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    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    May 9, 2006, 06:06 PM
    Current Immigration Issues
    This may or may not have come up before. Please excuse me if it has. But I am just looking for everyone's input on the current status on the illegal aliens in the U.S. and their belief that they should be able to stay here. Personally, I see their side because the U.S. was founded on immagration. However, I do believe that the time has come to return illegals to their country of origin. We are becoming overcrowded and do not have the resources to help our own citizens much less citizens of other countries who think they can come here and take jobs away, get medical benefits and welfare.

    My opinion is that if you want to live here become a citizen just as you would have to any other country. If you want to live here, learn to speak our language.

    This can become a HOT topic, and as most of you are aware, I like to create discussions and debates. We all learn from each other's opinion.
    educatedhorse_2005's Avatar
    educatedhorse_2005 Posts: 500, Reputation: 78
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    May 9, 2006, 06:31 PM

    This is a good article
    It was written by charlie daniels
    educatedhorse_2005's Avatar
    educatedhorse_2005 Posts: 500, Reputation: 78
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    May 9, 2006, 07:10 PM
    Now for my opinion.

    First and foremost learn to speak english.
    Secondly pay taxes.
    Third do it legal.
    Fourth don't live twenty to a house.

    These are not all of my opinions but it is a start.
    Here are some links for you to look at.

    Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Border Patrol)
    Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Where Your Taxes Go)
    Krs's Avatar
    Krs Posts: 2,906, Reputation: 320
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    May 10, 2006, 05:51 AM
    It's a HUGE problem everywhere, even in Europe. We are being ivaded by these illegal imigrants, even where I come from, there are just 2 many...
    Send them all back home is my response... harsh but true!
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    May 10, 2006, 08:54 AM
    Like rats taking over a seafaring ship, there is no place they haven't taken up residence. The Catholic church is against birth control so every new child is a blessing from GOD. They are mostly Catholics from South America and Mexico. Birth control would be a really good place to start but that will not happen. The only thing that we can do is just open the borders and create a globalist society. They say the south west United States is theirs and that we stole it from them. Well, we did, fair and square. To the victor goes the spoils. From the native Americans on down. To the victor will go the spoils today. When they out breed us, they will be victorious. We have been invaded folks, from the inside!Overpopulation - Frosty Wooldridge - speaker, author, environmentalist, patriot, bicyclist; Frosty promotes open discussion of environmental and U.S. national sustainability issues, and reduction of immigration to replacement levels in order to stabilize U.S. population. Frosty is also known as Frosty Woolridge
    UmmMaysa's Avatar
    UmmMaysa Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    May 12, 2006, 01:04 PM
    HI everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me. I married this guy that was will here on HB1 visa. He got his Conditional Green card through me. The he left after getting the conditional Green card. We have a daughter together that he had shown no interest in seeing her at all till now. He applied for divorce because I refused to apply to remove the condition off his green card contacted immigration and been talking to them since sept, 05. I tried everything I think of. They will not do anything. The tip line had told me to stop calling and everyone is telling I have to wait till he commit a crime for them to pick him up. Isn't marriage fraud a crime. I even turned in e-mail showing that he got in this marriage for papers. The e-mail was my ex asking an attorney how long should he keep the marriage to get his papers. I sent everything wrote maybe 9 letters. Contacted the president of united states, vice president, and someone from the congress and Ice. They all telling me we will look in his case. Why does it take so long?? Why no one want to help. He's from Jordan so I thought for sure they will look at his case since he's from the Middle East. My big problem is that he will take my daughter over seas and I will never see her again and everyone say we will deal with it when it happen?? Can anything be done to protect me or my daughter?? Who do I need to call to get attention to this case. Why will they not deny his application and deport him... He suppose to get unsurprised visitation next month any suggestation??
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 12, 2006, 03:03 PM
    The US was based on legal immigration. And it was to be a "melting pot" where the person coming over, learns english, gets a job and works.

    Those that come legally are welcome.

    But we need to do three things, first secure the border, move in the national guard and the military and stop illegals of all types from coming across.

    Next arrest and fine companies that hire illegal aliens, just like the law says should happen.

    Then the illegal can either worth with the system and try to become legal, or go home.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    May 12, 2006, 09:34 PM
    The reason illegal immigration has been allowed is because some fat cats are making a lot of money off the backs of these poor people and the blame goes all the way to the top! I don't blame the illegals though, I'd probably do the same in their shoes. :cool: :mad:
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    May 12, 2006, 11:41 PM
    When something as harmful to our country as illegal immigration is constantly over looked by a government that goes out of it's way to control everything, the first thing I reason is that they are benifiting from it in some way or, it is part of a bigger plan. Either way, the government is not doing anything but talking on this one.;)
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    May 13, 2006, 04:47 AM
    Believe it or not Magprob, I don't think they care about anything but their money, and more of it!:cool: :confused:
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
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    May 13, 2006, 06:02 AM
    Update to all of this:
    CNN reports now that the "Minute Men", a growing organization, for protecting our borders, are becoming active. They insist on the Federal Gov't doing what it should to protect our borders.
    Obviously, the Fed. Gov't hasn't been doing the job! Hence, the great controversy over what to do with millions of illegals. Personally, if they are in the country, USA, illegally, then I believe they have NO voice at all in the matter!
    Anyway, the "Minute Men" organization is pushing for building a hugh "fence", with donations and volunteers. Meanwhile, the Fed Gov't is throwing it back on the States to protect their borders, using their National Guard.
    The Governor of CA, Gov. Arnold (can't spell his last name!); publicly told the Fed Gov't that they are responsible for the cost, not his State.
    Right on, Gov. Arnold!
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    May 13, 2006, 05:53 PM
    The thing is, they have all the money... next comes the insatiatable hunger for power. Once you have all the power, then what? I think to get rid of as many excess, usless humans as possible so they can have a pristine little planet to themselves. I really do believe we are being "preped" for a mass outbreak of some disease they have mutated in a lab to trim the world population. I have read so much from many different scientist that are saying the avian flu scare is nothing but crap. The really strange thing is, in the last 2 years quite a number of them have been murdered. There is something really nasty going on. :cool:
    CaptainForest's Avatar
    CaptainForest Posts: 3,645, Reputation: 393
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    May 13, 2006, 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by fredg
    The Governor of CA, Gov. Arnold (can't spell his last name!)
    Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Quote Originally Posted by fredg
    CNN reports now that the "Minute Men", a growing organization, for protecting our borders, are becoming active. They insist on the Federal Gov't doing what it should to protect our borders.
    Yeah, I saw a report about this on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I don't quite get the crack who is guarding the US-Canadian border. :) Seriouslly, they did a whole piece on it. The guy is a nut job, lol

    But I take it you are referring to the US-Mexico border.

    Quote Originally Posted by magprob
    I really do believe we are being "preped" for a mass outbreak of some disease they have mutated in a lab to trim the world population. I have read so much from many different scientist that are saying the avian flu scare is nothing but crap. The really strange thing is, in the last 2 years quite a number of them have been murdered.
    Hmmmm, and which scientists would that be? From the foundation of Misinformation ?
    phillysteakandcheese's Avatar
    phillysteakandcheese Posts: 973, Reputation: 356
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    May 14, 2006, 12:12 AM
    Does Mexico do anything to stop its' citizens or other illegal immigrants from illegally crossing their border into the United States?

    I am Canadian, and I have to admit that it is somewhat unsettling to think that new border enforcement measures could mean that US soldiers would be watching/guarding the Canada/US border.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    May 14, 2006, 05:15 AM
    Mexico has armed guards on its southern border and only guards the crossings on the northern border to the US.:cool:
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    May 14, 2006, 08:55 AM
    My list of things to do:

    Stop the polarization of America
    Stop the domination of the Democratic and Republican parties over our political system
    Shut down the Federal Reserve system
    Return America's gold to Fort Knox and have it audited
    Have Congress and the IRS, in a public forum, reveal the law that requires Americans to pay a direct, unapportioned tax on their labor.
    Make computerized voting illegal in all 50 states
    Keep the internet free and out of the control of large institutions
    Rescind the law called the Real ID Act so Americans never have to carry a National ID Card
    Make it illegal to implant RFID chips in human beings
    Educate juries to the fact that they have the right to determine the law as well as the facts of a case
    Educate juries to the fact that they are not obligated to follow the instructions of a judge
    Stop Globalization because it is the path to a one world government
    Protect our borders
    Restore the environment
    Put an end to the Patriot Act

    By the way, CaptainForest, go to :

    Steve Quayle's World: It's a Blast!

    Look for the dead scientist link.

    There are more dead scientist than rock stars as of late. I know watching American reruns and the Doug and Bob show are not very enlightening so I'll be happy to lead you to some alternative information. Since the Corporate America Conglomerations own and run the main media outlets here in America these days, it is hard to find anything but blantent commercialism being jabbed down your throat. But then again, ignorance IS bliss!:o

    This is not something I or anyone else has made up.
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    Jun 11, 2006, 03:26 PM
    First, you can't call stealing something as being fair since theft is theft no matter how you try to cover it up with blind fanatical nationalism.

    Second, those immigrants Mexico permitted within its borders outbred the Mexicans who were their until they outnumbered them. So they were conquered from the inside out. Third, immigration has been encouraged by the USA when it needs workers and that's what has led to the present situation.

    There is a lot of boasting about theivery here and about might making right. But such things are NOT something to be boasting about unless one subscribes to them onself in one's personal life. True, to the victor go the spoils, that's why Hitler and Stalin had so much land at one time, because they were victors, but that didn't mean that they were right. A little bit of reading in ethics would prevent such fallacious reasonings to be presented as viable. But unfortunately that seems to be beyond the capacity of some who make use of this type of argument.


    Perhaps those who keep bellyaching about how this country is doing things should go back to where their ancestors came from. Maybe they would be happier there. That includes Lou Dobbs whose ancestors are from England.
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    Jun 11, 2006, 05:15 PM
    My, you are so angry. Maybe you should take the Charles Atlas muscle man course so those little Chinese people will stop just taking your property away from you. As far as me moving to Ireland where my people come from, I visit there enough but I am an American and I'll stay here, thank you very much. Yes, as wrong as it may seem, to the victor goes the spoils. That is just a fact of life I guess we should get used to, unless of course you can tell us how to correct it. Don't refurr me to another web site, or give me some one else's take on it, tell me how you would solve the problem.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jun 11, 2006, 08:00 PM
    Since this thread started we have more facts to go with; to Magprobe.
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    Jun 11, 2006, 08:22 PM
    Your own president told you. But since you are far wiser you bellyache.

    You are an American? That's debatable.

    Getting used to might makes right? Hitler would have loved you! Sure there are facts you have to get used to--such as there being a large Hispanic population in the areas which were once Mexico. Try getting used to that. But of course now the getting used to just doesn't sit right anymore does it?

    As for moving, I still say that those who can't stomach the way their own government does things should consider relocating to the old country. After all, why stay and suffer and bellyache when he can be more comfy back there?

    Small Chinese? Not in northern China.

    Might makes right can justify torture, child molestation, wife beating or rape. I'm certain that if that happened to you're a family member and the guy excused himself with the might makes right you would change your present tune.

    If the USA would have closed the borders on the Irish seeking a better life here perhaps you might have never been born.

    About your spelling correction, I foul up now and then. But I don't go around pretending to be a defender of the English language. So since I don't suffer from such delusions, as perhaps others do, misspelling a word now and then in my case is no big deal.

    Thanks for confirming my original evaluation.

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