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    goldkief's Avatar
    goldkief Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 11, 2008, 03:27 PM
    Stove never provided after promise
    Rented 4/2/08 Gas stove had been removed. Landlord promise installation of electric stove. Numerous delays. Now he says he will install gas stove after I pay for meter reinstalled. First, can he continue to delay me about the stove and second, Am I responsibly to pay for meter?
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
    Ultra Member

    Jun 11, 2008, 03:36 PM
    He can continue to delay, as long as you are willing to wait for him.

    If there is no gas meter at the residence, and you moved in knowing that, then he may have the right to request that you pay for the service that was not in place at the time that you rented.

    I believe that not providing you with a stove, could be reasons for you to terminate the lease, although he may take you to court to try to prove otherwise.

    Did you get something in writing about him being responsible for putting in the range?

    I would send him a certified letter, return receipt requested, giving him say 10 days to 2 weeks to have a stove in place, electric or not, or that you will consider his failure to do so a violation of the terms of the lease.

    If you must have a gas stove, you may have to pay for the meter to get one.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jun 11, 2008, 04:08 PM
    Yes, without a stove it could be considered not livable, and could be reason to break the lease, but then it can end up in court for them to make the final call.

    If you pay the electric, then if there is a gas stove you would have to pay to have the gas connected ( assuming there is gas ran to the apartment already) So you pay the meter fee.

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