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    carel jermione's Avatar
    carel jermione Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 2, 2008, 09:08 AM
    Labor certification position opened
    I read an article about h4 visa application denial due to some discrepancies on the petition like the salary not been followed that led to petition being revoked by both the employer and employee. My concern is, we're planning to apply our daughter a the dependent visa this year, but the problem is the company just offer my husband a new position as housekeeping supervisor but the labor certification that we receive say housecleaner (only) and the job offer and certification that we have say housekeeping supervisor, will it affect our application for visa both my husband and my daughter's future visa application.
    lawanwadee's Avatar
    lawanwadee Posts: 3,653, Reputation: 124
    Immigration Expert

    Sep 2, 2008, 12:54 PM
    You must have been mistaken with other categories.. H-4 is dependent's visa which has nothing to do with salary, etc. The problem is some employers reported a certain figure but paid less. When USCIS asked for copy of tax return... big problem.

    All employment based visas are usually handled by immigration attorneys, so it's your best interest to discuss these issues with them.

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