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    Krs's Avatar
    Krs Posts: 2,906, Reputation: 320
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    Jun 22, 2006, 05:42 AM
    Excon, Europeans do put tobacco in their joints because dope a.k.a solid is more available here not weed a.k.a as grass, so u just have to put tobacco in it ;) and its not as bad as you as it is. :D

    Its true about tobacco killing so many people, same goes for alcohol thou!
    2 legal killers.
    Cassie's Avatar
    Cassie Posts: 150, Reputation: 46
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    Jun 22, 2006, 07:50 AM
    Alcohol is a legal drug and I do not see anyone using it less because it is legal. DUI laws are strict and it is staggering the amount of alcohol related accidents. The amount of broken homes and broken hearts and promises.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jun 22, 2006, 07:57 AM
    Prohibition didn't work in the U.S. But a lot of criminals got rich. Same with drugs and the criminals are getting rich all over again.Didn't we learn anything? At least we can take the flow of money out of the criminals hand.
    magprob's Avatar
    magprob Posts: 1,877, Reputation: 300
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    Jun 22, 2006, 08:23 AM
    excon, They smoke Hashish over there. To get it to burn evenly they crumble it up and mix cigarette tobacco with it.
    Krs's Avatar
    Krs Posts: 2,906, Reputation: 320
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    Jun 22, 2006, 09:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by magprob
    Excon, They smoke Hashish over there. To get it to burn evenly they crumble it up and mix cigarette tobacco with it.

    Spot on Magrob, couldn't spread it I've spread too much these last 24 hrs hehe :D.

    We spell it haxixa.
    In my language x is pronounced sh.. :rolleyes:
    funny old language
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Jun 22, 2006, 09:23 AM
    I'd hate to see my kid view hash and cocaine as legally viable options for a fun night out. :(
    VBNomad's Avatar
    VBNomad Posts: 65, Reputation: 7
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    Sep 2, 2006, 08:25 AM
    Drug use is beyond a legal issue. It's human nature. We should be looking at what pushes a person that way. But that means looking for the sources of the hopelessness that our kids feel. A war on drugs strokes the right part of the economy, whereas a war on hopelessness, a war on poverty and ingorance, really doesn't put money in the right pockets.
    SSchultz0956's Avatar
    SSchultz0956 Posts: 121, Reputation: 10
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    Oct 10, 2006, 10:50 AM
    Honestly, the reason America cannot legalize drugs is because the economic gap between black and white would become even wider. Frankly, drug money is the only thing that holds the ghettos together. Drug dealer themselves don't make much money, it's the top dogs that make the money. (read Freakonomics by Steve Levitt, he talks about the money they make.) You legalize drugs and the price plummetts and making life in the ghetto even more financially unstable. The dealers buy their famillies houses and food and pay the rent. If we took that away from them it would be like throwing them in the water with a huge rock tied to their ankles and without a knife to cut it off.
    RickJ's Avatar
    RickJ Posts: 7,762, Reputation: 864
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    Oct 10, 2006, 11:01 AM
    I, for one, do not believe that "because the economic gap between black and white would become even wider" is anywhere near the top of the list of why we don't legalize dangerous drugs like heroin and cocaine.
    SSchultz0956's Avatar
    SSchultz0956 Posts: 121, Reputation: 10
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    Oct 10, 2006, 12:48 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJ
    I, for one, do not believe that "because the economic gap between black and white would become even wider" is anywhere near the top of the list of why we don't legalize dangerous drugs like heroin and cocaine.
    Why do you think the only lefty moonbats that are for the legalization of drugs are in the green party with Nader. Regular Democrats do not support it. Democratic political leaders do not support it. They know what it can and will do to the American economy. How many study's and journals have you read on the topic? I for one could give you a list of articles to read about how dependent the poor are on the financial gains from drugs. If you want it I can post it.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 10, 2006, 10:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SSchultz0956
    Why do you think the only lefty moonbats that are for the legalization of drugs are in the green party with Nader. Regular Democrats do not support it. Democratic political leaders do not support it. They know what it can and will do to the American economy. How many study's and journals have you read on the topic? I for one could give you a list of articles to read about how dependent the poor are on the financial gains from drugs. If you want it I can post it.
    I agree that poor people have remained poor for generations, that's a fact. Drugs are pervasive in poorer area's but the fact is that 55% of drug use is done in the suburbs, so the rich can get probation with a good ole lawyer where as the poor get jail and a public defender for the same thing. That American justice. Just like another joke I know- Separate but equal.
    SSchultz0956's Avatar
    SSchultz0956 Posts: 121, Reputation: 10
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    Oct 11, 2006, 10:37 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman
    I agree that poor people have remained poor for generations, thats a fact. Drugs are pervasive in poorer area's but the fact is that 55% of drug use is done in the suburbs, so the The rich can get probation with a good ole lawyer where as the poor get jail and a public defender for the same thing. That American justice. Just like another joke I know- Seperate but equal.
    Whether more drugs are used by middle and upper class makes no difference on my argument. Either way, the drugs that are purchased in the inner-cities are used to keep them alive. You take that away from them and tell me how they will survive. THEY Won't. They can't find work because there is no other work. Your average street kid makes about 7 bucks an hour pushing drugs for their bosses. Without that 7/hour they will hard up finding a job which will only pay minimum wages. You have yet to show me how I am either wrong or misguided.

    Separate but equal? How the hell did that get into this thread. I thought we re talking about legalization of narcotics.
    VBNomad's Avatar
    VBNomad Posts: 65, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 20, 2006, 05:49 AM
    Lefty moonbats? What part of respectable discourse is this... All I can say is: Ditto Rush, Ditto.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 20, 2006, 06:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by SSchultz0956
    Whether or not more drugs are used by middle and upper class makes no difference on my argument. Either way, the drugs that are purchased in the inner-cities are used to keep them alive. You take that away from them and tell me how they will survive. THEY WONT. They can't find work because there is no other work. Your average street kid makes about 7 bucks an hour pushing drugs for their bosses. Without that 7/hour they will hard up finding a job which will only pay minimum wages. You have yet to show me how I am either wrong or misguided.

    Seperate but equal? How the hell did that get into this thread. I thought we re talking about legalization of narcotics.
    I beg to disagree. Poor people don't go to Afghanistan and harvest poppy seeds. It takes the rich to dump this stuff in the inner cities and keep those people poor and hopeless. Why because there are a lot of people who make a lot of money off poor people and their plight. Then they stick them all together in a ghetto so that's all the kids see and before you know it you have generations of poor people stuck in one isolated island and are hopeless so yeah selling drugs is the biggest game in town. How come every one else can start at 7 dollars an hour and over the years build a life and raise kids and move up the ladder? Because they are hopeful and willing to work hard and improve. Destroy the ghettos and make people work for that welfare and you might be able to see more than just poverty drugs and guns and you might solve a lot of our problems. Separate but equal is another way the government can justify letting you snort cocaine and just getting probation and the crack heads go to jail. So you have a lot of poor people in jail and the rich still snorting cocaine. In the old days it was about race, now its about money again someone is making a lot of money off someone's plight. Prisons are big money and they have to keep them full to make cash. Who cares if poor people go to jail hell they don't even care, but let little suburban Johnny be sentenced for his snorting you think this dope stuff would be illegal? Be real!! Criminals are making a lot of money because this stuff is illegal but if it wasn't they would have to let dope criminals out and then who can they put in jail? Who get rich then?
    Starman's Avatar
    Starman Posts: 1,308, Reputation: 135

    Oct 20, 2006, 09:43 PM
    Why the richest country in the world should be plagued by drug abuse is a mystery.
    Especially when the usage is by those who are wealthy and one would suppose have no need to escape reality. Or better still, are the product of a "good" neighborhood, and have well-educated parents. As for the poverty which persists in our ghettoes, the reluctance to easily iradicate the problem via money, which the USA has to spare as is evident by its splurging on foreign aid and military campaigns while its poor neighborhoods fester, it is sometimes attributed to the Calvinist religious idea that those who are poor are cursed by God and deserve it while those who are rich or wealthy are being blessed.

    So why not scapegoating by blaming Mexican immigrants who come here to work.
    Or on the Mexican government which doesn't seem to have common sense.
    Let's look inward for once and maybe-just maybe we will see clearly enough to modify our policies and things might just significantly improve.
    VBNomad's Avatar
    VBNomad Posts: 65, Reputation: 7
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    Nov 1, 2006, 04:07 PM
    I think the silver spoon set take drugs for the same reasons that the poor folks do. Recreation and hopelessness. Some drugs like marijuana are less bad for the physical body than legal drugs like alcohol and nicotine. So some who experiment, find what they like and stick with it. No mystery there. I'm not sure if your life is under control it can even be called 'abuse'.

    But hopelessness strikes at the well heeled as well as the poor. There is no shortage of reasons to have no hope for the poor. Any escape is understandable. For the better off, better educated Americans, part of the answer is they know more of the truth. Ignorance is bliss, but the people who have real understanding have no end to serious worries. We aren't the richest country and can't do whatever we like anymore. They know they aren't as well off as their parents and won't ever be. Faced with bad situations and few choices, a small number will act. Many of the rest will turn to escapes. Some of these use drugs, others use sex, still more use TV.
    bhayne's Avatar
    bhayne Posts: 339, Reputation: 4
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    Nov 3, 2006, 01:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by VBNomad
    Some of these use drugs, others use sex, still more use TV.
    I can see you've used too much of that marijuana you think is so safe! Come on, drugs = sex= television?

    I haven't seen too many deaths caused by watching TV. Haven't seen too many derelict's have uncontrollable emotions because of sex.

    I drink alcohol because it is sociable. I don't drink to get drunk. Very few actually drink to get drunk. However, you can't say that about any other drugs- including marijuana.

    You smoke to get stoned... and if your not stoned you crave more; and the only ones that don't believe this are you potheads!
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 3, 2006, 01:42 PM
    Perhaps time for all good things to end, I did not even know this post was still out there.
    VBNomad's Avatar
    VBNomad Posts: 65, Reputation: 7
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    Nov 3, 2006, 08:59 PM
    Thanks for your insights bh. I hope you will re-read both of our posts. I think you missed something. I was talking about the drugs, sex and TV being among the escapes that people choose to combat their hopelessness. Do you disagree? All three can be addictive. Can waste lives. How bad is individual. A brain dead population that thinks no further than Jerry Springer and MTV is only marginally better than one addicted to sex or pills or pot. When I say drugs, I am of course including alcohol, as do most health officials and medical workers. I think your assumption that pot is not a 'sociable' drug but alcohol is shows a clear bias as well as a lack of experience. As far as my comment on marijuana's safety goes: I didn't say safe. I said less bad for the physical body.
    You really need to think before you make statements like you "Haven't seen too many derelict's have uncontrollable emotions because of sex". Does child abuse just roll off your shoulder? Rape? Just brush yourself off and go on? What planet are you from?
    bhayne's Avatar
    bhayne Posts: 339, Reputation: 4
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    Nov 6, 2006, 12:05 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by VBNomad
    I was talking about the drugs, sex and tv being among the escapes that people choose to combat their hopelessness. Does child abuse just roll off your shoulder? Rape? Just brush yourself off and go on? What planet are you from?
    Typical drug retarted remark (I see from the last response that you don't like being called a pothead). Your mixing apples and oranges. Sex, alcohol and television are not crimes.

    Of coarse in your eyes you see them as crimes- but illegal drugs acceptable. Stealing a television is a crime. Stealing sex is a crime. Stealing alcohol is a crime. Actually stealing diapers is a crime so in your perverted mind, babies must be criminals. I can see how this reasoning allows you to accept your use of illegal drugs.

    The best way to combat your hopelessness is to get off those illegal drugs. I believe all those illegal drugs that you bought and used are causing your impudent behavior and are messing with your brain again. Sex, alcohol and television are just your typical excuse to blame society for your problems!

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