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    TwinkletOes26's Avatar
    TwinkletOes26 Posts: 182, Reputation: 2

    Jun 4, 2008, 06:45 PM
    Medical Marijuana
    There has been mountains of evidence that marijuana can be used to help all sorts of ailments such as pain that is associated with cancer and aids patients. It has also been shown to help with anorexia so why oh why if not make it legal for recreational use(which in my opinon it should be , alcohol which is much more harmful is very legal and causes much more social problems like drunk driving alcoholism etc but that's just my opinon)why not make it legal for medical use. I see some states have but why not the whole country it seems insane to me... what about you guys what do you think?
    Xrayman's Avatar
    Xrayman Posts: 1,177, Reputation: 193
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    Jun 4, 2008, 07:27 PM
    I think that it is not a case of stopping the medical use of it, but rather the non-medical abuse of it.

    There are many reasons, but just an example, you are stating medical use okay. Then you also state that recreational use is the same thing which it is not.

    For instance, would you advocate the recreational use of (legal and medicinal use) of paracetamol or cough medicine?

    This is just one reason.

    Medical use and recreational use are different. Just my 2cents worth.
    TwinkletOes26's Avatar
    TwinkletOes26 Posts: 182, Reputation: 2

    Jun 4, 2008, 07:56 PM
    I said in my personal opinon it should be legal(at least descriminalized) for recreational use I never said that they were the same thing... besides legal drugs like alcohol(YEP A DRUG),coughsyrup,cigaretts,asprin etc are abused everyday. I personally do not see why it is not legal especially since drugs like alcohol are far more dangerous and have caused WAYYYYYY more trouble for our society than marijuana ever could but I digress I'm mainly talking about marijuana for medical use. You do know that most "illegal" drugs were at first used for medical use they use to put cocaine in cough drops for pete sake. I just don't see why our government would keep something that has been proven to help people with certain chronic dealthy illnesses.
    Xrayman's Avatar
    Xrayman Posts: 1,177, Reputation: 193
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    Jun 4, 2008, 08:27 PM
    I don't have a problem with as you say medical use of the drug. But you still are talking about two different concepts-one medical use for deathly ill patients and the other, recreational use.

    Your government's stand is a different matter, are they preventing medical use of marijuana OR recreational use?
    TwinkletOes26's Avatar
    TwinkletOes26 Posts: 182, Reputation: 2

    Jun 5, 2008, 08:20 AM
    Both... but my main question here is about why the government countinues to make something that could be so helpful to so many ill people ilegal.. I just put my opinon about recreational use before it came into question. What are the laws in Australia? BTW a side question what's it like living in australia?
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Jun 5, 2008, 08:26 AM

    Twelve states have medical marijuana laws. The government IS refusing its use by sick people in the other 38 states. Plus, the federal government has said that it will NOT recognize the law in those states that do have a passionate use law. So, even though their state has said its fine, THOSE patients risk their butts landing in the federal slam every time they buy and take their medicine.

    Is it screwed up? Sounds like it to me.

    Should they legalize pot? Of course they should for a jillion different reasons that even law enforcement has finally come to agree with. The problem is we don't have a leader willing to lead..

    It IS a shame. The most dangerous thing about pot is getting caught with it. That ain't right.

    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Jun 5, 2008, 08:37 AM
    All one has to do is look back at how the wealthy and politically connected in America were able to demonize hemp (marijuana) back in the 1930's and get the marijuana stamp act passed, making it illegal.

    In the 60's, in an effort lead by Timothy Leary, we were able to overturn this law because of the way it was written. The law stated that in order to possess marijuana, you had to have a marijuana stamp issued by the federal government. But, in order to obtain the stamp, you had to have possession of the marijuana first. Therefore, in order to obey the law, you first had to break it, and would be arrested for having the marijuana without the stamp, when you when to apply for the stamp. How retarded was that!!

    They produced films, and news clips, showing people in a deranged state of mind, claiming everything from chopping their parents up with an ax, to jumping off a high rise building.
    It is funny to watch these films now, but back then, it terrified the entire nation. The brain washing worked, and it worked very well.

    Yes, it should be legal, and someday I believe it will be, after the folks that either witnessed these outrageous films and reports, or were subject to the preaching and continued brain washing by these people have passed on, and it can be looked at for what it is, and not what it was made out to be by this underhanded tactic.
    TwinkletOes26's Avatar
    TwinkletOes26 Posts: 182, Reputation: 2

    Jun 5, 2008, 08:45 AM
    What I don't get it people who saw those films back then should maybe look at those films again now that they are older(sometimes when you see something again after a few years you get a different perspective example seeing a film that scarred you when you were little)
    BMI's Avatar
    BMI Posts: 892, Reputation: 270
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    Jun 5, 2008, 08:53 AM
    The stance on not allowing its medicinal use for patients is absurd. Although its recreational use is debatable.

    It does present concerns over people that drive or freak out on the stuff. I'm not sure it's totally harmless or that it should be sold in stores, I'll stop short of condoning that.

    Why is alcohol legal, that's a money issue to be sure. I would submit that if weed was as readily available than the streets would become even more dangerous.
    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Jun 5, 2008, 09:11 AM
    The problem isn't what marijuana does, it's how society accepts it.

    In Europe, there is barely a legal drinking age, however, you go out at night and you see kids that barely drink. They go to a pub, grab a beer, and head home. Very few children actually abuse alcohol in Europe as they do here in the states.

    Same thing with pot. I was in Amsterdam two weeks ago. Sure, people smoked pot, but mostly tourists. A lot of the locals just kind of relaxed outside with a joint, sharing it with a group, but no one got extremely high.

    I feel like that's the main problem in the states.
    TwinkletOes26's Avatar
    TwinkletOes26 Posts: 182, Reputation: 2

    Jun 5, 2008, 09:45 AM
    Quote: I would submit that if weed was as readily available than the streets would become even more dangerous.

    When alcohol became legal the crime rate went down i.e. the mob who controlled "bath tub gin" during prohibition... I think it is ridiculous that alcohol and ciggies remain legal and they are way more dangerous than pot will ever be
    BMI's Avatar
    BMI Posts: 892, Reputation: 270
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    Jun 5, 2008, 10:28 AM

    The phrase readily available was in connection with it being available legally, like booze in a liquor store. More people would smoke it without the fear of getting caught. I know, as most do, its not hard to get it but if made easier those that do find it difficult to obtain may begin using it as well.

    EX-CON - I have no children, you can't put a chain around this leg my man :)
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Jun 5, 2008, 10:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by BMI

    I know, as most do, its not hard to get it but if made easier those that do find it difficult to obtain may begin using it as well.
    Oh my God, wouldn't that be horrible, they might choose to puff a little weed, rather than drive over to their favorite tavern, throw down a dozen beers, smoke a pack of ciggs, and then drive home, drunk.

    Our government certainly can't allow that to happen now, can they!
    BMI's Avatar
    BMI Posts: 892, Reputation: 270
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    Jun 5, 2008, 10:46 AM
    All right pro-bud, you seem to feel strongly about the issue. Please allow me to clarify my stance.

    Your saying there is no difference between drinking and smoking up so if one is legal why shoudn't they both be. I could easily say there is no difference between the two either and why should either be legal, ban them both.

    Now I understand what your saying about how wrong the Government approaches it, to which I'll agree with you. My main point is that they are equally harmful in the hands of certain people. So would it be so bad if the people I mentioned above puffed a smoke rather than get drunk,the answer is yes, it would be. As it stands irresponsible drinkers cause havoc, irresponsible weed smokers act the like and present the same problems. I say that because you seem to think that weed is sooo harmless its like drinking a pepsi and driving, to which is not true.

    I have no doubt the Government makes booze available because of the money and perhaps not weed because of the backlash it may incur. However, if faced with only 1 of 2 dangers than I opt for just the one.
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Jun 5, 2008, 11:01 AM
    Please cite me one example of "irresponsible weed smokers causing havoc".

    Please cite me one example of an "irresponsible weed smoker" killing someone while driving stoned alone, without any other contributing substance.

    I don't condone drinking and driving, nor do I condone toking and driving, but given the choice, I'd rather be on the road with 100 pot smokers, than with 100 drunks!

    The people I've known, that do drive while they are stoned, are more cautious and careful stoned, than they are when they drive straight.

    You are obviously convinced of how harmful marijuana is, without any personal experience to back up your concern.
    BMI's Avatar
    BMI Posts: 892, Reputation: 270
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    Jun 5, 2008, 11:10 AM
    Puh-lease buddy!!

    No experience? It's the green stuff right? Smells a little weird?

    What you seem to be saying is that it has no effect on those that use it then right? I guess its not proven just yet that it slows down your reaction time? Being such an expert on it you may well should have known that.

    I will tell you this though, its arguments like the one above that would hinder any chances of it being legalized rather than help it. Seems to me you label drinkers much, much worse than smokers without fully understanding the actual drug your using or lobbying for. Kind of like some of the guys that attend the weed rallies, stoned out of their mind waving bongs around for all to see, as if they want people to recognize the NEED! Lol.. thats good.
    progunr's Avatar
    progunr Posts: 1,971, Reputation: 288
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    Jun 5, 2008, 11:23 AM
    I see you quickly researched and posted those examples I asked you for.


    Yes. Drinkers are worse than tokers, no doubt about it.

    I believe I am in a much better position, to understand the drug I may be using, than someone who has never tried it, and has no idea of the effects, other than what they may have read, or been told.

    Sure, it may slow down reaction time, from .01 of a second, to say .05 of a second. You think alcohol is safer than weed, especially when it comes to driving?

    That just shows that you really have no idea of the reality of the differences between the two.

    If given the opportunity, to choose to believe what someone who has never experienced the effects of marijuana told me, verses what someone who has actually experienced those effects, over a very long period, I'll believe the one with the experience.

    Oh yeah, is it the waving around of bongs at a pot rally that is causing all this havoc you speak of?

    We are both hard headed in our opinion here, so lets just agree to disagree.

    Now if I were a drunk, I'd probably want to fight you, rather than agree to disagree.
    BMI's Avatar
    BMI Posts: 892, Reputation: 270
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    Jun 5, 2008, 11:39 AM
    I have no clue where you get your information from or where you assume I have no experience, I could be high right now?

    Lets see the differences between weed and booze... honestly if you knew me you'd figure it out on your own quite quick.

    I digress, lets settle it on your last comment, drinkers are more aggressive I'll concede that:)
    TwinkletOes26's Avatar
    TwinkletOes26 Posts: 182, Reputation: 2

    Jun 5, 2008, 08:05 PM
    LOL @ BMI I read your comment and laughed loud long and hard
    WVHiflyer's Avatar
    WVHiflyer Posts: 384, Reputation: 34
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    Jun 12, 2008, 11:34 AM
    I'm all for the decriminalization of marijuana. It's still classed with serious drugs like meth. That never did make any sense.

    For those who want info on the fight to legalize med mj, see the Medical Marijuana Project (MMP).

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