pennsylvania that they will take from me?
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Jan 18, 2009, 01:11 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by hezzy1 View Post
    My 16 yr old daughter was involved in an accident resulting in a pedestrian being injured. Of course, this pedestrian was trying to play chicken with her car according to a relative of the pedestrian.

    I only had the minimum amount of liablility insurance. He needed an operation on his leg and now the medical bills are more than my insurance covers. Can I be forced to sell my home or the property next to me that I own to pay these medical bills? I'm not trying to get out of paying them, but I don't want to lose something I've worked hard for because some kid was being stupid. If my wages are garnished, is there a set amount in Pennsylvania that they will take from me?

    Has your insurance company taken statements from the witnesses in order to determine fault or percentage of fault?

    You need an Attorney if the claim is more than your insurance. This is nothing to guess about. For starters if there is a Judgment based on an auto accident you can lose your driver license until the Judgment is paid.

    You need an Attorney to advise you of your rights and what can and cannot be done. Very often if there is not insurance an Attorney won't take the case - the Attorney gets paid his percentage right up front and if there is nothing to pay with, there is no lawsuit filed.

    (I investigate liability matters in NY.)
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Jan 19, 2009, 05:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by hezzy1 View Post
    I've worked hard for because some kid was being stupid.
    Hello h:

    As Judy indicated, if he jumped out in front of your daughters car, you might not owe ANYTHING... You only pay if your daughter was negligent...

    Make CERTAIN that your insurance company knows that. THEY'RE the ones who are going to have to defend your daughter.


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