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    JanellenO's Avatar
    JanellenO Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 30, 2007, 09:35 AM
    Closed adoption!
    I was born in houston, my birthday is 8-19-85 and my birth mother I white my father is mexican. I don't know or how to find the hostpital I was born in to start looking. Please help my birth parents have grandchildren id like them to meet
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Sep 30, 2007, 09:41 AM
    This is a subject you should approach with care, janellen. Your adoptive parents should be able to help if they can, but if it was a closed adoption, I think that means the records can never be open and there was probably a good reason for that.
    shygrneyzs's Avatar
    shygrneyzs Posts: 5,017, Reputation: 936
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    Sep 30, 2007, 10:05 AM
    Start asking questions with your adoptive parents. Where did they adopt you? Which agency did they go through? The agency would have records. Now that does not mean the agency will open up their records for you. You have to go through their channels and possibly spend some money. Since the adoption was closed, records are not accessible to anyone asking. But if you are willing to be patient with their system, it could work out for you. Generally the agency will contact the birth mother and tell her you are looking for her. For them to give you her information, would require her permission.

    You have your birth date and your place of birth. Go through hospital records of births. Sometimes birth records are found that way.

    Your state's department of vital statistics will have the original birth certificate but since the adoption was closed, the record should be sealed. It would not hurt to call and ask and see what their particular law is.

    You could also hire a private investigator.

    Just one last note, please keep in mind that your birth parents may not want to be contacted. I do not say that to be mean spirited, but to be honest. So be prepared for that. It also be that at least one of your birth parents wonders where you are, how you grew up, what you look like, etc. You do not have much to lose by searching and wishing you the best of luck.
    MOWERMAN2468's Avatar
    MOWERMAN2468 Posts: 3,214, Reputation: 243
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    Sep 30, 2007, 03:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by shygrneyzs
    Start asking questions with your adoptive parents. Where did they adopt you? Which agency did they go through? The agency would have records. Now that does not mean the agency will open up their records for you. You have to go through their channels and possibly spend some money. Since the adoption was closed, records are not accessible to anyone asking. But if you are willing to be patient with their system, it could work out for you. Generally the agency will contact the birth mother and tell her you are looking for her. For them to give you her information, would require her permission.

    You have your birth date and your place of birth. Go through hospital records of births. Sometimes birth records are found that way.

    Your state's department of vital statistics will have the original birth certificate but since the adoption was closed, the record should be sealed. It would not hurt to call and ask and see what their particular law is.

    You could also hire a private investigator.

    Just one last note, please keep in mind that your birth parents may not want to be contacted. I do not say that to be mean spirited, but to be honest. So be prepared for that. It also be that at least one of your birth parents wonders where you are, how you grew up, what you look like, etc. You do not have much to lose by searching and wishing you the best of luck.
    Paragraph #1. even if they do go to the adoption agency now they will probably not have the records there. If it is a closed adoption as stated the records now belong to whatever state they done the adoption in. and don't forget about the PRIVACY ACT, umm, the birth mother can not give or receive any info because this is a CLOSED adoption.
    Paragraph #2. yes the date of birth may be correct. But how is she sure of the place? Just because it says she was born in a certain place doesn't mean anything. Our first two children we adopted. Their birth certificates list me and my wife as the biological parents, and are issued from our state of residence at the time of the adoption. Our two children were not even born in the state that their birth certificate states. And with the sealed adoption, the original birth certificates no longer exist. And as far as going through the hospital's birth records, there again the road will lead to a dead end in a CLOSED adoption.
    Paragraph #3. don't count on them having any records, and even if by chance they did, it is forbidden by law for them to reveal ANY info contained about your biological parents.
    Paragraph #4. I'm sure there is probably a private investigator out there hungry enough to take your money. Then give the results and answers I just gave you for free.
    Paragraph #5. so true. But more than likely you will not make it this far.

    Sorry to not be very encouraging, but the sealed adoptions in today's world is like top secret military and national security records to a certain extent. Or just say you would have better luck seeing the actual area 51 reports than a sealed adoption record.

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