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    Darth_Tanion's Avatar
    Darth_Tanion Posts: 105, Reputation: 7
    Junior Member

    May 31, 2006, 09:12 PM
    Opening a Toshiba
    I have a Toshiba Satellite A10 that I need to access the motherboard on but I cannot get the bottom off. I have removed every screw I can see but there looks to be some underneath the keyboard. Has anybody else had this problem and if so how do you get them apart?

    Tommyp!972's Avatar
    Tommyp!972 Posts: 300, Reputation: 36
    Full Member

    May 31, 2006, 09:42 PM
    If you can not open a toshiba notebook then most likely you should not try to work on it... I have taken a few apart in my day and you do not want to do that if you are unfamiliar with them

    What is the problem with it specifically... maybe we can help you fix the problem without opening it
    Darth_Tanion's Avatar
    Darth_Tanion Posts: 105, Reputation: 7
    Junior Member

    May 31, 2006, 09:59 PM
    The problem is that it doesn't get past the first Toshiba screen. You know the one with the icons down the bottom to alter the boot menu. I was hoping to find the BIOS reset jumper on the motherboard so I could do a hardware reset but I just can't find the last few screws. I have taken notebook computers apart before so I'm not really concerned about being able to put it back together. That said however if I can fix it without having to pull it apart then even better. Thanks.

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