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    victorvillevixen's Avatar
    victorvillevixen Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 29, 2007, 10:10 AM
    California 60 Day Notice to Vacate
    I am on disability and have lived in the mobile home park for nearly nine years. I ALWAYS paid my rent on time, up until the delivery of my checks was changed (3 yrs ago), from the 1st to the 14th. Since that time, I have paid my rent in the middle of the month, ALWAYS including all late charges, and usually adding a few dollars extra towards the next month (allowing me a credit balance on furture statements. I discussed this with the park manager more than two years ago, and she said that, since I always paid all the late charges that there would not be a problem. I even sent a confirmation letter to her (and kept a copy).

    On August 13th. a 3 day AND a 60 day noticed were tacked on my door. Unknown to me (at the time) a new law passed in Jan 2007, stating that when a tenant is late in paying rent in three consecutive months, they can evict. I still owe on my mobile and I do not have the money to move it. My bill pay records show that I have paid my lot rent on (or after the 14th of the month for the past 26 months. I also have additional hand written checks. It has also been eight months since the law past. These managers have NEVER "played by the rules" but, more importantly, how do I save my home?

    Any/all help would be appreciated!:confused:
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
    Computer Expert and Renaissance Man

    Aug 29, 2007, 10:54 AM
    I understand living from check to check, But couldn't you have set it up to pay ahead one month so you can pay on the 14th for the future month? Or you could have asked for a modification to the lease to change the due date.

    Anyway, let them take you to court to evict. Go into court and explain it to the judge showing how you have always made your payments with the knowledge and consent of the landlords. I doubt if the judge will uphold the eviction. Then ask for the lease modification. Maybe pay an extra half month to get it. You make it back in saving on late fees.

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