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    drali77's Avatar
    drali77 Posts: 127, Reputation: 5
    Junior Member

    Feb 2, 2006, 04:24 AM
    Share with DC ++
    I recently started to surf the internet but a software called dc ++ there I have to enter into different hubs and channels
    The real problem is most of the channels have some minimum share like 100mb, 500mb I am only able to enter into the 0 share channel
    Will somebody tell me how can I share my own files there and how to upload them so I can enter the shared ones as well
    Please help
    LTheobald's Avatar
    LTheobald Posts: 1,051, Reputation: 127
    Ultra Member

    Feb 2, 2006, 09:42 AM
    Before I start to help I just have to point out that if you share any copyrighted material via DC++ you are breaking the law.

    But if you are sharing your vast collection of Linux distributions, well then it's fine.

    To set up what folders to share on your PC, open up DC++. Then go File >> Settings >> Sharing >> Add Folders . Then just select what folders you want to share. The program will index the contents of those folders and total up how much you are sharing.

    A quick note on those share limits. Most channels will check what you are sharing to make sure you just aren't sharing the same file 100 times or sharing rubbish nobody would want.
    drali77's Avatar
    drali77 Posts: 127, Reputation: 5
    Junior Member

    Feb 2, 2006, 03:12 PM
    Thanks for the reply
    Do you know any other softwares like this DC++
    Waiting for you informative answer

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