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    jep1982's Avatar
    jep1982 Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 11, 2006, 10:30 PM
    Signs of Miscarriage?
    I had a miscarriage on October 3rd, 2005... Since February, my fiancé and I have been trying again. Every month since then we have had no results in getting pregnant. This week I was supposed to get my period (3 days late) however, have had some cramping and bleeding, not to the extent of my period though. Is there any possible chance that I can be miscarrying again? If anyone knows, I would appreciate it a lot. Also, what are the signs of an early miscarriage? 4-5 weeks... In October I was 14 weeks along, and it was completely different from what I've been told.
    Thanks for anyone's help.
    Krs's Avatar
    Krs Posts: 2,906, Reputation: 320
    Ultra Member

    Jun 12, 2006, 04:08 AM
    To get the best advice you require, is best to go to a doctor. Wish I could help more otherwise :)
    Good luck
    Stormy69's Avatar
    Stormy69 Posts: 290, Reputation: 98
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    Jun 12, 2006, 05:19 AM
    The symptoms of miscarriage can vary widely. In some cases, a pregnancy can be lost so early that a woman was not even aware she was pregnant. In other cases, the only sign of miscarriage may be that a woman's period came a few days later than normal. On the other side of the spectrum the symptoms of miscarriage can be quite obvious or severe.
    The most common finding in women who have had a very early miscarriage is having no symptoms at all. Various signs and symptoms might include one or more of the following:

    Late period
    Heavier than normal period
    A period that lasts more days than usual
    A home test was positive but has now turned negative
    A serum pregnancy test was positive but has now turned negative
    A serum pregnancy test measuring hCG levels was previously increasing but has now started dropping
    Loss of breast tenderness
    Loss of nausea
    Subjective feeling of "not being pregnant"

    The further a pregnancy has progressed the more likely it is that a woman may experience signs and symptoms that are commonly associated with miscarriage.

    Abnormal bleeding
    Dark brown spotting
    Light pink spotting
    Bright red spotting
    Bright red bleeding

    Passing blood clots - many women who aren't used to seeing blood clots normally during their menstrual flow may think that they are passing pregnancy tissue. While this is true occasionally, it is far more common to pass clots alone.

    Physical symptoms
    Lower pelvic cramping
    Severe pelvic cramping
    Generalized or diffuse pelvic pain
    Note: Pain in a pregnant patient may also be a symptom of a more serious problem such as an ectopic pregnancy or a ruptured ovarian cyst. Any severe pain or pain that is localized to one side or the other should be thoroughly investigated.

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