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    blueandthebeen's Avatar
    blueandthebeen Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 6, 2007, 09:05 AM
    BOTH garage door openers quit working
    The remotes used to work but we've only been renting here 8 weeks. They worked for a couple weeks and then just quit. You can open the door using the button inside the garage but neither of the remotes will open or close the door at all now. We have changed the batteries so that's not the problem.

    Also, there is nothing in the way of the 2 eyes reading each other. This is not our home, we are renting so we would like to try some methods that don't involve buying and installing different hardware. That will be our last resort to call the landlord and have him do that for us. For now, is there anything we can check or do to possibly solve this problem ourselves, before bringing him in? (reason is just because we don't want him here right now until we clean out the garage better)

    My hubby also asks where are the remote sensors located so that he may check that? (not the floor eye sensors)

    Any help is appreciated!

    yenkalb's Avatar
    yenkalb Posts: 5, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 6, 2007, 09:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by blueandthebeen
    The remotes used to work but we've only been renting here 8 weeks. they worked for a couple weeks and then just quit. You can open the door using the button inside the garage but neither of the remotes will open or close the door at all now. We have changed the batteries so that's not the problem.

    Also, there is nothing in the way of the 2 eyes reading eachother. This is not our home, we are renting so we would like to try some methods that don't involve buying and installing different hardware. That will be our last resort to call the landlord and have him do that for us. For now, is there anything we can check or do to possibly solve this problem ourselves, before bringing him in? (reason is just because we don't want him here right now til we clean out the garage better)

    My hubby also asks where are the remote sensors located so that he may check that? (not the floor eye sensors)

    Any help is appreciated!

    Not sure what type of operators you have; but check then call their 800# the problem may be with the limits set on the doors sometimes they are can change or alter (poltergiest) or something.
    Overhead door ed
    blueandthebeen's Avatar
    blueandthebeen Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 6, 2007, 09:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by yenkalb
    not sure what type of operators you have; but check then call their 800# the problem may be with the limits set on the doors sometimes they are can change or alter (poltergiest) or something.
    overhead door ed

    What is "limits set on the doors" mean? I'm not sure I understand the answer. Thanks!
    Stratmando's Avatar
    Stratmando Posts: 11,188, Reputation: 508
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    Oct 6, 2007, 12:49 PM
    I would double check batteries or verify with meter. You may tell the owner that he may need to press the learn button on the operator until led lights, then press remote button to learn, repeat for other door. Good luck.
    Oh, when you block beam path, do you see led on beam change states.
    I assume pushbutton on wall closes door, if you push button to close, then break beam, does it stop closing, if yes then beams are good.
    You should not have to mess with limits, doubt both changed(they limit up and down movement) and are in operator on ceiling.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Oct 6, 2007, 01:08 PM
    If both remotes quit at the same time, they may be fine, it is the receiver. Often they are mounted near the motor itself. Even if not, there should be a cable, 3 wires? running from the motor unit to the receiver. All the wires at both ends must be connected.

    Some openers have limit switches mounted on the tract that tell the opener when the door is up or down. Some have the electric eyes. If the door works with the push buttons, I doubt the problem is with the eyes or limit switches.

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