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    dednuff4life's Avatar
    dednuff4life Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 27, 2005, 04:52 PM
    I posted "feels promotion was robbed" last week, and I finally had the "discussion" to why I did not get selected for the Job. It still has me a little bewildered and distraught. I found out from the person who red flagged it and their reason why. What it basically came down to is she feels I need to expand my horizons more to develop myself. She did tell me that I done really well and asked if my manager had told me. She also says we have similar personalities and shared with me some similar situations she had been in her self throughout her career and basically said she did not want to see me go through a burn out in my career sinc I have a lot of potentional and commended me on going to college and said I was taking "steps" in the right direction to further my career. She closed out by suggesting that I get away from my current manager and transfer to another area, but the area she suggested is in the same area that she covers and I need to start being more sociable because according to her she notices that and she says we are alike in the way we want to both do our job and not be bothered. But my question is was all this necessary? I thanked both her and my manager for telling me but why when they said the one thing holding me back is that I do too much in my current workcell, and apparently from what they said they view my peers as lazy people who dump their work on me ( I told them I strongly disagree with that statement and I stood up for most of my coworkers on this) how is that supposed to encourage me to reapplly for this job again when it is one thing holding me back? Now how can a person who has worked with me "notice " little things like that when they are not in the area that much? And why wait to express this concern now? Someone also said since they know I am going to school for engineering they may very well being trying to illustrate as many processes to me as possible to help me on this, does anyone think that is possible? Then why tell me the person who got selected basically got selected from default because an individual felt I was not ready? If this gets back to the person and we all know how rumors fly and I should have not discussed anything with a soul but I felt cheated so you know. I hope this, I really feel bad about this, does not wind up going back to the person. I think that can be more of a setback to them then to me. I told my boss I would try working on this, leaving the job in our workcell that no one wants to do and I did see their point, I had to assert myself to do another operation that day and was met with great reluctance by all. He smiled and said its about time I stood up for myself then he said just don't loose the niceness, that's one thing that has me really well liked out in my place of employment, so that contradicted what the other person told me about me being stuck my corner as my manager's doing. So now I am really confused. Am I pawn if people don't like each other now? Sorry for all the drama people but I need to get this off my chest. Also why tell me I do a great job in the area on everything, then suggest I leave? I can kind of see this by noting we have a limit on the amount of equipment we use and processes, but why should another give their input on this? I guarantee where I work at now in the organization will find themselves with the same poor review when I leave, just like before I got bumped to dayshift and had to remain in a place I did not want too and especially them not bending the rules by allowing another to go in my place. Sometimes I feel they see me as a solution to their problems then on the other hand I was also told this is to my own benefit, but whay after five years not promote me. I heard a rumor I am basically going to move into the area that was suggested I go to but they have never had problems here before. But just to close it out, why would not just saying who was selected enough for these people, why did the explanations have to come up? And further more, the person who pulled the plug on it has just barely worked a year with me, so how is it possible to note things about me? Especially when they have not attempted to really get to know me? Now I am not mad because I have been made active in areas that did not concern me, basically bypassing our manager and also always giving me credit that was not even due, but why hold me back then? Thanks for at least listening, just needed to get this off my chest folks. Any comments positive or negative are both generously accepted and appreciated.
    I really feel none of this was out of dislike, but I just want to know why people would think this would have to come about?
    Thank you, Later. You all have a safe new years.: :confused:
    rkim291968's Avatar
    rkim291968 Posts: 261, Reputation: 34
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    Dec 27, 2005, 09:03 PM
    It is difficult to tell what is really going on based on what you describe. I just wish that you truly find out why you weren't promoted this time and take necessary steps/adjustments for your next promotional opportunity.

    Typically, if I have to say no to a promotional candidate, I give the person 3 - 5 specific areas to improve & with solid plan/guideline for the person to improve in those areas. Moreover, I have discussions with the canidate throughout the year so that if promotion does not materialize, it does not come to the person as a surprise. I also make sure that the candidate clearly understands his/her shortcoming rather than being wish-wash about it. I sense some of that wish-wash non direct approach from your management team. This is a no-no as you can attest to it - it is confusing you, right? Perhaps, your management team is not well trained in this area. You may have to take that into consideration and be more proactive on your side.

    Good luck.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 27, 2005, 10:49 PM
    Don't worry just do your job.Every workplace has their own "RULES" and politics. Their own way of doing things to consolidate power and so on.. you know the drill or the click,Hope you got it all off your chest though cause you have no choice but to roll up the old sleeves and get to work.Eventually a new manager will come in and make his changes and it will work out better or not.Hang in there though as being bitter will do you no good and stay as positive as possible.I waited many years on my job for that corner desk and found out that it was still only a job.:cool: :eek:
    dednuff4life's Avatar
    dednuff4life Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 28, 2005, 06:57 AM
    Well thanks for the input. I would like to note, I am the only one they discussed anything with. I guess I can take that as compliment. Im not trying to question their decision, I do not believe in that especially with their experience in the industry. It just does not make any sense to me what they said. From my manager, I am too nice, but don't change that, now how do I grow from that. From her sort of the same, but why when someone actually cares about items such as productivity and qaulity and when they note about how good of job you do, why for any reason would you discourage them from doing it consistently and to leave the area is encouraged? When especially they have not worked their long and have not dealt with me long enough, as I feel, to make a decision on such matter? That is what has me confused. Some people have suggested since they like me they felt like they owed it to me. Again I think I have to take that as a compliment. It was just a job and I will agree to that, a simple no what have been best. I know their intentions were for the best with everything and I respect that. In fact I told my manager that I appreciate that because I know most people at my age (26) would have said something with anger that basically eqautes to "Thanks for screwing me out of a Job.". So that is how I know they like me. I am not mad at anyone, like rkim, I just want to know what the wish-wash is about. But the job is kind of the crucifix position in the area, it means they hang you for negative output, so I guess someone could have been trying to protect me from this till I matured. And evidently my character must really be respected for them to approach me. But if it bothered their concinsce that they did not select me they need to let it go, either if they were under pressure to pick a particular person or if they thought they were looking out for my interest, its called life, your going to make people mad, but still this puzzles me because since I known both of them, they normally do not care about this, who gets mad about anything because they are both just doing their job. Bur however, the person who pulled the plug on this whole thing, I have suspected them being interested in more then my work skills and my wife feels the same about this and this is why she will not discuss anything about the matter with me, so I hope that had no reflection on any of this. But thank you both, like I told them both you need constructive criticism or other wise you will never develop.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Dec 28, 2005, 07:14 AM
    To look at this as a test is a healthy attitude.Just remember you didn't fail they did what they did cool,keep working at it and one day you might get that move.26 is too young to be impatient so keep your eyes and ears open and just learn what you can about office politics and be the best at your job you can be.:cool:

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