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    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Aug 9, 2008, 07:20 PM
    The Bible, God's word or Mans.
    Well, I decided to open up a huge can of worms, but I hope that we can all have a rational discussion about this, because I really do want everyone's point of view.

    Why do Christians base their beliefs on the bible? Why do they consider the bible to be Gods word?

    The Bible was written by men, not God, not Jesus, but men. How do you explain all the contradictions in the bible? Do you really believe everything that the bible states, all the miracles, all the stories?

    Why do people quote the bible and expect that to be taken as proof of Gods word?

    I believe in God, but not the bible, I believe in God but not in Church. Isn't the belief of the bible and church putting you in the hands of man, not God?

    I'm curious to know, so please respond, but lets be nice about it. I will admit now that no matter what you say about the validity of the bible, I will not ever accept it as the word of God, 10 years of Catholic school got that out of my system. I just want to know why Christians believe in a man written book, after all, man is not perfect, man is not infallible, so how can the bible be the God's honest truth?
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    Aug 9, 2008, 07:36 PM
    Basically I believe the Bible because not only do Christians believe the Old Testament but the Jews also go by it and I believe the Jews are God's chosen people and the Bible was inspired by God. I also believe that many of the so called contradictions are not really contradictions but things man has not yet fully come to understand. Also many things are history, allegories, parables, and so forth and you have to take it in the proper context that it is meant. Also, there are things that were written in man's own words as an eyewitness account and it is fact that when you have different people witnessing the same event you are going to have stories that appear to conflict because each one sees and puts emphasis on what they see or consider important. For example, where it says that Judas hung from a tree and another says he went off a cliff it could have been he hung from a tree by a cliff and the branch broke. One choose to mention the cliff the other chose to mention the tree. I really don't care to discuss the so called 'contradictions' in general and would rather answer each one asked specifically.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 07:42 PM
    Also want to add that there are many things mentioned in the Bible that man had no idea of back then. Science basically backs up much of what God already said.

    Science and the Bible

    Science in the Bible

    Matthew Fontaine Maury 'discovered' underwater currents in the sea by a Bible verse.
    Matthew Fontaine Maury In Profile Part 1
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
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    Aug 9, 2008, 07:47 PM
    And in fact there are not as many contradictions as people wish to assume, most are assumed for misunderstanding or taking things out of context and/or merely using today's english translations.

    In fact the bible completes itself, with the OT being a more historical nature and the NT being eye witness testomony of what has ahppened
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    Aug 9, 2008, 07:55 PM
    I do value and respect your point of view NoHelp, my problem is that the bible wasn't written by God, it was written by man. It's an old book and has been translated many times, perhaps that's why there are so many contradictions. Some even say that the translations where incorrect, basically guesses because no one spoke or understood the original language they were written in. That's what some people say, but it hasn't been proven so I won't say it's fact.

    I do understand why there are so many contradictions, like you said, different people witnessing different events will speak of what they saw, everyone sees things differently, or focuses on different things when they see something happen. But that's sort of my point. The bible may have been inspired by God, I'm not entirely convinced by that, but it wasn't written by God, therefore it is not the actual "word of God" but the word of man.

    You stated that you believe in the bible because so many other religions base their beliefs on the bible, but what if they're all wrong?

    I will not stop believing in God, no matter what anyone says, but my beliefs are based on things I've experienced, not read. The bible and organized religion did not serve me well, in fact, I'm surprised that I still believe after everything I've experienced in that respect.

    I do not begrudge anyone their right to religion or their belief, but I just wonder how so many people can base their beliefs on a book written by man, and worship in a church built by man, to be preached to by man.

    If the bible is to be believed then Jesus preached on the streets, to anyone who was willing to listen, poor, rich, sick, healthy, criminals, prostitutes, everyone. Why, as human beings, have we built temples to worship him in? If Jesus was his son, which I do believe, then he had no such temple, he was but a poor carpenter. So why? When you go to Church, are you not hearing the word of man, spoken by man? Sorry, that's my belief, and I may be wrong, if I am, then hopefully I am correct that God is forgiving, kind and understanding, and will understand why I chose this path.

    Thanks for answering my thread NoHelp, I consider you a friend, I hope that our differing views will not hamper that friendship. :)
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:16 PM
    You could always start by reading and seeing what fits into what you believe and what makes sense to you and take it from there if you want to. Then with things that do not make sense try and do a study on it or ask questions here.
    I also do not believe a lot of what religions teach. I even believe some things that other religions believe but if I do not see it fitting in with the Bible I am more skeptical. I believe in the gap theory to explain the earth existing before the six day creation most Christians reject that teaching. Many Christians believe their religion is the ONLY way to heaven I believe God knows your heart and so he can 'save' people besides the ones that have 'the right' answer because there are many verses in the Bible that say things like he is the potter and we are the clay and he has mercy on whom he will have mercy. Is his arm so short he can not save? Also many who have 'the right' religion God says 'I never knew you' because their hearts are not pure.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    and in fact there are not as many contradictions as people wish to assume, most are assumed for misunderstanding or taking things out of context and/or merely using todays english translations.

    In fact the bible completes itself, with the OT being a more historical nature and the NT being eye witness testomony of what has ahppened
    I admit that it's a well written book, and an entertaining read, but fact?

    I went to a Catholic school, had the bible forced on me every single day, and yet I was told that I would go to hell because I wasn't Catholic. I could not receive communion on the occasions that we went to church as a school, I had to sit alone in the pews and be teased because I couldn't go up and receive a store bought wafer. My friends parents would preach to me, to "save my soul", they even called my parents to tell them that they were neglecting me because I wasn't Catholic.

    After a few years of this I did change, but not in their favor, I grew a back bone and stood up for myself. When I was told I'd go to hell, I told them to save me a place by the fire. Whenever the school was going to Church, I refused to go, or wouldn't get off the bus, what was the point? There are many things like this that happened, some worse than the above, is it any wonder that I don't believe in organized religion, the kindness of Christians? I'm not saying that Christians are bad people, please don't take it that way.

    The bible and Christianity go hand in hand. Every time I hear someone quote the bible and say it is the word of God, I cringe. If Christians want to base their faith on the bible, why can't they at least state that it is not in fact the "word of God" but stories that were told by man.

    Isn't it possible that my faith is enough? I believe with absolutely no proof whatsoever, no bible, no religion, just my faith alone. I am fallible, I sin daily, as does everyone else that I know of, but I do believe in the same God as all of you, why?

    I do appreciate that you posted Fr_Chuck, and I do respect your right to believe, not trying to prove I'm right, or that you're wrong.

    One more question. If Christians didn't have the bible, would they still believe, and why?
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:21 PM
    One thing that is best is to separate religion from God and the Bible and seek the answers with an open mind and heart. People get too caught up in what the Church religion says and try to adjust the truth to their belief and have no idea what God really is telling us.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:32 PM
    I do agree NoHelp.

    I guess I'm an anomaly, I believe in spite of the bible, does that make sense? ;)

    All I know for sure is that I will always believe in God. My parents raised me well, raised me to think for myself. I do have a bible, my Mother's bible, and I do treasure it, not because of the words written inside, but because it was hers, given to her by her mother, and her mothers mother, etc. It's very old, published in the 1800's.

    Obviously I do not read the bible to my kids, nor do I take them to Church, but they both believe in God. I don't discuss God with them often, only when they ask questions about God, but somehow, some way, they believe.

    I asked my daughter the other day, "Who made you so pretty?", she said, "God did". My response, "I think Mommy and Daddy had a hand in it". ;)

    The point is, I do believe. Why, when I discuss God with others, are they so adamant that I believe in the Bible? Why isn't belief enough? I'm not saying that anyone on this thread has done that, but others have.

    What is it about the Bible that is so important with respect to belief? Why can't someone believe in one and not the other?

    I don't really expect an answer to that, it's a hard question to answer, but I do often wonder about it, and so far no one has ever given me a good reason why.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:38 PM
    I think a lot of it is faith and seeing God in the Bible which I feel I have a bit of both otherwise I am sure I would be just like you are in questioning it.
    Some of the things I have studied in the Bible are just too awesome for me to say that the Bible can't be right. Some things I really don't understand like why God would come up with a plan for Jesus to die for our sins since I do not see death as a good answer for anything yet I can see it looking at it in a different way than from a cruel type perspective which people that want to justify not believing often say.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:47 PM
    some of the things I have studied in the Bible are just too awesome for me to say that the Bible can't be right.
    And for me they are too awesome to believe they are right.

    As for Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, that is one thing I do believe in, because of my parents. Yes, they go it from the bible, but they told me in their own words, and to me it did make sense, so I guess I have to say that I do believe in that part or that story, at least partially.

    Other stories that I was told as a child, that probably aren't true, and aren't in the bible, but that I hold dear. The story of the spider with the cross on it's back and how it came to get that mark, if you're interested in hearing it I'd love to tell it. Total fiction, but still a story I love and share with my kids.

    My beliefs are based on events that happened in my life, and in my parents life, things I have experienced that have no other explanation, in my opinion, but God.

    I do have to say that nothing will ever convince me to follow the bible or to go to Church. I am happy with my life and my beliefs, just curious about others beliefs and why they believe what they do.

    Thanks for answering my Thread NoHelp. :)
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    Aug 9, 2008, 08:56 PM
    Oops I meant can't be wrong.
    I understand what you are saying because some things I can't rationalize myself but then I know my understanding is limited and I have to go by faith.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 09:00 PM
    And I choose to go by faith alone, without accepting the bible at all. :)

    I guess in the end it really doesn't matter what someone believes, it's whether they are a good person that matters, in the end that's all we will be judged on right?

    Big hug to you NoHelp, because I know you're a good person, and I'm trying every day to be better than I am right now, got some work ahead of me. ;)
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    Aug 9, 2008, 09:10 PM
    It is more than being a good person. God is going to tell a lot of 'religious' people that he never knew them because their heart was not right. Sort of like people who glorify themselves and their works rather than giving the credit to God.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 09:23 PM
    God is going to tell a lot of 'religious' people that he never knew them because their heart was not right.
    Let me see if I am understanding what you are saying correctly.

    I used to work for someone who was an extreme Christian, he's a member of the Pentecostal Religion, and also my Dad's boss for 25 years. He opened another shop and I was hired as a secretary. I've know this man since I was 5 years old, played with his two sons at Company Christmas party's etc.

    Anyway, once I started to work for him he insisted on talking about religion with me, about trying to get me to convert to his way of thinking. I politely explained that I was not interested and didn't wish to discuss this in the work place.

    A few months after I started working there one of our neighbors lost their 18 year old son in a tragic car accident. I used to babysit this boy and his sister, they had been our neighbors since I was 9 years old. I asked my boss for the morning off so that I could attend the funeral. I was refused. I asked how a religious man such as himself could deny me a few hours off in order to go to a funeral. He said that there was a delivery coming in, and even though he would be at the office, he wanted me to handle it. This didn't sit well with me, and I told him that he would have to handle the delivery because I intended to pay my respects to the family, to mourn with them. He laughed, said, do you honestly think it will make one bit of difference if you are there? It won't bring their son back, they probably won't even notice your absence. I told him that what he said was true, it probably wouldn't make a difference to them, but it would to me. I asked how he could be so unkind and uncaring, isn't that against his religion? He said this, and I remember it clearly to this day. "I do what I want, say what I want, crush anyone who stands in the way of what I want, as long as I go home at the end of the day and pray for forgiveness, then it doesn't matter, doesn't count".

    Another reason for me not to follow organized religion, and proof that not all religious people are pure of heart.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 09:36 PM
    Yeah that is basically one of the types of 'religious' people I mean. They believe their good works or their prayers for forgiveness can buy their way into heaven rather than approaching God in a humble faith like way that is pleasing to him.
    ScottRC's Avatar
    ScottRC Posts: 205, Reputation: 0
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    Aug 9, 2008, 10:40 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg
    Why do Christians base their beliefs on the bible? Why do they consider the bible to be Gods word?
    Just FYI: historically Christians have based their beliefs on the GOSPEL... which is both Scripture and the Tradition of the Church.

    Only since the Reformation have there been Protestant groups which look to the bible alone as the sole source of divine revelation, but that was not the case for the first 1500 years of Christianity.

    "But I would not believe in the Gospel, had not the authority of the Catholic Church already moved me."
    -Saint Augustine

    Peace be with you.
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    Aug 9, 2008, 10:48 PM
    I would not believe in the Gospel IF God had not moved me.
    Alty's Avatar
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    Aug 9, 2008, 10:49 PM
    And wasn't Gospel, aka the New Testament, also written by Man?
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    Aug 9, 2008, 10:52 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg
    And wasn't Gospel, aka the New Testament, also written by Man?
    Written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit... and it's also important to remember that the books that went into the Bible had to be decided upon by men (Catholic Church) as well.

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