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    Magno's Avatar
    Magno Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 31, 2007, 12:12 AM
    What's happening to me?
    I'm a 37 year old teacher and all of my life, I've had an innate ability to read people and their intentions. I chalked that up to being fairly observant with a strong feeling for just plain common sense.

    However, recently, I have been noticing some very strange things happening to me that I just can't explain. First, let me say that I was always the first to laugh at and belittle those who talked of psychic powers and the like, but I just can't laugh anymore.

    I first started noticing some changes in me after I became terribly ill about a year and a half ago. I had a very serious throat infection that was spreading to my organs due to lack of medical care. (I moved down to Mexico several years ago to do work for a charitable organization and was living in a very small, poor town with not a lot of access to good medical care.)

    Shortly after that illness, I started to notice strange things happening in me and little by little they've progressed. Now, I've recently developed the ability to sense an object in movement in the next room without ever actually seeing it with my eyes. For example, I can sense people moving without seeing them; I can now sense the size and shape of an object in movement in another room by focusing on its energy. It feels to me like when you drop a pebble in the water and can see the ripple as the water spreads out. That's the closest I can come to describing what I feel when I sense energy. I've practiced this ability a lot and I have a 100% success rate in determining when a person or animal has moved or is in motion in another room.

    Aside from this ability, my body (and especially my hands) have begun to send off a distinct vibration to the point where people have touched me and told me that I was vibrating. My girlfriend has told me this as well and I also feel it myself, like there's a constant vibration in my hands and fingers. I have also given off shocks, similar to static electric shocks when I pass by people to the point where people have literally jumped out of their seats because they felt as though a bat or pipe had hit them.

    Also, fairly recently, I've noticed that many of the electrical appliances in my house have begun to malfunction, even those powered by batteries. Recently, when I went on vacation for a couple of days, I came back to find nearly all of those appliances to be back in working order only to "break" again soon after I returned. On a similar note, last week, an old musical key chain that I had since I was 14 or 15, one that hadn't worked in about 20 years began to work again. I had found the key chain while digging through some old possessions, put my keys on it and placed it in my pocket. While, doing some work on the computer, I felt a great amount of heat coming from the pocket where I had the key chain, so much heat that I had to take it out of my pocket. When I took it out, I pushed the button and the music started playing for the first time in about 2 decades- rusted, decayed battery and all!

    Now, please don't think I am crazy. I swear that I'm not a nut. This is just something that has me completely baffled. Again, I have never, ever believed in anything supernatural or metaphysical.

    So, please, if you can help, answer me these questions: What's happening to me? What's going to come of me if things keep on like this?

    Thanks so much for the help. I will be eagerly awaiting your response.
    anonymous122809's Avatar
    anonymous122809 Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 31, 2007, 12:45 AM
    Well, it sounds like an interesting endeavour. I don't think that anyone of us answerers will be able to give you advice on what's going on with your body. But I do know this.
    There have been many advances in what is psychic ability, your case is probably a common one.
    It might be that since your illness, your senses have become more active, & you can sense more than others because they've grown healthly.
    I definitely do not think you are crazy.
    But I do think that you should embrace it.
    It sounds like a gift, that should be cherished.

    Good luck, & god bless.
    sGt HarDKorE's Avatar
    sGt HarDKorE Posts: 656, Reputation: 98
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    Aug 31, 2007, 12:50 AM
    My Senses are nothing like yours but, I can hear things really well. I hear everything, I can hear a cell phone going off all the way at the other end of a store. I know how you feel when you say you can feel things. Sometimes I feel vibrations cars outside or w/e and I know they are coming before I can actually see them. So yeah, I don't think you are crazy at all. As said above, use the gift!
    JDW1889's Avatar
    JDW1889 Posts: 66, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 31, 2007, 06:40 PM
    Like you I have a good sense of hearing. I'm able to listen to people whispering to each other and understand them if I focuse. I think your body may be giving off a electrical charge. That should explian why your body vibrates. I can't figure out how you can sense objects moving or there size.
    MayMsredrose's Avatar
    MayMsredrose Posts: 189, Reputation: 13
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    Sep 2, 2007, 04:22 AM
    HI... Well join the club you are not alone : )... I do believe you and there is very rare cases like yours... I think your body or maybe your brain is generating electrical field... you can find out more if you do a check up in a hospital but re-phrase your words so it does not back fire on you... you should not leave yourself this way because it might harm your body or maybe if you lose your temper for any reason you might hurt others...

    Take care of yourself.

    Ms. Redrose
    ordinaryguy's Avatar
    ordinaryguy Posts: 1,790, Reputation: 596
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    Sep 2, 2007, 04:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Magno
    I have never, ever believed in anything supernatural or metaphysical.
    Maybe it's time to broaden your perspective. I can't promise you an explanation for your experiences, but in terms of astrological symbolism, Neptune is probably involved. It may be transiting your sun (if you were born in mid-February) or some other planet or point of focus in your birth chart. If you'd like to find out specifics, PM me with your date, time and place of birth and I'll see what I can see.
    Bluerose's Avatar
    Bluerose Posts: 1,521, Reputation: 310
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    Sep 2, 2007, 06:42 AM

    You are not crazy. A good test is... If you were crazy you wouldn't be asking people if you were crazy.

    Many people have similar experiences. There are several different theories and names for it. A bit of research via the Internet may be helpful.

    Often folks who share this ability can't wear watches; they will stop working within a couple of days, regardless of how many new batteries are put in them. They also affect other electrical appliances.

    Those who share these experiences are usually relieved to hear that they are not alone. Most spent years questioning what was happening, until eventually they were convinced that something unusual was going on. Like you, all independently report that high emotion plays a key role in such experiences. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kick in.
    mikekurz's Avatar
    mikekurz Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 22, 2011, 03:21 PM
    I think the answer is pretty obvious. You are "Radioactive Man". Your mission is to fight crime and rid the world of evil and dangerous household appliances such as tony the television and marty the microwave. Good luck on your crime fighting endeavors and may God have mercy on your soul.

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