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    BABRAM's Avatar
    BABRAM Posts: 561, Reputation: 145
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    Oct 17, 2007, 07:17 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    "Lean not on thine own understanding", Prov. 3: 5. What does this mean but do not think for yourselves ? If we didn't lean on our own understanding we wouldn't have made all the progress we have, automobiles, air travel, space flight, modern medicine, the internet. We'd all still be in the dark ages if we didn't lean on our own understanding. If we didn't lean on our own understanding we wouldn't have these computers that we all find so useful that you all apparently like to use.
    Good question. First off let me clarify that I'm not a Christian, though I have a good respect for them. Since this question involves the Tanakh I would like to answer it.

    The opening verses in Proverbs 3, according to the Hebrew translation, JPS, are "My son, do not forget my teaching." So right here we get an idea of subject, "teaching." What is that teaching? Well within the same verse we are told, "But let your mind retain my commandments." So here we have the subject teaching specifying the commandments.

    The knowledge here spoke of is not the learning of educational technologies, advances medicines, or even communication, rather those commandments that G-d gave the ancient Hebrews, Tribes, the ancestors that is of modern Jews, and Gentiles (within the camps of Israelites) and to some degree all Gentiles since being under the Noachide laws.

    When being taught Judaism, the rabbis teach that G-d gave the commandments and while we may understand on the surface the reason for a particular commandment, in actuality the reason we should observe any commandment is because G-d said so, not for us to guess or lean on our own understanding. In fact we (Jews and all believers in the G-d of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob) are told in the complete context of Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the L-rd with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding."

    BTW, Judaism and Christianity both teach that G-d gave us good minds to use, learn, help others, so as for the subject of advances in medicine, use of computers, science in general, this link supports thus action: Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    savedsinner7's Avatar
    savedsinner7 Posts: 412, Reputation: 52
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    Oct 17, 2007, 09:01 PM
    if we came from nothing, where did the nothing come from? and what is nothing? can you ever get order from chaos? look around you and see the work that declares the existence of the One True God.
    Psalm 19
    To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.
    1THE HEAVENS declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows and proclaims His handiwork.(A)
    2Day after day pours forth speech, and night after night shows forth knowledge.

    3There is no speech nor spoken word [from the stars]; their voice is not heard.

    4Yet their voice [in evidence] goes out through all the earth, their sayings to the end of the world.

    And if you believe in evolution, why did some choose to crawl out of the water or ooze and not others? Why do humans have higher reasoning and not all creatures? how can you explain the intricacies of the eye? How about how you were formed? How do you explain why there is life if the universe should be declining? Why is there beauty and why is there music?
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    There is a young new theory that mathmaticians & quantum phyicists are looking into, that the big bang that formed our universe was caused by a collision with another universe that exists along side ours in a higher dimension, & that this has been happening over & over again forever. Right now it's just a theory & it may never be proven, but there is always the chance this is the correct theory. That could explain existence without a Creator if ever proven true. But I doubt it will ever be proven true. I believe the standard big bang theory.
    N0help4u's Avatar
    N0help4u Posts: 19,823, Reputation: 2035
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    Oct 17, 2007, 10:32 PM
    I think it means like when I just have to do something and I can even give a bunch of reasons I just have to do whatever and something keeps telling me no and I do it anyway and it turns out to be a disaster or days later I find out I should have waited and did whatever then and I jumped the gun and missed out on something or ended up having to redo it cause I didn't wait until the right time.
    deist's Avatar
    deist Posts: 225, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 18, 2007, 05:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Homegirl 50
    OK, so why are you so angry? Do you want everyone to belive as you do? Can you not accept that there are those of us who are firm believers, and if so how does that affect what you believe?
    If certain christian groups in America get their way America will become a totalitarian theocracy where there is no religious liberty or free speech or separation of church & state. If they get their way it will certainly affect my right to believe as I do. As long as there are people who believe the bible this danger will continue to exist.
    MoonlitWaves's Avatar
    MoonlitWaves Posts: 171, Reputation: 52
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    Oct 18, 2007, 05:18 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    If certain christian groups in America get their way America will become a totalitarian theocracy where there is no religious liberty or free speech or separation of church & state. If they get their way it will certainly affect my right to believe as I do. As long as there are people who believe the bible this danger will continue to exist.
    This is not going to happen deist. There are more people who do not believe in God/the Bible than those who do.
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    deist Posts: 225, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 18, 2007, 05:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonlitWaves
    This is not going to happen deist. There are more people who do not believe in God/the Bible than those who do.
    The christian reconstructionists have already infiltrated the government & they are influencing our laws. It only takes a few judges to impose crazy laws on all of us, whether they are outnumbered or not. I read on one website that president Bush has been known to consult with the reconstructionists.
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
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    Oct 18, 2007, 05:37 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    The christian reconstructionists have already infiltrated the governement & they are influencing our laws. It only takes a few judges to impose crazy laws on all of us, whether they are outnumbered or not. I read on one website that president Bush has been known to consult with the reconstructionists.
    Would you care to elaborate more in depth as to what you are talking about? I don't understand. I have never heard of President Bush consulting with the reconstructionists. I highly doubt that such a thing is taking place.
    deist's Avatar
    deist Posts: 225, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 18, 2007, 06:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Clough
    Would you care to elaborate more in depth as to what you are talking about? I don't understand. I have never heard of President Bush consulting with the reconstructionists. I highly doubt that such a thing is taking place.
    Christian Reconstructionism and the Real Meaning of a Christian America
    Homegirl 50's Avatar
    Homegirl 50 Posts: 10,794, Reputation: 2604
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    Oct 18, 2007, 06:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    If certain christian groups in America get their way America will become a totalitarian theocracy where there is no religious liberty or free speech or separation of church & state. If they get their way it will certainly affect my right to believe as I do. As long as there are people who believe the bible this danger will continue to exist.
    The same could be said for the Muslim Faith and for Atheism. God is already being removed from places. God forbid you say the word in public and your ideas certainly affect my right to believe. The fact that you are here trying to brow beat Christianity attest to your freedom. Christianity is not the problem. Extremism from any front is the problem.
    I think you may be barking up the wrong tree.
    Homegirl 50's Avatar
    Homegirl 50 Posts: 10,794, Reputation: 2604
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    Oct 18, 2007, 06:27 AM
    I believe in freedom of religion, but I also think the Muslim faith is more dangerous to your way of life than Christianity is. But again, extremism of any kind is dangerous.
    deist's Avatar
    deist Posts: 225, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 18, 2007, 07:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Homegirl 50
    I believe in freedom of religion, but I also think the Muslim faith is more dangerous to your way of life than Christianity is. But again, extremism of any kind is dangerous.
    The christian reconstructionists are just as dangerous as any muslim extremist. They want to expand the death penalty to include homosexuals, adulterers, unruly adult children, & idolaters (& they consider even non-reconstructionist christians to be idolaters). They are in government. If you are not a reconstructionist then you're in danger too christian or not.
    mountain_man's Avatar
    mountain_man Posts: 269, Reputation: 45
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    Oct 18, 2007, 07:49 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    The christian reconstructionists have already infiltrated the governement & they are influencing our laws. It only takes a few judges to impose crazy laws on all of us, whether they are outnumbered or not. I read on one website that president Bush has been known to consult with the reconstructionists.

    Do you believe everything you read on the internet? That is less reliable than the Bible, you better watch out :)
    deist's Avatar
    deist Posts: 225, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 18, 2007, 08:02 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by mountain_man
    Do you believe everything you read on the internet? That is less reliable than the Bible, you better watch out :)
    I bet you trust those internet sites that says the earth was formed 6000 to 10000 years ago, & that says dinosaurs lived with men. You believe in talking snakes & talking donkeys, & you tell me not to believe everything I read on the internet ?
    tatertot's Avatar
    tatertot Posts: 40, Reputation: 13

    Oct 18, 2007, 08:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    Can you prove Jesus is the Christ without using the bible ? No. That's because the bible isn't backed by any independant contemporary historical testimony. The bible is pure hearsay, second hand information, delivered through a so-called prophet who claimed it was the word of God. If God doesn't directly communicate with you, then it is not revelation. It is hearsay, & hearsay is not generally admissible in court. Find some Confirmed secular historical source contemporary with Jesus & see if they recount Jesus' miracles or resurrection.

    Lol... are you serious. It is a historical fact that Jesus lived even secularists at least admit that! There are plenty of non Biblical acounts of Jesus and the miracles he performed. You need to do your research. The fact that he is Christ is received through faith in the claims he has made. & since have accepted him as christ, I have a relationship with him and I talk to him every day and he talks to me every day. He has turned my life around. I was adicted to drugs, sex you name it and the day I called out to him and invited him into my life he changed me. Instantly my desire for drugs and evil things disappeared. I literary felt his power surge through my body. I was just like you diest. People told me about God/Jesus and I thought they we crazy. Until I was at my lowest point and death was knocking on my door. Out of all the religious names I heard of Muhamed, Budah, confucious etc. the only name that I found myself calling upon was Jesus. Jesus showed up into my life and my life has never been better.

    So I why would I try and go out and digg out historical evidence fossil records and all that jargon, if I have experienced him first hand. What he did for me is more than enough evedence to prove his existence. No- one can convince me( no matter how much evidence you try and dig up) he does not exist because I have seen him and felt his presence. & that is why when you trying to interlectually argue against a Christian, it is a waist of time because all these Christians you see on here, have each had a personal encounter with Him. So a guy who calls himself Diest on the Ask Me help desk website is not going to change their minds so you are waisting valuable time you could be using toward something more product.
    tatertot's Avatar
    tatertot Posts: 40, Reputation: 13

    Oct 18, 2007, 09:15 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    I bet you trust those internet sites that says the earth was formed 6000 to 10000 years ago, & that says dinosaurs lived with men. You believe in talking snakes & talking donkeys, & you tell me not to believe everything I read on the internet ?

    I suppose beiliving in some Big Bang that just happened from know where and everything that is inexistance came from some brown soup is more realistic. I don't thinks that is far more of a strech. The only reason you believe is the world is billions of years old is because someone told you that. There is not evidence for that. How do you know dinosuars did not live at the same time as man. Were you there? No since you think seeing is believing... Was anyone there that long ago to say with certainty that the world is that old? NO. but you believe it anyway. Evolution is a THEORY not a Fact. Definition of the Theory :An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture. The world could be 1000 days old for all we can really historicaly know. But I believe the Bible is Truth so I will go with 6k. You have just been brain washed into thinking what ever theories scientist dish out to must be Fact. But most of what they say about the origin of the earth is based one assumption after another one speculation after another. God is the Greatest scientist there is because he created science
    silentrascal's Avatar
    silentrascal Posts: 194, Reputation: -2

    Oct 18, 2007, 09:27 AM
    Consider your own home, as a good example... you KNOW that it was constructed by someone. It didn't just have all of its components randomly or haphardly come together just out of blind chance. Your home is kept a comfortable temperature is stocked with an ample amount of food. The same thing applies to the earth. Where is the logic behind saying that an intelligent creator isn't responsible for our home, earth? How could it make ANY kind of sense that the earth is kept in exactly the right orbit and distance from the sun in order to support and sustain life without someone having placed it where it is, just so? Any closer to the sun and we'd burn up... and further away and we'd freeze to death. Then there's all of earth's cycles, the seasons, the water cycle, and so on and so forth... how could it possibly have all come together and stayed in place without someone of great power and intelligence having designed it this way?

    The notion that there was this sudden "big bang" so many countless millions or billions of years ago is absurd. Where would the materials have come from in the first place in order to compose this "big bang"?
    mountain_man's Avatar
    mountain_man Posts: 269, Reputation: 45
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    Oct 18, 2007, 10:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by deist
    I bet you trust those internet sites that says the earth was formed 6000 to 10000 years ago, & that says dinosaurs lived with men. You believe in talking snakes & talking donkeys, & you tell me not to believe everything I read on the internet ?

    Are you a politician because you have an uncanny ability to not answer a question and then argue completely irrelevant issues.

    I believe in the Bible and no amount of your consipracy theories of "reconstructionists" or whatever is going to get me or the majority of other christians to change our minds. I believe in God and Jesus and what they said and did and what they continue to say to me.
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    deist Posts: 225, Reputation: 7
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    Oct 18, 2007, 10:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by silentrascal
    Consider your own home, as a good KNOW that it was constructed by someone. It didn't just have all of its components randomly or haphardly come together just out of blind chance. Your home is kept a comfortable temperature is stocked with an ample amount of food. The same thing applies to the earth. Where is the logic behind saying that an intelligent creator isn't responsible for our home, earth? How could it make ANY kind of sense that the earth is kept in exactly the right orbit and distance from the sun in order to support and sustain life without someone having placed it where it is, just so? Any closer to the sun and we'd burn up....and further away and we'd freeze to death. Then there's all of earth's cycles, the seasons, the water cycle, and so on and so could it possibly have all come together and stayed in place without someone of great power and intelligence having designed it this way?

    The notion that there was this sudden "big bang" so many countless millions or billions of years ago is absurd. Where would the materials have come from in the first place in order to compose this "big bang"?
    You must not read all the posts. I have said on several occasions that I believe in a God.
    mountain_man's Avatar
    mountain_man Posts: 269, Reputation: 45
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    Oct 18, 2007, 10:43 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by silentrascal
    Consider your own home, as a good KNOW that it was constructed by someone. It didn't just have all of its components randomly or haphardly come together just out of blind chance. Your home is kept a comfortable temperature is stocked with an ample amount of food. The same thing applies to the earth. Where is the logic behind saying that an intelligent creator isn't responsible for our home, earth? How could it make ANY kind of sense that the earth is kept in exactly the right orbit and distance from the sun in order to support and sustain life without someone having placed it where it is, just so? Any closer to the sun and we'd burn up....and further away and we'd freeze to death. Then there's all of earth's cycles, the seasons, the water cycle, and so on and so could it possibly have all come together and stayed in place without someone of great power and intelligence having designed it this way?

    The notion that there was this sudden "big bang" so many countless millions or billions of years ago is absurd. Where would the materials have come from in the first place in order to compose this "big bang"?

    You are right on! But your argument to Deist is fallling on deaf ears because Deist has been severely hurt by the church or christians in some way and has blocked out any attempt for the truth to be heard.
    tatertot's Avatar
    tatertot Posts: 40, Reputation: 13

    Oct 18, 2007, 11:18 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by silentrascal
    Consider your own home, as a good KNOW that it was constructed by someone. It didn't just have all of its components randomly or haphardly come together just out of blind chance. Your home is kept a comfortable temperature is stocked with an ample amount of food. The same thing applies to the earth. Where is the logic behind saying that an intelligent creator isn't responsible for our home, earth? How could it make ANY kind of sense that the earth is kept in exactly the right orbit and distance from the sun in order to support and sustain life without someone having placed it where it is, just so? Any closer to the sun and we'd burn up....and further away and we'd freeze to death. Then there's all of earth's cycles, the seasons, the water cycle, and so on and so could it possibly have all come together and stayed in place without someone of great power and intelligence having designed it this way?

    The notion that there was this sudden "big bang" so many countless millions or billions of years ago is absurd. Where would the materials have come from in the first place in order to compose this "big bang"?
    You are so right! The only reason why evolutionist say the earth is millions of years old is because they need that many years to defend their theory. The theory of evolution's basisically says over billions of years anything can happen. So basically if you had a 2 monkeys on typewriters randonmly typying over billions of years, they would eventually at one point come up with All of shakespears works (Romeo&J , Othelo, Hamlet etc) including all the sonnets and rhyming couplets. That's is highy impropable even over billions of years.. I don't know why today still believe in that theory when the creator of the theory charlse darwin, doubted his own theory.

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