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    Lomar558's Avatar
    Lomar558 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 21, 2008, 02:18 PM
    Wiring info - older Weathertron thermostat with White Rodgers
    Looking for wiring instructions in replacing older bulb type Weathertron thermostat model
    3AAT80A101 with wiring as follow:
    G - black
    Y - white
    X2 - white looped with - W - terminal
    B - black
    O - white
    R - red
    Unidentified contact - red

    To be replaced with White Rodgers, model 1F89-211, wiring diagram as follow:
    C -
    L -
    W2 already looped with -E -
    R -
    G -
    O/B -
    Y -

    Thanking you in advance for your kind attention in helping me with this wiring situation.

    hvac1000's Avatar
    hvac1000 Posts: 14,540, Reputation: 435
    Heating & Air Conditioning Expert

    May 21, 2008, 03:34 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Lomar558
    Looking for wiring instructions in replacing older bulb type Weathertron thermostat model
    3AAT80A101 with wiring as follow:
    G - black
    Y - white
    X2 - white looped with - W - terminal
    B - black
    O - white
    R - red
    Unidentified contact - red

    To be replaced with White Rodgers, model 1F89-211, wiring diagram as follow:
    C -
    L -
    W2 already looped with -E -
    R -
    G -
    O/B -
    Y -

    Thanking you in advance for your kind attention in helping me with this wiring situation.


    The old thermostat is not listed in my books and could be a bad number.

    The wiring color combination for the old thermostat is not standard further complicating the issue.

    Here is the new stat info.

    As you can see the color normally used for the A/C circuit is usually yellow and yours is white. This is just one of many wiring color problems you have.

    Here is another diagram for you with wiring change overs.

    The GE bay/Trane color codes are listed on this one with suggested color terminal changes.

    This is all on site work to be safe and I cannot help being so far away.

    One thing I would do if there is I would track down every wire and see where it goes. Then I would know for sure which wires to land on which terminal.

    If all of this sounds complicated it could be. If you do not feel comfortable it would be best to call a professional so they can make a on site visit to your house and wire the new thermostat for you. Sometimes it is cheaper in the long run to have a pro do the work.One wire mistake could cost you some damage to the new thermostat or the unit.

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