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    Kershaw's Avatar
    Kershaw Posts: 3, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Mar 10, 2008, 12:39 PM
    Heart murmur
    I have a kitten who is seven months old. I went to get my kitten fixed last week. The vet said that he couldn't do the surgery because he said my kitten was born with a heart murmur and that if he did the surgery he may not wake up. So the question I'm asking that I hope you can help me with is do kittens/cats out grow heart murmur's or is it something they just have and have to deal with? Or is there any type of medication I can put him on. Help would be greatly appreciated. :confused:
    carolbcac's Avatar
    carolbcac Posts: 342, Reputation: 72
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    Mar 10, 2008, 07:34 PM
    A heart murmur is caused by turbulence in the blood flow through the heart. Most often it is due to a leaky heart valve, although it can be a sign of serious heart damage. Murmurs can also be "innocent", meaning there is nothing physically wrong with the heart. These are most often heard in young animals, and they can sometimes grow out of an innocent murmur. I would get a second opinion, or see if your vet is able to run an EKG or ultrasound the heart to identify the problem.
    The presence of a murmur itself does not necessarily mean that surgery cannot be perfomed. It does mean that some more diagnostics need to be done, and if the surgery is done, the anaesthetic needs to be carefully monitored.
    The life of an intact tomcat is not exactly easy on the heart either!
    froggy7's Avatar
    froggy7 Posts: 1,801, Reputation: 242
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    Mar 11, 2008, 07:18 PM
    I will also point out that a heart murmur may have no affect on your kitty. My Rana-cat was diagnosed with one when she was five (the best diagnosis I can get is idiopathic mitral valve regurgitation), and we have spent the last 6 years taking a wait and see approach. She is the most active, athletic cat that most people have ever seen. You'd never know that she had it, unless you are a vet listening to it.

    To be fair, she is also a very small cat (5.5 pounds the last time she got weighed), so that may be helping with the situation.
    JESSENIA TRINIDAD Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 21, 2008, 02:46 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Kershaw
    I have a kitten who is seven months old. I went to get my kitten fixed last week. The vet said that he couldnt do the surgery because he said my kitten was born with a heart murmur and that if he did the surgery he may not wake up. So the question im asking that I hope you can help me with is do kittens/cats out grow heart murmur's or is it something they just have and have to deal with? Or is there any type of medication I can put him on. Help would be greatly appreciated. :confused:
    Well all I can say is that let your cat get suregery because even if there is a risk welll like it s 1 out of 3 and it s better to get your cat getting fixed then to no try at all

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