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    Kohoutek's Avatar
    Kohoutek Posts: 83, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Apr 24, 2008, 04:14 AM
    Too many medications!
    I'm recovering from flu at the moment, having been in bed for over a week. My impacted wisdom tooth has become infected and a trip to the dentist on Tuesday left me with a course of antibiotics (Metronidazole).

    Now, the Metronidazole (I've only just started it) are making me vomit which to be honest, isn't very nice whilst still suffering flu symptoms (sore throat, coughing, sneezing, headache etc). I went to the doctor this morning to try and get some slightly less strong antibiotics as I didn't think the infection was that bad in the first place, and all she did was give me nausea tablets!

    So, with my antibiotics, my anti-nausea tablets, the painkillers she's told me to take and my usual anti-depressant medication, I'll be taking 19 tablets a day! Which is ridiculous.

    My plan is to stop taking the antibiotics for a few days to recover completely from the flu - using the painkillers to combat the toothache in the meantime - and then start the antibiotics and anti-nausea tablets next week.

    Is that an okay idea? The infection in my tooth doesn't seem to be that bad at the moment, the swelling has gone down but obviously I don't want it to spread to my brain or my bloodstream or something!

    (plus, and this is quite sneaky, I really want my wisdom tooth out as it's flared up a few times over the past few years, but the dentist says it needs to play up twice in 6 months to get it removed - so if the infection comes back because I've not taken the antibiotics properly, then I might get my tooth removed! )
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Apr 24, 2008, 04:52 AM
    This is not a good idea. Firstly, you set yourself up for the bacteria in your infection to become resistant to antibiotics, which will make it harder to get rid of in the future. Secondly, this type of infection can become very serious and dangerous to your health should you leave it untreated.

    You need to take the antibiotics until they are gone. I am surprised though that she did not switch you to another antibiotic. Have you discussed this with your dentist?
    Kohoutek's Avatar
    Kohoutek Posts: 83, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Apr 24, 2008, 08:12 AM
    But I'm 26 - I shouldn't be taking 19 tablets a day, three of which are making me sick. Is there any way I can get prescribed a slightly less strong antibiotic? I asked my Doctor, but she said the ones I were on were best for tooth infections.

    If they'd just let me have the tooth out, none of this would happen. I didn't get chance to discuss with my dentist as it was a last minute appointment. He just prescribed the tablets and I didn't realise how strong they were until I read the information leaflet after I'd left...

    I realise the worst case scenario is that the infection can spread into my blood and all that, but wouldn't I realise I was starting to feel wrong?
    KISS's Avatar
    KISS Posts: 12,510, Reputation: 839
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    Apr 24, 2008, 08:29 AM
    You can't stop the anti-biotics once you start.

    I'd say make an appointment to see an oral surgeon for a "2nd opinion". Besides he would be in a better position to treat and remove infected teeth.

    When I had an implant placed, I developed an infection. The oral surgeon prescribed a set of antibiotics until he could open up the area. He irrigated the area and gave me a different set of antibiotics.

    My opinion - your seeing the wrong type of doctor.

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