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    poppy13's Avatar
    poppy13 Posts: 7, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 15, 2007, 02:13 PM
    Positive home test,inconclusive docs test
    Hi there, can anyone tell me if this has happened to them, I've already had a miscarriage and a stillbirth so I'm very worried, I done a home pregnancy test and it came back posative, 2 days later I handed a sample of urine into the docs, theyphoned me to say I would need to hand in another in 7 days, as my test was inconclosive what do they mean by this, I'm also a bit worried as the night before this I had a little spotting, but luckily so far have had no more, can anyone tell me if this has happened to them please?
    macksmom's Avatar
    macksmom Posts: 1,787, Reputation: 152
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    Nov 16, 2007, 06:53 AM
    Unfortunately we won't be able to tell what happened at the doctors office. There are a number of reason why they could be asking you for another sample.
    The assistant could have dipped the urine then dumped the excess, and maybe the control line didn't show up on the test, thus it was faulty but they had already pitched the rest of your urine so they couldn't retest.
    They could have tested and thought they saw a positive line, but maybe it was so faint they want to retest in a week.

    I mean there can be numerous reasons... I wouldn't worry about it too much right now, as there is nothing you can really do.

    Just hand in your sample in 7 days... I would even wait in the office for the results. I mean a urine pregnancy test doesn't take up any time. So I wouldn't leave, I would wait. Make sure you use your first morning urine for the sample.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Nov 16, 2007, 06:57 AM
    There are numerous reasons we can get a false positive on a HPT. Yes, ladies false positives do indeed happen (I just learned this myself). Unfortunately, you are now playing the waiting game. It is possible that, if you are pregnant, your hormone levels are not high enough to test positive at the doctor's office.

    You will just have to take it again in a week. I wish I could give you some other answer, but that is the way pregnancy is.
    taif_raad's Avatar
    taif_raad Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 16, 2012, 08:27 AM

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