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    Special7's Avatar
    Special7 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 17, 2008, 08:44 PM
    Addicted to PCP and want to stop!
    Does anyone have any horror stories that will scare me away from PCP. I have been using for over six years and I need to stop. I have children who need me and even though I know it, it's not enough to help me kill this addiction. Please Help me.
    oneguyinohio's Avatar
    oneguyinohio Posts: 1,302, Reputation: 196
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    Apr 17, 2008, 08:59 PM
    You don't need horror stories, you need a slap in the face. You have children depending on you, and the drugs are evidently more important than they are.

    You are the horror story that people can look at and know if they need help. It doesn't get much lower than where you are, but the question should be, are you ready to get help and what are you willing to do about it. There is not an easy way out.

    Take a look at yourself, and call a drug hotline to get assistance. Or do your children a favor and call children's survices so they can put your children somewhere that gives them a higher priority than what you have.
    simoneaugie's Avatar
    simoneaugie Posts: 2,490, Reputation: 438
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    Apr 17, 2008, 09:41 PM
    No, you don't need a judgemental slap in the face. All you asked for was some terrible inspiration because the PCP has a terrible grip on you. You are reaching out for help.

    You realize that you have a problem. You know it is affecting your kids. You are asking for help in kicking this addiction. Only someone who has never been addicted to anything (or an ex-smoker) would be so unkind. The non-addicts think that addiction is a bad choice you have made, without thought of others.

    True, addiction doesn't care about anyone, even you. But you are not shameful and evil, the drug's hold on you is. Addiction itself is a horror story, but the disease tells you that it's not a problem. It lies. The following are the truth.

    Horror story: A drugged up mom put her kids into the car and then ran back to get her purse. She then backed out of the driveway. When she returned home, there was her four-year-old, dead, run over in the driveway.

    Horror story: Mom has begun locking herself in the bathroom to get high. She hears the kids knocking on the door, but does not interrupt her drug use to answer them. One day she hears strange voices outside the bathroom door. CPS came and took her kids away. Several years later she is still not allowed to see them, even though she kicked the drug habit.

    Horror story: The mom has no friends since she kicked drugs and didn't get involved with Narcotics Anonymous. Her husband won't speak to her and she is allowed a once a month supervised visitation with her children. Desperate to have any human contact, she begins hanging out at her old dealer's house. She begins using drugs again. Five years later she has to sell her body to buy drugs. She dies of an overdose.

    Horror story: This woman has never gotten into trouble because of her drug use. She didn't lose her children or husband. She hid it for years. She decides to quit and does everything recommended to her. Now she realizes how much time hiding her addiction took. The lack of sneaking and constant guilt is gone. But she has aged faster and has wrinkles and weak bones far advanced of her actual age. Not so bad really.

    Join a Narcotics Anonymous group. (Quit when you are "ready" to, knowing that you may quit and start a few times before it's over, hoping that the first quit will stick) Get a sponsor who's story you can relate to. Follow all instructions you are given. Go to more meetings than you think you need. Read everything you can get your hands on about addiction, about PCP. After a few weeks without drugs, tell your children and significant other what is going on with you. Ask for their support but do not expect them to understand. Go to more meetings. Get two or more service positions in those meetings.

    Once you quit, it's likely that you will need to continue to be embroiled with other "quitters" for the rest of your life. That's a positive! Those are folks who know what it is like, to be addicted, then free.

    When you are met with disgust, or a lecture about being a druggie? Walk away. Find a meeting, pray, have fun with your family and forget that some people will never understand, because you can't change them. You can change you.
    oneguyinohio's Avatar
    oneguyinohio Posts: 1,302, Reputation: 196
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    Apr 17, 2008, 10:28 PM
    I didn't mean to sound so judgemental in my prior post. My intention was to have her look at her own life and really evaluate the outcome of the drug use, and to think about what steps she was ready to take to stop using. My thought was that by having her view her own life as already being an example of the "horror story" that she would not think "Oh, that will never happen to me" but instead reallize that bad stuff is already happening. I am a pack a day smoker, but have never been addicted to anything else, other than caffeine.
    I appreciate your comments simoneaugie and altenweg, and will try to keep them in mind when talking to addicts in the future. I'm going to post a new thread to see what ideas other people may have as far as approaches for working with people with addictions.
    Finally, I want to appologize to the OP if she felt personally attacked. And I also did not mean a literal slap in the face, only figurative. I do not believe in violence.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Apr 18, 2008, 12:04 AM
    I have seen very few addicts who quit for logical reasons. Until your dope causes you enough misery, and pain, to motivate change, you will use until it kills you, or they lock you up. So sadly you'll keep doping, and not care to get help, so you can kiss your kids good bye, and get another hit. When your ready there is help.

    24 Hour Hotline - Drug Abuse Treatment - Addiction Treatment
    O_Troubles's Avatar
    O_Troubles Posts: 313, Reputation: 20
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    Apr 18, 2008, 12:19 AM

    News flash*
    Yesterday a women was found dead in her home her 3 kids are now left motherless. She died of an overdose
    Or how about
    Yesterday a women was arrested, for drug use. Apparently one of her 3 children saw her using and wanted some thankfully the mother said no. but the child did some when the mother wasn't looking. The child is now in critical care and will have permanent brain damage. The other children have been removed from the home

    FYI these storys are about u and what could happen
    -dont make me make more...
    Special7's Avatar
    Special7 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 18, 2008, 05:19 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by simoneaugie
    No, you don't need a judgemental slap in the face. All you asked for was some terrible inspiration because the PCP has a terrible grip on you. You are reaching out for help.

    You realize that you have a problem. You know it is affecting your kids. You are asking for help in kicking this addiction. Only someone who has never been addicted to anything (or an ex-smoker) would be so unkind. The non-addicts think that addiction is a bad choice you have made, without thought of others.

    True, addiction doesn't care about anyone, even you. But you are not shameful and evil, the drug's hold on you is. Addiction itself is a horror story, but the disease tells you that it's not a problem. It lies. The following are the truth.

    Horror story: A drugged up mom put her kids into the car and then ran back to get her purse. She then backed out of the driveway. When she returned home, there was her four-year-old, dead, run over in the driveway.

    Horror story: Mom has begun locking herself in the bathroom to get high. She hears the kids knocking on the door, but does not interrupt her drug use to answer them. One day she hears strange voices outside the bathroom door. CPS came and took her kids away. Several years later she is still not allowed to see them, even though she kicked the drug habit.

    Horror story: The mom has no friends since she kicked drugs and didn't get involved with Narcotics Anonymous. Her husband won't speak to her and she is allowed a once a month supervised visitation with her children. Desperate to have any human contact, she begins hanging out at her old dealer's house. She begins using drugs again. Five years later she has to sell her body to buy drugs. She dies of an overdose.

    Horror story: This woman has never gotten into trouble because of her drug use. She didn't lose her children or husband. She hid it for years. She decides to quit and does everything recommended to her. Now she realizes how much time hiding her addiction took. The lack of sneaking and constant guilt is gone. But she has aged faster and has wrinkles and weak bones far advanced of her actual age. Not so bad really.

    Join a Narcotics Anonymous group. (Quit when you are "ready" to, knowing that you may quit and start a few times before it's over, hoping that the first quit will stick) Get a sponsor who's story you can relate to. Follow all instructions you are given. Go to more meetings than you think you need. Read everything you can get your hands on about addiction, about PCP. After a few weeks without drugs, tell your children and significant other what is going on with you. Ask for their support but do not expect them to understand. Go to more meetings. Get two or more service positions in those meetings.

    Once you quit, it's likely that you will need to continue to be embroiled with other "quitters" for the rest of your life. That's a positive! Those are folks who know what it is like, to be addicted, then free.

    When you are met with disgust, or a lecture about being a druggie? walk away. Find a meeting, pray, have fun with your family and forget that some people will never understand, because you can't change them. You can change you.
    Thank you for understanding how bad I want help. I don't have anyone to turn to and am so grateful for All of your comments. I will read this everyday as I work to become clean. I don't know what to expect in the process of recovery except for the withdrawals. I welcolm all support and even prayer if you are a beleiver. I want to get through this sooo bad. I want to live for my kids and their kids and possibly their kids. I will call today to see about meetings. And again, thank you for such a motivating comment!
    twinkiedooter's Avatar
    twinkiedooter Posts: 12,172, Reputation: 1054
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    Apr 21, 2008, 10:48 AM
    I'll give you a personal horror story. I had a friend who came over to my house (this was a good 30 years ago). He sat on the sofa and we were chatting away. He causally told me that he had taken some PCP and if anything happened to him to just ignore him. Well, he no sooner said that and he passed out cold and fell off the couch and was on the floor. I could not get any pulse or feel his breath out of his nose. I called the EMS squad to come over to revive him or whatever. They were on their way over as I could hear sirens wailing away headed towards my home. They drove up and knocked on the door. Just as they were knocking on the door - this guy wakes up and stands up and acts like there was nothing wrong with him!! Oh my God I thought this guy was DEAD to put it mildly and in my livingroom to boot. The EMS checked him out and left. I told them what he said just before he passed out and it being South Florida and I'm sure they had seen this before - they just left. I told this guy to immediately leave my home and never return if he kept using the PCP and decided to come to my house to die.

    I can't imagine why you could or would be hooked on such a horrible drug as PCP and expect to keep walking around having horrible complications possibly happen to you each time you use it.

    Please, please for the sake of your kids do seek help and stay clean! Good luck.
    frausimo's Avatar
    frausimo Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Dec 8, 2008, 04:41 AM
    Addiction treatment of phencyclidine includes behavioral therapies, which comprises of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, support groups, or family therapy. Healing medications offer help in suppressing the removal of phencyclidine symptoms and drug or alcohol craving and in blocking the drug’s effects.
    Addiction Treatments, Drug Addictions, Drug Addiction Treatments, Treatments for Drug Addicts.
    KBC's Avatar
    KBC Posts: 2,550, Reputation: 487
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    Dec 10, 2008, 03:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by frausimo View Post
    Addiction treatment of phencyclidine includes behavioral therapies, which comprises of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, support groups, or family therapy. Healing medications offer help in suppressing the removal of phencyclidine symptoms and drug or alcohol craving and in blocking the drug's effects.
    Addiction Treatments, Drug Addictions, Drug Addiction Treatments, Treatments for Drug Addicts.
    Being about 8 months old,I doubt the original poster is going to answer you.
    Hear4U's Avatar
    Hear4U Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 29, 2009, 06:04 PM
    Horror story! The past 4 yrs I have experienced the man I love have bad trips on PCP. Horror story #1: He was driving on a major 5 lane highway after using, tripped out thinking that demons were in the car with him, pulled off the road, jumped out and ran into the woods. Horror story #2: Driving on another major 3 lane road 50 miles an hour, stopped in the middle of the road (not at a light) proceeding to fight the demons in the car. When he arrived at home, his knuckles were bleeding and he was all banged up. He was an emotional wreck not knowing what happened. Horror story #3: He used on a break at work and called me tripping out. He could not tell me what was happening or where he was. He was scared to death and kept saying strange things. In his voice, I could hear the escalation of the trip and I did not know if he was driving or what. Then I heard the rambling and fumbling of the phone as he yelled in sheer panic. The phone went dead as I was in complete helplessness mode with my heart beating so fast, I thought I was having a heart attack. A few minutes later, he phoned back to tell me he was okay. He was in the parking lot on his job thinking the car was crushing him. He kicked the sun roof out and it broke. He strained his back during this bad trip. Horror story #4: After smoking pcp his friend who was non user saw him about to unfold and tried to hold him down. He ripped off his clothes and ran down the street and ended up hiding in the woods. By the way, there have been many times, I notice many scratches all over his body from branches and trees. There are many other horror stories and I can only be thankful that his life and others have been spared by his addiction so far. I pray for him daily threatening to leave. He has been using PCP since he was 15 yrs old (now in his 40's) and smokes 'dippers' at least 4-5 times a week. I can't tell you enough how bad these horrors are and even when he is sleep at night, he trips out and has bad nightmares about demons and monsters trying to kill him. I am not going to give up on him and will continue to help him seek help. Please read these horrors again and magnify 100% because I am just giving you the short version. Keep your head up and focus on what's important in life (kids, family and those that love you) most important is you and your life. Your meant to be here and have a purpose. We love you and support you.
    twinkiedooter's Avatar
    twinkiedooter Posts: 12,172, Reputation: 1054
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    Nov 30, 2009, 12:30 PM

    Hear4U - Why in the name of all that is decent are you still with this person? One day or night when he flips out totally he may just slit your throat and kill you thinking you are a demon. Surely you must have a deep seated death wish to be with this guy.

    **shaking my head in utter disbelief at this person****
    Gemini54's Avatar
    Gemini54 Posts: 2,871, Reputation: 1116
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    Nov 30, 2009, 11:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by twinkiedooter View Post
    Hear4U - Why in the name of all that is decent are you still with this person? One day or night when he flips out totally he may just slit your throat and kill you thinking you are a demon. Surely you must have a deep seated death wish to be with this guy.

    **shaking my head in utter disbelief at this person****
    I know the original post is a year old - I hope she managed to deal with her addiction - but I'm shaking my head in horror at Hear4U's post as well.

    Why? Why? Why? Would you stay with this train wreck of a person?

    This is co-dependence of the highest order, or it's a very imaginative troll.
    stormyhaight's Avatar
    stormyhaight Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 8, 2010, 09:28 PM
    PCP has resulted in such a great amount of deaths, but only a small amount of those were due to overdoses. Most of them were suicide, and murder. People will rip off their own face while on PCP. PCP is the worst drug and that's a fact. I would like to help you but the only people who can help you are professionals. You need to check yourself into rehab and stay there for at least 6 months, maybe even longer. You need to find a safe place for your children if you are raising them alone, and your driving force through you de-tox will be them. Let them know how much you love them and don't want to do this to them anymore so you need to go to rehab. After rehab you will have the tough time not using again and you addiction will never truly be cured but rehab will help you stop using it and to stay clean. As hard as it will be, you have to do it. For the safety of yourself and you children. If you ever get to messed up on PCP there is a possibility that you could hurt or kill your children. You will deny this, but it's the downright truth. Google some horror stories of PCP and you will see all the police reports of parents killing their children and when they came back to being sober, they realized what they have done, and can you imagine what they felt? Don't let it come to that. Get help now.

    Now, if you have stopped using it by now I want to tell you how happy that makes me. And you should share your story with anyone willing to listen.

    Good luck.
    stormyhaight's Avatar
    stormyhaight Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 8, 2010, 09:28 PM
    PCP has resulted in such a great amount of deaths, but only a small amount of those were due to overdoses. Most of them were suicide, and murder. People will rip off their own face while on PCP. PCP is the worst drug and that's a fact. I would like to help you but the only people who can help you are professionals. You need to check yourself into rehab and stay there for at least 6 months, maybe even longer. You need to find a safe place for your children if you are raising them alone, and your driving force through you de-tox will be them. Let them know how much you love them and don't want to do this to them anymore so you need to go to rehab. After rehab you will have the tough time not using again and you addiction will never truly be cured but rehab will help you stop using it and to stay clean. As hard as it will be, you have to do it. For the safety of yourself and you children. If you ever get to messed up on PCP there is a possibility that you could hurt or kill your children. You will deny this, but it's the downright truth. Google some horror stories of PCP and you will see all the police reports of parents killing their children and when they came back to being sober, they realized what they have done, and can you imagine what they felt? Don't let it come to that. Get help now.

    Now, if you have stopped using it by now I want to tell you how happy that makes me. And you should share your story with anyone willing to listen.

    Good luck.
    PLUR4LIFE's Avatar
    PLUR4LIFE Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 8, 2010, 12:31 AM

    Psychedelics can be a good way I've heard many stories of people quiting bad addctions to herion and cigs from the use of them you just have to learn from them and after that try to learn meditation it's a great way to deal with stressful moments that you want to use
    ASHAWNTA's Avatar
    ASHAWNTA Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 27, 2011, 01:00 PM

    I have a male friend who does PCP at least everyday and has been on the drug every since the age of 14 years old, he is 39. He isn't a bad person but I can tell that he uses this drug due to depression and it makes him feel as if he is on top of the world, as he once told me, undefeatable! He is constantly getting harassed by the police, no one wants him around after maybe a weak or two and he has really slurred speech. He often says things that doesn't make "ANY" sense at all, he hardly ever has any money, he gambles often, no job, and no sense of direction. All this guy is about is broken promises... the women who has been bothered with him for so long as to where I guess she feels sorry for him from time to time so she will let him back into her life, as far as making sure he has some place to sleep gets "TIRED" of having him around. He sells marijuana to support his habit and he has NO REAL FRIENDS, only associates who are drug users. He hasn't any body weight what so ever and his breathing sounds terrible, I mean what can you say besides a "BUM", he has to leach off everyone just to get by in life and he is to old for this mess.

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