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    Choux's Avatar
    Choux Posts: 3,047, Reputation: 376
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    May 7, 2008, 11:39 AM
    Military wants Don'tAskDon'tTell repealed
    " For quite some time, U.S. troops have supported repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy. A December 2006 poll of servicemembers who had served in Iraq or Afghanistan found 73 percent of those polled were “comfortable with lesbians and gays.” A 2004 poll found that a majority of junior enlisted servicemembers believed gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly in the military, up from 16 percent in 1992.

    The military’s leadership is finally catching up to its troops. On Sunday, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen told graduating cadets at the U.S. Military Academy that the military was ready to accept gay servicemembers if Congress repeals DADT:

    With a national election looming, a cadet asked about the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law and what would happen if someone took office who wants to change it. “It’s a law, and we follow it,” Mullen said. Should the law change, the military will carry that out too, he said.

    “We are a military that is under the control of our civilian elected leaders,” he said. “It has served us well since we’ve been founded. That is a special characteristic of our country and I would never do anything to jeopardize that.”

    Mullen’s statement is a refreshing change from the military leadership’s traditional approach under the Bush administration. In March 2007, then-Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace publicly stated that homosexuality is “immoral.” He said that he supported DADT because “we should not condone immoral acts.” At the time, Defense Secretary Robert Gates refused to condemn Pace’s remarks, calling the general “one of the finest people I’ve ever worked with.”

    Even public discussion of DADT has been considered taboo.

    Service people are overwhelmingly comfortable with gays and lesbians serving in the armed forces. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen favors accepting gays and lesbians in the services.

    Do you think Congress will repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell ruling?
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 7, 2008, 04:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Choux
    Do you think Congress will repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell ruling?
    Let me answer your question this way.

    If Obama gets elected, it will be a GREEN light.

    If Hillary gets elected, it will be a YELLOW light.

    If McCain gets elected, it will be a RED light for repealing the current ruling.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 7, 2008, 04:58 PM
    Actually why does not congress act on it now?? Congress makes the law, not the president, the president would have to decide to sign it or not. Congress could put it in some funding bill or something.
    inthebox's Avatar
    inthebox Posts: 787, Reputation: 179
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    May 7, 2008, 09:42 PM
    What does sexual orientation have to do with a soldier's ability?

    Who cares what your sexual orientation is.

    If you can hit an apple from 100 yards - tell me.

    If you know the local language and customs - tell me.

    If you can inspire and lead troops - tell me.

    Do you think suicide bombers are going to care if the soldiers they are going to kill gay or straight?
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    May 9, 2008, 05:47 AM
    Sky it looks like Obama is the fence sitter on this issue.

    Obama: Repeal of 'don't ask' possible - Barack Obama News -

    Hillary is publicly opposed to the policy ;even though (as in NAFTA and other policies) it puts her in oppositions to Bill Clintoon's polices.

    Hillary Opposes 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Gay Policy
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    May 9, 2008, 07:13 AM
    Hello Choux:

    Bill Clinton ran on a platform that included gays in the mitary. Once elected, he changed his mind and instituted Don't Ask...

    I don't believe Hillary either. Do you? Because if lying to get into office is the job experience she's bringing, we don't need it.

    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 9, 2008, 02:17 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomder55
    Sky it looks like Obama is the fence sitter on this issue.

    Obama: Repeal of 'don't ask' possible - Barack Obama News -
    Simply Incredible! But not at all unexpected from the biggest flip-flopper in the nation. It is obvious that he will say whatever to whomever he speaks depending on how the wind is blowing that day. Just take a look at what he said a short TWO months ago on this issue! Simply incredible!

    Obama would use 'bully pulpit' to advance homosexual agenda (
    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    May 9, 2008, 04:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SkyGem
    Simply Incredible! But not at all unexpected from the biggest flip-flopper in the nation. It is obvious that he will say whatever to whomever he speaks depending on how the wind is blowing that day. Just take a look at what he said a short TWO months ago on this issue! Simply incredible!

    Obama would use 'bully pulpit' to advance homosexual agenda (
    Need I remind you of Hillary "somersaults" Clinton's initial support of the Iraqi war before she did the biggest cartwheel ever against it? Let's follow the logic here: we can't find OBL so let's make an issue out of homosexuals wanting to fight for their country?? Wow!
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 9, 2008, 09:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BABRAM
    Need I remind you of Hillary "somersaults" Clinton's initial support of the Iraqi war before she did the biggest cartwheel ever against it?! Let's follow the logic here: we can't find OBL so let's make an issue out of homosexuals wanting to fight for their country??? Wow!
    Ah, red herring Bobby! And need I remind you of the fact that Clinton was given the WRONG information about Iraq that led her to vote to DEFEND this country along with many others under the circumstances. What was Obama's excuse? Oh yes, had the WMD been found, he would have still voted to placate the Iraqis and simply remain complacent! That's the reality of it, my man. While Clinton voted to DEFEND this country, Obama voted to sell us out! But then is it even surprising, given what we know today that he wouldn't even hold his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, his guru Wright whom he followed for 20 years who said all those nasty things about America that took Obama TWO DECADES to decide was wrong, Obama's wife who doesn't believe this country is right for her, etc. You know, the news recently had an item that should be of much interest to everyone. It revealed that Wright spoke with Obama about Obama distancing himself from him if Obama's candidacy progressed! The report said that was about a year ago. That should tell you what this cat is all about, now shouldn't it. So, let's really follow the logic here. One has the hormones to vote to defend us, while the other timidly avoids any potential confrontations. And if it were 3 a.m. at the White House, one could only conclude... "It Takes A WOMAN To Do A Man's Job!" How true we're finding out!
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    May 10, 2008, 02:14 AM
    Clinton made the right vote. She has not had the moral courage to defend it. It was easy for Obama being a back bencher in the Ill. Senate representing a liberal district to make a wishy-washy statement of opposition to the war. His argument that he is without original sin may have worked in the Democrat primaries but is a weak position in the general election. He has of course already flipped on his date specific withdrawal from Iraq for political expedient reasons(he can read the tea leaves and knows the idea is ridiculous and untenable.).
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 10, 2008, 07:11 AM
    Yes, Hillary made a tough but correct choice on the war but she like many, when American tires of a war. ( American no longer has the support to fight wars like WWI or WWII was) so as the public wants to move on, and not willing to do what it takes to actually win a war, the people elected will not stard up for their choices and change their mind
    They should be willing to take their stand even if they get poor approval ratings.
    fanman's Avatar
    fanman Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 11, 2008, 07:14 AM
    Any President can accomplish it by Executive Order. It is not law, it is policy.

    Harry Truman integrated the armed forces with a stroke of the pen. He was correcting the action of Woodrow Wilson, who resegregated the armed forces with the stroke of a pen after Abraham Lincoln had begun the desegregation of the armed forces with the stroke of a pen.

    I believe that a couple of redneck generals told Harry that they could not and would not command an integrated army. I believe Harry asked them how soon they intended to submit their resignations.

    Bill Clinton WANTED to do this but lacked the political will to do so.
    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    May 11, 2008, 04:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SkyGem
    And if it were 3 a.m. at the White House, one could only conclude..."It Takes A WOMAN To Do A Man's Job!" How true we're finding out!

    Nope! Not just any woman, and certainly not Hillary. If we were to vote strictly on gender which seems to be what your battle cry suggests when you make a statement such as,"Takes A WOMAN To Do A Man's Job," than I would certainly vote for rational non-selfish intelligent woman that's not divisive; bye-bye Hillary!

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyGem
    How true we're finding out!
    Directly below your profile name you provided the location. Maybe you don't get news updates where you have been "currently assigned to the Earth plane?" Obama now leads Hillary in more popular votes, more elections won, more delegates, and as of today, more superdelegates.
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 12, 2008, 05:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BABRAM
    Directly below your profile name you provided the location. Maybe you don't get news updates where you have been "currently assigned to the Earth plane?" Obama now leads Hillary in more popular votes, more elections won, more delegates, and as of today, more superdelegates.
    Leading all except in *electability* which is the most important of all. If people do indeed vote for him should he become the Democratic nominee, no doubt they will go to the polling booths and hold their nose as they cast their vote while many others will simply switch and give McCain their vote. However, it ain't over till it's over. The states of Michigan and Florida need to be counted as people cast their votes there which totals millions! Those votes cannot simply be discounted by the DNC. That would be a great affront to the voters who took their time to go and vote and want their vote to count. If their vote is not going to count, then they should consider giving their full support to McCain where it WILL count!
    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    May 12, 2008, 06:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SkyGem
    Leading all except in *electability* which is the most important of all. If people do indeed vote for him should he become the Democratic nominee, no doubt they will go to the polling booths and hold their nose as they cast their vote while many others will simply switch and give McCain their vote. However, it ain't over till it's over. The states of Michigan and Florida need to be counted as people cast their votes there which totals millions! Those votes cannot simply be discounted by the DNC. That would be a great affront to the voters who took their time to go and vote and want their vote to count. If their vote is not going to count, then they should consider giving their full support to McCain where it WILL count!
    You mean "Hillary" a candidate that's not even electable in the Democratic primary, you want for the general election?? You mean "Hillary" whom flip-flopped on the Michigan and Florida issue after they were warned by the DNC and herself not to move up their election dates?! That Hillary?? I guess she would want to count those two states now knowing that Obama didn't campaign in Florida and was not even on Michigan ballots. The delegates will end being seated in a fair manner, but what kind of nazi campaign is your candidate wanting to run?? She's done everything short of putting a gun to the head of voters and still comes up short. Small minded selfish individuals that are so bitter at Obama to threat voting for McCain are hypocritical divisive people and there no good for any party. So if your going to vote for McCain than be mature enough to do so based on the issues. ;)
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 13, 2008, 05:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BABRAM
    I guess she would want to count those two states now knowing that Obama didn't campaign in Florida and was not even on Michigan ballots.

    Hi, au contraire, Bobby! :) Well guess what? If Obama didn't campaign in Florida or was not in the Michigan ballots was that really Hillary's fault or his! The people still voted in those two important states and their votes need to be counted if we are truly working on a democratic principle that every American person's vote counts!

    The delegates will end being seated in a fair manner, but what kind of nazi campaign is your candidate wanting to run???

    Nazi??? Wasn't it your candidate that the news reports revealed was tied to a communist mentor?! Uh, let me show you something here because you opened that door. And the story is quite fresh as of this past February!

    Obama’s Communist Mentor

    Small minded selfish individuals that are so bitter at Obama to threat voting for McCain are hypocritical divisive people and there no good for any party. So if your going to vote for McCain than be mature enough to do so based on the issues.
    You bet I will look at the issues! For starters, who is the most PATRIOTIC of the two (yes, you bet that counts for much in my book and that of many others!) And to continue the thought, I don't mean Obama now presumably wearing an American flag pin (Too Little, Too Late!); Who has an excellent military service record not only for defending us in wars but also defending his own record in the U.S. Senate! But who most aligns with Wright who says all those nasty anti-American things about our great country? Certainly not McCain! And with all the flip-flops of Obama, he would make a circus clown look pitifully and ridiculously underdressed! People still look to experience in the nation's Chief Executive and with Obama still quite wet behind the ears, they will jettison from Obama to McCain as so many are now saying! So, you know the rest of the story! Aside from that, people are going to vote their mind and they are incensed with all the baggage that Obama now carries. It certainly is Time For CHANGE (We Can Truly Believe In!) -- McCain if Clinton loses the nomination!
    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    May 13, 2008, 06:08 PM
    So originally your were going to vote for Hillary based on her excellent military record?? :eek: Are you OK?? Perhaps a little under the weather??

    McCain going to have to read cue cards about Iraq he's so confused and disorientated in discussions. I've met McCain personally and I think he, like millions of others, served his country proudly. My family has been in almost every war since we migrated to the States over a century ago. If I ever need a nurse to straighten out a splint while in prison, I'll call McCain. Bozo the clown if Obama loses the general election! :D
    SkyGem's Avatar
    SkyGem Posts: 177, Reputation: 18
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    May 13, 2008, 08:32 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by BABRAM
    So originally your were going to vote for Hillary based on her excellent military record??? :eek: Are you OK??? Perhaps a little under the weather???

    Ah, "au contraire", you do love a good play on words don't you! But sorry, me, under the weather?? Seems like you're still wearing Obama's 'wet 'n sinking shoes' by actually thinking about the Weather Underground! :p But since you're talking about Hillary's "military record" let's point out that at least Hillary had the hormones to vote to defend this country while your guy, the pied piper, was the sole one left in the Senate holding only his...uh, his pipe! :D

    McCain going to have to read cue cards about Iraq he's so confused and disorientated in discussions. I've met McCain personally and I think he, like millions of others, served his country proudly. My family has been in almost every war since we migrated to the States over a century ago. If I ever need a nurse to straighten out a splint while in prison, I'll call McCain. Bozo the clown if Obama loses the general election! :D
    Well, we'll see what happens! By the way, did you hear about Hillary just TROUNCING Obama in W. Va. Tonight! Got to Luv It!
    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    May 13, 2008, 09:42 PM
    Try not to qoute me in the same format as yourself. You're darn near as confusing as McCain, although I do think your better years are still to come. Why am I not surpised that winning in a small state that Obama didn't campaign for deligently has you blushing?! :rolleyes:
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    May 14, 2008, 02:20 AM
    Hillary just TROUNCING Obama in W. Va. Tonight!
    Yup even the "eggheads " went for Hillary Rotten yesterday

    She is correct in pointing out that no Dem has won in almost a century without taking W Va. The white working class is leaving Obamamania in droves . McCain ;as much as I hate it;is positioning himself as the more traditional Democrat to exploit this.

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