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    mitchsc's Avatar
    mitchsc Posts: 802, Reputation: 7
    Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2007, 05:11 PM
    Not remembering user/login ID in Internet Explorer 7
    I'm using XP SP2 and had a slow download problem and called my ISP tech support. They had me delete ALL browsing history, and make a few other config changes to I.E.7. Didn't solve the problem (was a bad router), but created a new one.

    Slowly I've been rebuilding my user/login ID's in cookies, but there is one site that just won't remember my login ID. It did in the past, before the tech support "help".

    I've called them back several times, and we've tried all sorts of things (mostly in internet options), but this one site I use every day, just won't remember.

    Any suggestions?

    retsoksirhc's Avatar
    retsoksirhc Posts: 912, Reputation: 71
    Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2007, 07:22 PM
    You can try Tools, Internet Options, Content, AutoComplete Settings, and make sure Usernames and Passwords, and Prompt to save passwords are checked. That would be the first step... I'm not sure exactly where it stores information about each individual site.
    benn11's Avatar
    benn11 Posts: 1,036, Reputation: 43
    Ultra Member

    Sep 19, 2007, 12:12 AM
    Does the site offer "forgot password" functionality?
    Will00's Avatar
    Will00 Posts: 66, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Sep 21, 2007, 06:39 PM
    I would actually not recommend Windows Internet Explorer 7, but Mozilla Firefox. It is generally a safer Web browser, due to add ins, constant updates, and not running Direct X directly (Many hackers use it).

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