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    kenny2341's Avatar
    kenny2341 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 11, 2007, 02:24 PM
    Can't erect while naked

    I was reading a post made by another user here about his frequent uncontrolable erections he gets while he is naked. OH HOW I WISH I HAD THIS PROBLEM! I'm 18 and have just recently in the past 2 months stared having sex with my girlfriend. I am new at this (She took my virginity) but ever since we have started "doing it" I have had a reacuring problem.

    I can't erect near the end of foreplay when it really counts. As soon as the pants start flying off things go down hill from there. My starts to go flaccid, even though it has been doing fine since the first kiss. I thought that my problem was just nerves, and part of it might be, but I did an experiment the other day that made me think otherwise.

    I got one of my favorite pornos and I started watching it, I was in a really horny mood so I had no problem erecting. Then I stopped, rewound the porno, and watched again, only this time with my pants off. Nothing. It's like my head has some mental block against erectiong while I'm naked, there wasn't anybody around, it was just me and it still wouldn't erect. I had to start manually stimulating it to get it hard, which I should not have had to do because this was one of my most hardcore sexual pornos I was watching.

    This is a real problem because to have sex you need to be at least semi naked. Sigh* what should I do to fix this problem? Is it even fixable? Help! My penis is shy!
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Dec 11, 2007, 02:34 PM
    Kenny, I think your problem is that you see your g/f as more experienced then you, you did say she took your virginity. I can almost see this happening, she is probably all over you for sex and everything is rushed so you mentally back off and this probably is the reason you have an erection problem. You need to make her back off a bit and take things slowly, then you will probably perform the way you want to. If you convince her this is what should be happening, your erection problem isn't going to have an instant cure. It will take time. Take a break from sex with her for a while, then approach everything very deliberately and see what happens.

    Your are only l8, you should have NO PROBLEM physically. So try my way this time, okay, and good luck!!
    edzmedz's Avatar
    edzmedz Posts: 180, Reputation: 12
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    Dec 15, 2007, 12:27 PM
    Kenny what do you look like? I mean are you happy about your body and the way you look naked? Maybe you are not comfortable with the way your body is built up and you just feel you don't look good naked. This would explain why even when you are alone you have a similar problem. You have a "voyeur" behavior, and when you are watching porn you are excited but when you undress you become the "voyee" and it makes you uncomfortable. Well anyway I am just playing the therapist here , I could be totally wrong but I am pretty sure I am totally right on this one lol ;)
    What do you think?
    kenny2341's Avatar
    kenny2341 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 18, 2007, 01:47 AM
    Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I think you are right, Tickle. I'm really just nervouse concerning how I perform compaired to other people she has had sex with, and that fact that I'm new to sex doesn't really help. Although lately I haven't had as much of a problem. Mainly, I think, is because I am getting more comfortable with her sexually (and she says I do a really good job =)) Edzmedz, I also think you are right to a certain extent too. I'm comfortable with how I look, but I think you are right about the whole "voyee" thing. I'm slowly getting over this. Thanks for your help!!
    derekbrort's Avatar
    derekbrort Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 3, 2008, 01:31 PM
    Dear Kenny;
    I think here are the solution for your problems.
    You said you have watched the pornos with the pain on and you are able to erect right? Here is why: First our testicles can generate the temperature when it cold and when it warm. With the pain on your testicle already at the right temperate and won't have to deal with generating the temperate and you are also watching the pornos. This is 90% of chance that you can erect. But when you take off the pain and watched the same pornos that you have watched before. It won't erect. Because your testicles are too busy with changing the temperate to keep your penis in safe condition and at the right temperate so it won't erect.
    Really concentrate on the things that you are doing. It helps your brain to control your erection. And avoid the coldness when you are trying to erect.

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