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    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Apr 18, 2006, 05:57 PM
    Vindictive Cat
    I'm so angry with my smaller cat snooze. My boyfriend cleans there litter box every morning when he gets home from work so there is no reason that they shouldn't use it. Out bigger one J.D. does and so far he has either not been caught or just doesn't pee everywhere. They are fix and indoor cats and have only been outside a handfull of times with us. They are two boys from the same litter and don't typically interact with other cats, though I do have a stray that we feed and they have met but he has never been in the house. As far as I know there hasn't been another cat in the house in years. I use vinagar water to kill the smell but then he will just find somewhere else. I'm honestly at my wits end with him. I used a spray bottle of water till they started to enjoy it... :confused: I take him to the litter box when he starts to squat and he just runs back to the same place... We put them both in the bathroom with the litter box when we leave because it's not carpeted. I would be very very grateful if someone could give me some Ideas as to what is causing him to do this when the other one doesn't. And what I can do to stop this behavior... thanks in advance.
    milliec's Avatar
    milliec Posts: 262, Reputation: 55
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    Apr 18, 2006, 09:47 PM
    Hi Myth,
    I'm not sure, but it sounds like a territorial problem Cats are individuals, territorial animals. You say one is bigger, the other smaller, by this I take that you mean older and younger - am I right? And there's another question -are they both castrated?
    What I think is that the younger one is not comfortable to use a litter box "marked" already by the other's scent, as his territory.
    We, humans, are poorly equipped when it comes to smell - what we find completely odorless, might be a scent "treasure box" for them, by which I mean they can also find it really "stinking" - if they don't enjoy what they smell. And I repeat: for us it will probably completely odorless!
    Males mark their territories spraying objects with a liquid produced in glands attached to their testis - these gland are removed when they are castrated, so that they won't go on "marking" your walls, doors, etc.
    If you can, I would suggest for you to give the other cat a private litter box,and make it accessible only to the young one, for a while, until it's marked with his scent. If he's already castrated, don't worry, his urine scent will do the job.
    I hope this will help.
    Please let me know if there's any improvement.
    And give them a "chin rub" on my behalf!
    p.s. I assume the cat is not vindictive, just feels he has no chioce.
    Myth's Avatar
    Myth Posts: 897, Reputation: 147
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    Apr 18, 2006, 10:47 PM
    They are both the same age and brothers... they are nutered and the smaller one is the bully... My boyfriend calls the larger one the gentle giant. The only time this happens is when we both leave at the same time or he's been punished for getting up on the counters or into the cupboards where he knows he's not allowed... He also just started this recently within the last month. I am pregnant with twins. I'm just wondering if this may have had an effect on him. He's kind of been the baby so far and he gets jelouse of the time I spend with the other cat and my boyfriend... he also hates other women too... If I scold him now he will pee somewhere, If my boyfriend does he doesn't pee at all except in the box. There really is no reason for this that I can see... we've had these guys for about nine months and they're brothers so we got them at the same time... I'm so irritated with him
    milliec's Avatar
    milliec Posts: 262, Reputation: 55
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    Apr 19, 2006, 01:09 AM
    Hi Myth!
    I took my time to think a little.
    First, I'd like to say that I've often noticed that smaller animals are more aggressive than large ones: our middle cat (age wise) is the smallest (body wise) and ever since the beginning she's been aggressive.
    I also noticed it with dog: I met a lot of small dogs, pure strain or not who were quite aggressive by nature.
    Your pregnancy might have to do with it. But this cat probably needs extra reassuring, to nurture his self confidence.
    I still think you should try a"private" litter box, if it can be arranges for. Then, when things quiet down, see if anything could be done to change that.
    My youngest son and his wife adopted two females, sisters. All was fine foe about 2 years. Then suddenly they began to attack each other and chase each other around the apt. there were bad fights. No one could help.
    After a while, one of them developed a fungus problem on her coat, and each time they took her to the vet. the other one would sit at the door thill my son came back with her.
    Since then they fine again.
    Cats are intriguing, very complex and highly intelligent animals - we can't always understand them.
    I'm sorry if I didn't help,
    Good luck,
    KristinaG27's Avatar
    KristinaG27 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 2, 2010, 03:29 PM
    My two cats are the same way. I have a 13yr cat who is totally trained, very calm, and a snugglie cat. I also have a kitten who is 9 months old now. She was liter trained when I got her at 3 months and it went great for 3 more months until she was introduced to my older cat who lived with my boyfriend. She copies my older cat up to the liter box part. She'll go #2 in the liter box but when it comes to #1 she'll go on carpets or our blankets. Ive tried giving them there own liter box and rewarding her when she does good. She won't do it when were in the same room but as soon as we leave she'll potty everywhere. She doesn't care if we punish her. And I've tried buying her a bunch of toys and kitty game stuff and I play with her and I reward her. I show her tons of love but she still pottys on everything. She's getting more and more defiant and destructive. Now she claws everything and I even cut her nails. My boyfriend is getting so mad he wants to get rid of her. But she's my baby. I need help for this also so what ever you learn I want in on.
    hheath541's Avatar
    hheath541 Posts: 2,762, Reputation: 584

    Dec 3, 2010, 06:13 PM

    Thread is 4 years old.

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