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    uabeck's Avatar
    uabeck Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 13, 2008, 09:36 AM
    How to get papers
    I just adopted 3 mini-daschound puppies (so far they look long hair.) a co-worker got one. The parents were from another co-worker. The parents were never registered. Is there any way that we can register ours? All are pure breed. Thanks for any help. They were born overnight 1/1-1/2/08.
    twinkiedooter's Avatar
    twinkiedooter Posts: 12,172, Reputation: 1054
    Uber Member

    Apr 13, 2008, 10:29 AM
    You won't be able to get papers on the pups as the parents were not registered. Sorry. Just give them a good home.
    jcdill's Avatar
    jcdill Posts: 249, Reputation: 24
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    Apr 13, 2008, 10:32 AM

    There's a big difference between "purebred" and "registered". In order to be registered, the dogs owners have to follow the AKC rules for registration and all parent animals have to be registered for the offspring to be eligible for registration.

    First the owners of the puppy's parents need to get their dogs registered. Then they need to file a registration for the litter. Then the puppies can be registered. If the parents weren't from registered litters, then they need to go back to the owners at the time the parents were born and have their litters registered, etc. You can't skip registering the parents and get registration for the puppies. See pages 6-8 in the PDF document at the link "Rules Applying to Registration and Discipline" here:

    AKC Rules and Regulations
    keligrn's Avatar
    keligrn Posts: 12, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Apr 13, 2008, 07:42 PM
    IF you don't intend to breed the dogs and you just want to participate in AKC sponsored activities you can apply for an ILP number. You get registration by providing pictures and proof of spay/neuter. I registered my rescue Malinois and got her Rally Novice certificate with the first three shows!

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