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    WindandCloud's Avatar
    WindandCloud Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 14, 2008, 08:27 PM
    Housebreaking 1 year chihuahua mix
    What's the best way to housebreak? I have a 1 year old rescue dog- Chihuahua terrier mix. She continually goes in the house at times on a wee wee pad other times no. I try to catch her in the act of doing it in order to make her understand it's bad and I praise her outdoors when she does it. She still does it in the house and she knows its bad because she runs and hides afterward. I would like to eventually wean off the pads so that she does it only outside. What's the best way to do it?
    Silverfoxkit's Avatar
    Silverfoxkit Posts: 798, Reputation: 264
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    Dec 17, 2008, 01:08 AM

    Training an adult is much harder the training a puppy. The most important factor is patience! When you catch her in the act, how do you tell her its bad? Any harsh treatment such as bopping or cruelty rubbing a dogs nose in or near its accidents can cause more harm then good to the training process. The dog will only learn to fear its people, and do its business when your not around that way. Therefore catching it in the act and cleaning up its flagged potty spots becomes a lot tougher and every accident that goes uncaught is a step backwards. Getting a crate might help tremendously. Here's a site about how to crate train

    Crate Training | The Humane Society of the United States

    Also how do you feed your dog? Does it have free access to eat or are its meals scheduled?
    WindandCloud's Avatar
    WindandCloud Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 17, 2008, 09:30 AM
    Yes, that's exactly what's happening.. she's elusive and does it when my wife and I aren't around. We haven't caught her to date.. Her meals are very scheduled and she's walked 3 times a day. Thank you for the site.
    Silverfoxkit's Avatar
    Silverfoxkit Posts: 798, Reputation: 264
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    Dec 17, 2008, 11:16 AM

    Then a crate may be your best option. That way you can crate your dog when you are not home, sleeping or otherwise unable to monitor her. If at all possible try to find all of her own designated bathrooms and clean them well with a good enzyme removing cleaner. While you are trying to teach her,you are going to need to take her outside a lot more then three times a day. Every few hours will give her ample opportunity to get it right. When she is loose from the crate limit her area to where you can keep an eye on her. If you see any signs of needing to potty like sniffing or even beginning to squat, grab her up and take her out. If she refuses outside, put her in the crate and try again shortly. If she has to go stubbornness can only hold out so long.
    ZoeMarie's Avatar
    ZoeMarie Posts: 2,049, Reputation: 468
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    Dec 17, 2008, 11:32 AM

    It sounds like you need to get your dog crate trained. And I've found what helps so she won't pee in her crate is to feed her in there. I keep our puppy's bowls in the cage as a reminder that's where she eats, even if they're empty. Dogs don't like to pee in their "dining room."

    Don't punish her if she potties in the house, but try to catch her in the act. Clap your hands or make some kind of noise to distract her so she stops and pick her up and take her out. Make sure you give her treats and praise while she's outside when she goes potty. If you give them to her when you get back into the house she might rush while outside and not really empty her bladder because she's excited for a treat.

    Also, dogs need to eliminate after eating, drinking, playing or napping, so if you can get her out after any of these activities it will give her a chance to potty outside when she needs to.

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