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    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Feb 7, 2006, 07:08 PM
    Are women bi-sexual by nature?
    This may spur some debate or it may just die away unnoticed... either way, here it is:

    Are all women bi-sexual (if not homosexual)? Or in other words, is there such a thing as a "purely heterosexual woman?"

    Here are a few things to stir the pot a bit:

    In nature, everything has either a positive (+) or a negative (-) energy. Naturally, these things are meant to be drawn to each other. In such, men are designed to be ATTRACTED (+), while women are designed to be ATTRACTIVE (-). So, in this sense, wouldn't it be that, since all women have this attractive energy, that women would also be attracted to them?

    In society, it is acceptable/natural for young girls to hold hands, hug, even bathe or shower together. However, the rules change for young boys. Why is that?

    It is also acceptable for older women to kiss one another; however, once again, the rules with men.

    The statistics on how many women are either bisexual or homosexual BLOW the numbers for men out of the water.

    ... just a couple things to spark the conversation.
    letmetellu's Avatar
    letmetellu Posts: 3,151, Reputation: 317
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    Feb 7, 2006, 07:40 PM
    In your statement you say "In nature, everything has either a positive (+) or a negative (-) energy. Naturally, these things are meant to be drawn to each other. In such, men are designed to be ATTRACTED (+), while women are designed to be ATTRACTIVE (-). So, in this sense, wouldn't it be that, since all women have this attractive energy, that women would also be attracted to them? Why would the negatives be attracted to the negatives any more that the positives be attracted to the postives.

    Then is the rest of you statement you say that little girls hold hands, hug and even bathe together, and males don't. It is my opinion that society has forced males to be of a competitive nature and holding hands and hugging is not a way to show competitiveness, therefore we are forced to show a harsher and more aggressive nature.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 7, 2006, 07:48 PM
    "women" you are acting like women are like a atom, all alike, Thank heavens they are not. Desires differ from person to person, and culture to culture.

    Man and women are different in many ways. You are referring basically that women are more emotional or at least appear in American society.

    But it is the difference not the simularity that draws men and women together.

    We could argure all day as to how and way homosexual behavior or bi-sexual behavior happens, but in so many ways what you are referring is more that of closeness because of sharing that emotional experiences.

    As far as older women "kissing" the non sexual contact. In other cultures men would kiss another man on the check ( Jesus did) it was their culturial way of doing things. A custom that perhaps should not have been lost in our society. Meet one another with a kiss.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Feb 7, 2006, 09:00 PM
    Hey doc,where do you come up with the stuff you post? Wait on second thought never mind!:cool: :eek:
    Ademan's Avatar
    Ademan Posts: 40, Reputation: 11
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    Feb 7, 2006, 10:31 PM
    Well, to say that women aren't attractive to men, is just dead wrong. You can cause women to be completely and hopelessly attracted to you and willing to be at your beck and command (just the way some of us (guys) get when we really like a girl (see: attracted to) ) Yes because of how our society has evolved, the average girl is much more likely to be attractive than the average guy, because the average girl, average looking, could approach most any guy and he'd be honored to be in her company (this is because of either social conditioning or true genetic differences, but men tend to be "hornier" or more openly so). Whereas a man is disadvantaged in that he can't in theory walk away and get another girl if his current interest rejects him.

    OF COURSE: This paradigm can be reversed, as we all have seen with jocks, and those fat dudes that are inexplicably popular with the ladies. I've been fairly successful with girls, but I'm by no means a master, but as everyone and their dog will tell you, its about attitude, and i think its that attitude of "i don't need you, there are plenty more like you" that makes women "attractive" (pursued, rather than the pursuers)

    Eh, sounds like a self help document, and it kind of rambles, hope someone can make some sense of it, its kidna going off on a tangent too, my apologies

    bizygurl's Avatar
    bizygurl Posts: 522, Reputation: 110
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    Feb 8, 2006, 05:11 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by DrJizzle
    This may spur some debate or it may just die away unnoticed... either way, here it is:

    Are all women bi-sexual (if not homosexual)? Or in other words, is there such a thing as a "purely heterosexual woman?"

    Here are a few things to stir the pot a bit:

    In nature, everything has either a positive (+) or a negative (-) energy. Naturally, these things are meant to be drawn to eachother. In such, men are designed to be ATTRACTED (+), while women are designed to be ATTRACTIVE (-). So, in this sense, wouldnt it be that, since all women have this attractive energy, that women would also be attracted to them?

    In society, it is acceptable/natural for young girls to hold hands, hug, even bathe or shower together. However, the rules change for young boys. Why is that?

    It is also acceptable for older women to kiss one another; however, once again, the rules with men.

    The statistics on how many women are either bisexual or homosexual BLOW the numbers for men out of the water.

    ....just a couple things to spark the conversation.
    Well I think its more or less the standards that society puts on males and females. Society looks at girls from a very young age as caring and nituring, loving, in turn which is drilled in there head to be attractive to the opposite sex. Just look at the toys they have on the market today for girls. Its all about fashion and makeup. Girls are taught they have to be attractive from a very young age.
    Since young girls are taught to "play nice and be loving" when they get older or even as children, kiss, hold hands with another girl, its more accepted because of what we were taught as young girls. And since it is so widely accepted in our culture, woman can get away with being more affectionate to members of there own gender and no one bats an eye.
    I think the reasons statistics show that there are more woman then men homosexuals and bisexuals, is the main point that its more accepted. More woman can expirement with there sexuality out in the open. I think maybe woman aren't as apprehensive about this as men are.

    And of course boys are taught from a young age. To be dominant and aggressive, nothing is emphasised to them about being nurturing and loving, so that's why Men don't express their bi-sexual or homosexual tendacies because in the eyes of society it makes them "less of a man"

    To answer your question about there being a purely heterosexual woman. At least coming from my expirence. I think some woman may wonder what its like being with another woman doesn't necessarily mean that they are attracted to them, but its just the mystery of something that is different and a different expirence. I myself aren't attracted to woman. A woman just could not give me what a man can. Love my guys! Have I wondered what the big deal was with being with another woman? Yes. Have I wondered what it would be like as apposed to being with a man, yes. But its not my burning desire to find out. I think you can be curious without being labeled as bi-sexual.
    Sorry this speal was a bit long, hope this sheds some light.
    augustknight's Avatar
    augustknight Posts: 83, Reputation: 31
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    Feb 8, 2006, 07:24 AM
    The 'purpose' of a female is to bear children. Babies require much care and part of that care is giving affection. As is often the case in the animal world a substitute can be 'mothered'. My female cat grooms my male dog. I doubt she likes him all that much but she has an instinct to touch, nuture and display caring. So when women kiss, touch and show affection it is their nature.
    To take that one step further into sexuality is misguided. I truly believe that is a porn industry driven concept. The reason you don't see that much male homosexual porn is that straight men don't pay to see that. And the porn industry is marketed to straight males.
    lilfyre's Avatar
    lilfyre Posts: 508, Reputation: 98
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    Feb 8, 2006, 09:28 AM
    No long answer her, I like me, I love my husband, and with all the bad relationships I have been in, I still like men, no women for me. O wait I have always been that way.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Feb 9, 2006, 12:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by letmetellu
    Why would the negatives be attracted to the negatives any more that the positives be attracted to the postives.
    In chemistry we learn that bonds are formed in one of two ways: electrovalent ( a bond formed between a positive and a negative ions) and covalent (a bond formed between two electrons, which we know electorns are negatively charged). Bonds do not form between two positvley charged forces. That's where I came up with that lol
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Feb 9, 2006, 12:54 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    "women" you are acting like women are like a atom, all alike, Thank heavens they are not. Desires differ from person to person, and culture to culture.
    I am comparing them to atoms. In the argument that the atom is the fundament of everything in the universe, all on a different scale.

    How can we say that we don't act the same as atoms? The entire workld is made up of them? Sure, people differ... but not all THAT much. Humans are very predictable to the trained "chemist."

    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    But it is the difference not the simularity that draws men and women together.
    You are right... it IS the differences, not the simularies, that draw MEN and WOMEN together...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    We could argure all day as to how and way homosexual behavior or bi-sexual behavior happens, but in so many ways what you are refering is more that of closeness because of sharing that emotional experiences.
    Very true... but where is the closeness line drawn? Is it preposterous to assume that a woman may show their closenss by bedding with another woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    As far as older women "kissing" the non sexual contact. In other cultures men would kiss another man on the check (Jesus did) it was thier culturial way of doing things. A custom that perhaps should not have been lost in our society. Meet one another with a kiss.
    Excellent point... I had thought that when writing what I was... but passed it off. Figured I would bring it up unless someone else does. Ya know, simle devil's advocacy lol
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Feb 9, 2006, 01:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Ademan
    Well, to say that women aren't attractive to men, is just dead wrong. You can cause women to be completely and hopelessly attracted to you and willing to be at your beck and command (just the way some of us (guys) get when we really like a girl (see: attracted to) )
    Yes, yes... this IS true. But this is a bit more on a different plane of attraction than I was suggesting. And even speaking af this type of attraction... if a man can do that to a woman... why couldn't a woman do that to another woman?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ademan
    its about attitude, and i think its that attitude of "i don't need you, there are plenty more like you" that makes women "attractive" (pursued, rather than the pursuers)
    Again, this is correct... but could it be that this, along with what you mentioned above, just expediates the attraction? As if the bond would be formed sooner or later but this is like a catalyst for the positive force (male)

    (Ok, I know Im REALLY reaching on this one... LMAO)
    maria26's Avatar
    maria26 Posts: 69, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 10, 2006, 11:55 PM
    I am a female... I love males... can't leave without them (hate to admit it). I have never (even when I was younger) liked or wanted to be friends or anything more with a female. Like me I know other woman who just don't care about friendships or anything else with another female. Hope that helps... you have a bazaar way of thinking!
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Feb 11, 2006, 09:27 AM
    Hello Doc:

    Well I don't have any data to support my position. However, it's my experience that women are MORE prone to homo/bisexual behavior than are men. Is that result, assuming I'm right, from external pressures? Men do like to watch female homosexual behavior, whereas I don't think women enjoy watching two guys.

    Or are they born that way? I don't know. But I like it.

    andydude88's Avatar
    andydude88 Posts: 27, Reputation: 0
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    Feb 11, 2006, 04:25 PM
    About this subject, it's sort of a strange theory but yeah I think females tend more to be bisexual than men if anything. But maybe that's just their more gentle carefree nature. It's kind of strange how a lot of guys hate gays but they like looking at lesbians. Kind of a double standard. Oh well that's just the world for you.
    But without chicks the world would suck.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Feb 13, 2006, 05:17 PM
    It's a little thoery I have played around with here and there. It is surprisingly easy to convince most people of... Which is why I wanted to run it by everyone here. Just to see what they had to say about it.

    Its interesting... for the most part, females who deny it can be written off due to social "brainwashing" (lol I'm asking for it, I know). But its true... I have had some pretty intense conversations with women that claim to not feel that way. And, for the most part, they have admitted to the fact that at the right time, in the right place, with the right woman, they would be willing. This is not something that certain men can say.
    maria26's Avatar
    maria26 Posts: 69, Reputation: 6
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    Feb 13, 2006, 05:26 PM
    You have spoken to the wrong woman than... because a woman who loves men such as myself can never want anything more than what a male has to offer... I really would be repulsed at the idea of touching another female and that is the truth! Everything about a male and a female is different and can never be compared.
    DrJ's Avatar
    DrJ Posts: 1,328, Reputation: 339
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    Feb 13, 2006, 06:19 PM
    Oh I totally agree... but being bisexual, a woman is not "trading" what she gets from a man for what she can get from a woman. It is simply in addition to.

    Even from the scientific point of view, again, I am not saying that females are, in any way, meant to replace the male.

    It is simply an act of affection. Are you affectionate toward women at all? Can I ask how old you are and what country you are in?
    Ernest carr's Avatar
    Ernest carr Posts: 48, Reputation: 2
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    Apr 22, 2006, 04:08 PM
    Bi-sexual or heterosexual there is no simple answer. People are no always one or the other, often somewhere in between. I have known men and women who could be considered heterosexual that would have encounters with members of the same sex depending on circumstances at the time. Some choose their partners not by gender but personality or body type, Some women that preferred men but enjoyed the softness of a woman's body and touch, Also some that did not want to have sex with any person M or F but preferred to live with a male companion
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Apr 22, 2006, 04:16 PM
    Women have only been more free in society to be open with it, so people have known or see it more. ( from a historicaly male controlled society)
    Males were not allowed to be openly homosexual, but from a preverted view point from men, they somehow saw female homosexual activity as both an enjoyable joke or fanticy for the men.

    Thus women were allowed in society free to express those feelings more than men were.

    Of course none of those feelings are natural, and those caused perhaps because of medical defects in genes ( and sadly no one is working on a cure any longer) but it is not a natural feeling or act, merely one that has become either a devient behavoior of enjoyment or caused by a defect that they may be born with.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Apr 22, 2006, 04:48 PM
    As much as I respect you Fr Chuck your view on people having defective genes is cruel and has no basis in fact what so ever! Because what someone does that does not meet your approval is that a reason to brand them as unnatural or defective? Because you are grounded in your own religious dogma does that make your point any more valid than say one who practices homosexuality? I know a lot of Christians who believe as you do that they have a direct route to God that the rest of us heathens don't have but lets get real, You and your ways are no better than the worst of sinners, and their ways. It angers me when men presume that they are more than other men because God is on your side and not to single out just Christians , but Jews and Muslims do exactly the same thing that is why I have no faith in mans religion because it only serves those who need to be superior. So go a head and quote me some more stuff from a book that man wrote that makes you so right! Sorry to offend but I guess I've had enough holy spouting for one day.:cool:

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