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    Amyunimus's Avatar
    Amyunimus Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 26, 2006, 10:56 PM
    Counting Cells If several criteria are true
    Another question.

    I'd like to count the number of cells in column C that have "incorrect" in them, if the corresponding cells in column A have "people" in it, and column B has "intact" in it.

    So if A = people and B = intact, count all C that = incorrect.

    colbtech's Avatar
    colbtech Posts: 748, Reputation: 66
    Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2006, 01:35 AM
    =IF(A1="people",IF(B1="intact",IF(J1="incorrect",1 ,0)))

    This will put a 1 in the target cell IF all conditions are met.

    Then select all the target cells and click on the Autosum icon

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