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    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Aug 15, 2008, 07:42 AM
    He is OBVIOUSLY NOT ready to be President!
    Yes, I am talking about Barak Obama.

    Given his responses to the situation in Georgia has only strengthened my belief that he is NOT the right man to lead our Nation.

    First, he urges "both sides to use restraint".

    Right, a small Democratic Nation gets INVADED by the Russian Army, and he wants Georgia to "use restraint"! That was bad enough.

    Then, the genius says that we need to let the United Nations take care of this situation.

    Wouldn't you think, that a man who wants to be the President of the United States, should know that as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Russia can Veto anything that the UN would come up with as a way to put an end to this INVASION?

    Just another one of those DUH!! Moments for him, and just more evidence that he does not have the knowledge or experience to be the leader of the United States.

    And he just keeps proving it time and time again.
    cutietoshoes's Avatar
    cutietoshoes Posts: 17, Reputation: 1

    Aug 15, 2008, 08:28 AM
    Well progunr I feel that your opinions are very off it seems to that you are a republican and have your wn issues to deal with. This is not a racial thang but it seems to me that just like Mccain you point out things that will try to hurt this years election. Bush and Mcain have the same veiws you do and guess what our contry is a freakin disgrace. So instead of picking out bad things about him pick out the good he is trying to get done for this counrty. And to your 51 years on this earth a 17 year old "black" girl has out smarted you. And Obama is going to be the 1st black president. And I no that kills you.
    Depressed in MO's Avatar
    Depressed in MO Posts: 571, Reputation: 94
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    Aug 15, 2008, 08:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cutietoshoes
    Well progunr i feel that your opinions are very off it seems to that you are a republican and have your wn issues to deal with. This is not a racial thang but it seems to me that just like Mccain you point out things that will try to hurt this years election. Bush and Mcain have the same veiws you do and guess what our contry is a freakin disgrace. So instead of picking out bad things about him pick out the good he is trying to get done for this counrty. And to your 51 years on this earth a 17 year old "black" girl has out smarted you. And Obama is going to be the 1st black president. And i no that kills you.
    Seems to me that YOU are the one being racial.

    I am for the democratic parties myself, and I would NOT vote for Obama if my life depended on it. Has nothing to do with him being black. He just does not seem to be "about" America... Doesn't like the national anthem, doesn't honor the american flag...

    Anyway I hate political discussions, they are pointless arguments. Point is, your comment is rude and this little statement:

    "And to your 51 years on this earth a 17 year old "black" girl has out smarted you."

    Totally contradicts your statement of "this is not a racial thang"
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Aug 15, 2008, 08:51 AM
    Hello RapQueen, haven't seen you chime in before, but I always welcome those who need to be enlightened.

    What is the good in Obama?

    Is it good that he wants to turn our nation into a socialist republic? Is it good that he wants to expand the redistribution of wealth in this country like no one ever before? Is it good that he knows so little about foreign policy that he would make such an idiotic suggestion as to go to the United Nations with this situation? Is it good that he has such radical associates as an admitted terrorist, who bombed locations in the United States, and has no remorse for doing so, in fact, he says he wished he bombed even more? Is it good that his HUGE tax increases will destroy our economy? Is it good that he and his wife don't like America?

    You see my young cohort, you have NO idea of the implications of this man becoming President of the Greatest Nation in the history of the world.

    Actually, if you like him and his policies so much, why not just move to Europe? There are plenty of socialist nations over there that you would feel much more comfortable in.

    It's OK though, it's not your fault, you have been misled by the Obama media, you couldn't help but drink from his fountain of "change", and I don't hold any of that against you.

    I do however, feel sorry for you, and hope that as you mature, you won't be as easily swindled, by such hype and false hope.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Aug 15, 2008, 09:03 AM
    Well prog, I haven't really heard much out of Obama the last few days, especially since Russia has apparently NOT bowed to his wishes. Seriously, while vacationing in Hawaii, talking about seeing his 'tutu' and teaching his kids about the 'aloha spirit' he proclaims the Russian invasion as "wholly inconsistent with the Olympic ideal" and his campaign claims a foreign policy victory for Obama who, by the way, is NOT the president? Wooo, I'm sure Putin is shaking in his "Cossack flaps" over that.
    cutietoshoes's Avatar
    cutietoshoes Posts: 17, Reputation: 1

    Aug 15, 2008, 09:06 AM
    Well its very mature to tell you this Senator Obama has been able to develop innovative approaches to challenge the status quo and get results. Americans are tired of divisive ideological politics, which is why Senator Obama has reached out to Republicans to find areas of common ground. He has tried to break partisan logjams and take on seemingly intractable problems. During his tenure in Washington and in the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama has accumulated a record of bipartisan success.

    You are older so it seems that you are traditonal. Obamas whole campaign is about change. I don't like the anthem either. It was made by slave runners. So who says that Obama doesn't have to like it.

    And what sad is McCain can't even make a good speech, he is to old,and that What scares me most about McCain, beyond our 100-year presence in Iraq, his itchy trigger finger relative to other foes, and his enthusiasm for tax cuts for the rich, is his fiercely conservative record on women's reproductive freedom. Here, there is no moderate McCain or reach-across-the-aisle McCain. On issues related to abortion and even birth control and sex education, McCain is as ideological as any Operation Rescue activist crawling around in front of an abortion clinic.

    So just like you can point out the bad I can to but mine is hurts more. And O, O its real, true,accurate, correct, what ever you word you want use.

    Spoken from A 17 year old young lady who happens to be a national debator. (using no racial slurs.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Aug 15, 2008, 09:18 AM
    Cutietoshoes, please list Obama's legislative accomplishments. I'd very interested to see what problems he's solved.

    This McCain is "too old" thing is ridiculous, not to mention it reeks of ageism, something I thought Democrats were adamantly against.

    And how about a little history lesson on "slave runners" and the Star Spangled Banner? The author, Francis Scott Key was a slave owner turned anti-slavery advocate.

    As a slave owner and an advocate for a solution to slavery, Key was in the middle of a contentious issue during a period of re-evaluating the benefits and costs of human bondage. As a lawyer, Key was involved in a number of slave cases on both sides of the issue. He represented slave owners in their battles over property rights and also advocated, without pay, for free blacks who unjustly were being sold back into slavery. Key joined the growing colonization movement that sought to establish African colonies where American slaves and free blacks could form an enlightened black republic. In December 1816, Key was on the committee that wrote the constitution of the American Colonization Society and later became a member of its board of managers. In early 1819, Key was chosen as one of thirteen collections agents who were tasked with trying to raise money to pay for the cost of starting the colony. Key called it "the begging business" and solicited money as a part of his travels. He remained involved in the colonization society for more than twenty-five years, advocating for development of Africa, the suppression of the slave trade and the use of American military resources to protect the new black colonies. Despite his advocacy for the colonization movement, he opposed abolitionists and as district attorney of Washington, DC, went so far as to prosecute an abolitionist "agitator." Nonetheless he emancipated his own slaves and maintained his free black servant, Clem, his entire life.
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Aug 15, 2008, 09:23 AM
    Barak Obama "accumulated a record of bipartisan success"?


    Tell me, specifically, what are his successes?

    Do you know how many times this guy voted "present" just so he could hide where he stands on important issues, just to increase his chances of sneaking into the White House?

    I'll stand by for your list of his accomplishments.
    spitvenom's Avatar
    spitvenom Posts: 1,266, Reputation: 373
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    Aug 15, 2008, 09:56 AM
    Oh Cutie you have no idea what you have stepped into. Pro and speech back off a little bit she isn't even old enough to vote. So here sink you claws into me!

    So what can the US do about the situation in Georgia? We can't send our military over there to help them because we are to busy "Fighting Terror" in Iraq. Mcain said we should stand 'courageously' with Georgia. I am sure the citizens of Georgia appreciate that but in no way does it help them.

    Bush sends Condo Rice there and some humanitarian aid to show our "unwavering support" of Georgia again thanks for nothing. The fact is Russia KNEW we can't do anything about this since we are stretched to thin because of our "War on Terror". So seems to me even if Russia is in the UN, the UN is Georgia's only answer but I am not running for president so what do I know. I would like to hear what you guys think so What is the answer to Georgia?
    cutietoshoes's Avatar
    cutietoshoes Posts: 17, Reputation: 1

    Aug 15, 2008, 10:00 AM
    OK topgunr

    * Senator Obama’s fight for universal children’s health care in Illinois.

    * His success bringing Republicans and Democrats together (a huge selling point for me in general) on bills such as the one in Illinois requiring police interrogations and confessions to be videotaped.

    * His leadership on ethics reform in Washington (the bill that lobbyists and special interests are complaining about right now has his name on it).

    * His bill to make the federal budget far more transparent and accessible to Americans via the Internet – we could use that openness in Texas.

    * And his vital work with Republicans to lock down nuclear weapons around the world.

    There is a list right here for you
    And for the previous comment just because he became an anti slave owner he still have slave owner ship in his heart if there was a white man on trail and a black man accused for the same crime lets see murder of a white women who do you think he would stand up to hang first. Just because you gave me all of that bull about the history of him it still doesn't disregard the fact of what he was .

    17 year old debator waiting for your reply... ;)
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 15, 2008, 10:04 AM
    Check this out from the Feb. Democrat Debate that Tim Russert moderated .Talking about the threat for the new independent state Kosovo of a Ruskie invasion :

    MR. RUSSERT: He's 42 years old. He's a former law professor. He is Mr. Putin's campaign manager. He is going to be the new president of Russia. And if says to the Russian troops, "You know what? Why don't you go help Serbia retake Kosovo?" What does President Obama do?

    SEN. OBAMA: Well, I think that we work with the international community that has also recognized Kosovo and state that that's unacceptable. But fortunately, we have a strong international structure, you know, anchored in NATO to deal with this issue. We don't have to work in isolation. And this is an area where I think that the Clinton administration deserves a lot of credit is the way in which they put together a coalition that has functioned.

    It has not been perfect, but it saved lives. And we created a situation in which not only Kosovo, but other parts of the former Yugoslavia are -- at -- at least have the potential to, over time, build democracies and enter into the broader European community.

    But you know, be very clear, we have recognized the country of Kosovo as an independent, sovereign nation, as has Great Britain and many other countries in the region. And I think that that carries with it then certain obligations to ensure that they are not invaded.
    Federal News Service - Transcript

    Why then was his initial reaction then to call on Georgia to show restraint ?
    cutietoshoes's Avatar
    cutietoshoes Posts: 17, Reputation: 1

    Aug 15, 2008, 10:11 AM
    You have no idea who you are talking to just because I can't vote yet does not mean that I can't chew up in your about politics I'm a freakin master mind 4.0 gpa I have to throw out and finishedf high school aty age 16 so tell me your veiws on Mcain so that I can get with you.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Aug 15, 2008, 10:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by spitvenom
    Oh Cutie you have no idea what you have stepped into. pro and speech back off a little bit she isn't even old enough to vote. So here sink you claws into me!

    So what can the US do about the situation in Georgia? We can't send our military over there to help them because we are to busy "Fighting Terror" in Iraq. Mcain said we should stand 'courageously' with Georgia. I am sure the citizens of Georgia appreciate that but in no way does it help them.

    Bush sends Condo Rice there and some humanitarian aid to show our "unwavering support" of Georgia again thanks for nothing. The fact is Russia KNEW we can't do anything about this since we are stretched to thin because of our "War on Terror". So seems to me even if Russia is in the UN, the UN is Georgia's only answer but I am not running for president so what do I know. I would like to hear what you guys think so What is the answer to Georgia?

    Hey Spit, when a youngun' jumps in with both feet and braggin' about being a national debater they shouldn't expect to be treated with kid gloves. But rather than sink my teeth into anyone, I'll just leave it at when has the UN been the answer to any crisis?
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Aug 15, 2008, 10:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cutietoshoes
    there is a list right here for you
    Well master mind, which exactly of those on your list was more accomplishment than campaign talking point?

    and for the previous comment just because he became an anti slave owner he still have slave owner ship in his heart if there was a white man on trail and a black man accused for the same crime lets see murder of a white women who do you think he would stand up to hang first.
    No offense, but huh? That sentence went in so many directions I wouldn't know where to begin. Would you say that in one breath at a debate? ;)

    just because you gave me all of that bull about the history of him it still doesn't disregard the fact of what he was .

    17 year old debator waiting for your reply... ;)
    47 year old GED holder replying here. What someone "was" is less important than what they've become. It's obvious that even though Key was a slave owner he became an advocate for slaves and apparently worked tirelessly on their behalf. In his own words, Obama said at one time he was "Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man." Does the fact he was a junkie and pothead disqualify him from the presidency or do you hold him in high regard for changing his ways? If you can't recognize and honor the change in Key, how can you honor the change in Obama?
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Aug 15, 2008, 10:36 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cutietoshoes
    ok topgunr

    * Senator Obama’s fight for universal children’s health care in Illinois.

    * His success bringing Republicans and Democrats together (a huge selling point for me in general) on bills such as the one in Illinois requiring police interrogations and confessions to be videotaped.

    * His leadership on ethics reform in Washington (the bill that lobbyists and special interests are complaining about right now has his name on it).

    * His bill to make the federal budget far more transparent and accessible to Americans via the Internet – we could use that openness in Texas.

    * And his vital work with Republicans to lock down nuclear weapons around the world.

    there is a list right here for you
    and for the previous comment just because he became an anti slave owner he still have slave owner ship in his heart if there was a white man on trail and a black man accused for the the same crime lets see murder of a white women who do you think he would stand up to hang first. just because you gave me all of that bull about the history of him it still doesnt disregard the fact of what he was .

    17 year old debator waiting for your reply....;)
    OK, lets look at your list, one by one.

    You call a fight for socialized health care an accomplishment?
    Sorry, fighting for a cause, is not an accomplishment.

    Bringing Republicans and Democrats together? How did he do that? Did he grab each one by the hand, and drag them to a table somewhere and "MAKE" them "come together"?
    Sorry, that is not an accomplishment either, just because opposing sides agree to meet or discuss issues does not mean that he had anything to do with it, he doesn't control what others decide to do or not do.

    He has a "bill" with his name on it?
    Again, that is not an accomplishment, it is nothing more than a bill right now, so it hasn't "accomplished" anything yet.

    Another bill. Ditto on the above statement.

    Vital work with Republicans to lock down nuclear weapons.
    I didn't know that the nuclear weapons of the world were "locked down"?
    So if they are not, that's not an accomplishment either.

    Just words, Just Speeches, Just Change... He has no "real" accomplishments, but you are welcome to find some more things he might be trying to accomplish if you want?

    I'd be happy to continue with your enlightenment.
    spitvenom's Avatar
    spitvenom Posts: 1,266, Reputation: 373
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    Aug 15, 2008, 10:42 AM
    Cutie relax I'm on your side. Mccain seems clueless on what we can do for Georgia. Im sure he would send our milatary but there is no one to send so he isn't going to do anything but more lip service. Bush doesn't care cause it isn't going to be his problem anytime soon.

    Speech what is your suggestion on what we should do?
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 15, 2008, 10:52 AM
    I gave a reply to this question about what we should do .

    There is a certain logic that we will not commit to an armed conflict with them over Gerogia ;but they are close to stepping into a hornets nest there.

    This very well could be their "Iraq". Note that the Georgian Army fell back instead of drawing a line and standing to fight. The Ruskies are walking into territory where the population has a vivid memory of the last time the Ruskies occupied them. The Georgian Army looks to me to be falling back intact to a defensive position in the Lesser Caucasus Mts. If the Ruskies bog down then expect an Iraqi style insurgency .

    Notable is the fact that there are many US advisors on the ground with presumably plenty of experience in that type of combat . IEDs anyone ? Night raids on isolated Ruskie units ? They will rue the day they crossed through Roki Tunnel .If push comes to shove a strategically placed bomb could cut off the Ruskie land route supplyline . Then a couple of strategically placed mines in the Black Sea could really give them problems. Expect the US to transfer SAM and anti-tank capability to the Georgians.

    Talking about history ;check out the fierceness of the Georgian fighter throughout history ;especially the Hulagu Khan's army . Let the Ruskies bleed for a while.

    My guess is that when a final settlement is made that South Ossetia will be permitted to become semi-autonomous .The Ruskie KGB kleptocrats who keep summer homes there will be able to hide the rubles they skim from the oil revenue and will be happy
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Aug 15, 2008, 11:21 AM
    Hey "freakin mastermind"?

    Are you still searching desperately, trying to find a REAL accomplishment?

    You do realize that you are wasting you time, don't you?

    There are none.

    But then, most of us already knew that.
    spitvenom's Avatar
    spitvenom Posts: 1,266, Reputation: 373
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    Aug 15, 2008, 12:09 PM
    Tom, I haven't even gone into the War protesters thread so I never read your answer. Sounds as good of a plan as any.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Aug 15, 2008, 12:54 PM
    Well spit, I'm no foreign policy guy but I like Charles Krauthammer's suggestions to "alter Putin's cost-benefit calculations" as an immediate starting point.

    We are not without resources. There are a range of measures to be deployed if Russia does not live up to its cease-fire commitments:

    1. Suspend the NATO-Russia Council established in 2002 to help bring Russia closer to the West. Make clear that dissolution will follow suspension. The council gives Russia a seat at the NATO table. Message: Invading neighboring democracies forfeits the seat.

    2. Bar Russian entry to the World Trade Organization.

    3. Dissolve the G-8. Putin's dictatorship long made Russia's presence in this group of industrial democracies a farce, but no one wanted to upset the bear by expelling it. No need to. The seven democracies simply withdraw. (And if Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, who has been sympathetic to Putin's Georgia adventure, wants to stay, he can have an annual G-2 dinner with Putin.) Then immediately announce the reconstitution of the original G-7.

    4. Announce a U.S.-European boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics at Sochi. To do otherwise would be obscene. Sochi is 15 miles from Abkhazia, the other Georgian province just invaded by Russia. The Games will become a riveting contest between the Russian, Belarusan and Jamaican bobsled teams.

    All of these steps (except dissolution of the G-8, which should be irreversible) would be subject to reconsideration depending upon Russian action -- most importantly and minimally, its withdrawal of troops from Georgia proper to South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    The most crucial and unconditional measure, however, is this: Reaffirm support for the Saakashvili government and declare that its removal by the Russians would lead to recognition of a government-in-exile. This would instantly be understood as providing us the legal basis for supplying and supporting a Georgian resistance to any Russian-installed regime.

    President Bush could cash in on his close personal relationship with Putin by sending him a copy of the highly entertaining (and highly fictionalized) film "Charlie Wilson's War" to remind Vlad of our capacity to make Russia bleed. Putin would need no reminders of the Georgians' capacity and long history of doing likewise to invaders.
    Sounds like a plan to me. Getting those weak-kneed Europeans to garner the will to use their own leverage instead of 'restraint' is the challenge. An op-ed in the UK's Times speaks to those weak knees:

    To some, China's muscular domination of the Olympic medal table is a powerful allegory of the shifting balance of global power. A far better and more literal testimony to the collapse of the West may be seen in the distinctly weak-kneed response to Russian aggression in Georgia by what is still amusingly called the transatlantic alliance.

    Once again, the Europeans, and their friends in the pusillanimous wing of the US Left, have demonstrated that, when it come to those postmodern Olympian sports of synchronized self-loathing, team hand-wringing and lightweight posturing, they know how to sweep gold, silver and bronze.

    There's a routine now whenever some unspeakable act of aggression is visited upon us or our allies by murderous fanatics or authoritarian regimes. While the enemy takes a victory lap, we compete in a shameful medley relay of apologetics, defeatism and surrender.
    And since this is a post on Obama, if you want "the pusillanimous wing of the US Left" in charge then he's your guy. I'm certain he will excel at "self-loathing, team hand-wringing and lightweight posturing." In this present age, I'd take the "trigger happy" McCain over synchronized "team hand-wringing" any day.

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