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    shatteredsoul's Avatar
    shatteredsoul Posts: 423, Reputation: 130
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    Aug 29, 2007, 08:04 AM
    Hope, we all have choices to make in life, that is what it is all about. We choose our reality, our responses, our lifestyle, our outlook and our beliefs or perspectives. This is what the gift of free will is. This is what we were born with. For you to take your own choices and explain them as God's truth, means that it is only your perception of what God wants for us.This eliminates anyone else's views, experiences, or beliefs.
    Moreover, To equate the right to choose with hatred and violence, assumes that one must be hateful and violent to make such a choice. YOu don't have to agree with it, or accept it as right, but when you direct that to everyone else, this becomes judgmental.

    What you believe is right and wrong is different than what others believe. This is also based on previous experiences, dynamics and consequences that you have had in the past that have led you to believe what right and wrong is.
    IF God created us with the ability to make our own choices, don't you think we ourselves would have to determine which ones are "good or bad" or "right or wrong"? What if there really isn't any absolutes and it is all about perspectives? Well that would mean that God would love us regardless of our choices, actions or beliefs about what is morally ethical or acceptable. The power is not on some throne waiting to judge us, the power is within. WE can either take responsibility for it, or put it on God.

    We are all given life, regardless of our circumstances, and what we do with it, is up to us. (For the most part)
    Further, I think that your are well intentioned and you speak just as effectively as I do. I just don't think you realize that when you take what you believe as true and right, and want everyone else to view it the same way, this is viewed as judgmental. This is because you think their perceptions are flawed and yours is the correct one. That is what YOU believe. IF they don't have the same upbringing, experiences, knowledge, belief system or religion as you, how can you expect other people to think just like you? Many people will agree with you and that is great, but you are trying to reach out and tell everyone that abortion is murder and it is your duty to tell all of us. Well, you can tell us your opinion, but it is no one's duty to make anyone believe anything. I don't think I have anything more valuable to offer to this post, than anyone else, but I just feel like standing up for those of us who do think of this subject much differently than you, and for many different reasons.
    All in all, I think you want to help and be compassionate and loving. However, the way you are presenting your opinion, makes it difficult for those that think different to feel that it isn't an attack on our perception or beliefs. We have to embrace what we don't understand or agree with, to be truly compassionate. To say that you are being compassionate, but than imposing your views as the only correct one, is hyppocritical. It isn't your responsibility to make everyone think or be like you. You can live out your truth in your own life and respect that of others at the same time. I think you believe you are saving someone out there from making a choice that you see as a horrible situation. YOur intention is good. IF I personally read your post and was dealing with this decision, it would make me feel more resolved in making my own choice of what to do with my life, my body and my future. I don't feel it is anyone's else's business but mine and the person I am involved with. This is my own perspective but I don't expect anyone else to agree with it or accept it as their truth. That is the difference between you and I. I believe we both want to help people and do right by others, I just don't impose my morality on others and then justify it by my religion or what God laws are.

    I don't think God will punish us, we punish ourselves. YOu said it best, we are our own worst enemy. Not God. So, we all have to answer to ourselves. WE have to look in the mirror and face who we really are. That is who we have to answer to here. If we live a life of integrity and try to be the best that we can be, what else can we do? WE are human after all. Born to make the mistakes, feel the effects, and travel the journey of life, and realize the goodness within. Regardless, of our individual choices.
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Aug 31, 2007, 03:09 PM
    Wow, you guys always seem to amaze and impress me with your thoughts on serious issues. Lot of things said here to put into my brain. I am pro-choice realistically (my husband would die if he heard me say this) I am very pro-choice for life but not anti-abortion. Although there are definitely certain things that help me understand why a woman would go through with an abortion, it doesn't mean we have to agree with it. Some are good people in bad situations and some are selfish people in other types of situations. What about the girl that is embarrassed about being pregnant, that is not a good enough reason, at least not to me it isn't, the girl that got pregnant by her day over and over, there you go, I understand that. The girl or woman that got raped, well, I guess I would have to walk a mile in those shoes before I would be able to have an opinion on that. But the selfish acts and the "just because I want to and can" acts are killing me inside. Good answers, ALL of you
    americangayboy's Avatar
    americangayboy Posts: 220, Reputation: 38
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    Sep 1, 2007, 10:10 AM
    I used to be staunchly pro-life and am now singing a different tune. Having an abortion is no easy choice to make, and whatever the reason for that choice, I don't think it should be limited. Do you really want children to be raised by parents who hate them? How do you feel about the fact that making it illegal will not prevent it from happening, but will make it more dangerous? What about the fact that after it was legalized, the rate of infanticide plumetted? Should a woman be forced to carry to term a fetus that has little chance of surviving and can actually cause her to die?

    I would say that there is a huge difference between abortion and infanticide because a fetus at 12 weeks doesn't feel pain and a baby does. I would say that legal abortion, for as gross as it may seem, actually has more benefits to society than making it illegal.
    Maranatha's Avatar
    Maranatha Posts: 5, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 3, 2007, 07:07 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Hope12

    This question is something that many of our young girls of today must ask themselves. It is a heart-wrenching question for any who contemplate it. Some really don’t know what to do because of the lack of maturity that only comes from experience and age. Some young ladies are only 12 years old, and very confused and frightened.

    Society asks, why would anyone want to kill the life of any developing human within themselves? Why would any doctor, nurse or any professional person, who took an oath to do everything in their power to save life, now want to take a life? Answering this question might make some very angry at me but I must write this for the sake of the unborn and for the benefit of a young girl facing such a choice. There are reasons why abortions are done everyday. One very main reason is selfishness either on the part of the parents and it might also be on the part of the expecting mother to be. Also they sometimes do not wish to take the responsibility for their choices and so now the unborn must pay the price for their bad actions.

    Society feels in some cases it is better to avoid the consequences of the act and to take steps to conceal, rather then to talk about the problem of sexual intercourse and it being used as a pastime outside of marriage. Some want to enjoy sex fully, without taking responsibility of a natural consequence of sex, a baby! Abortion today is being used as form of birth control. This method of birth control is unfair to the unborn child and is just a plain sick method of shrugging ones responsibility and putting their own selfish desires before the life of the unborn. There is no respect for life in those who abort the innocent because they are addicted to the selfish desire of sexual pleasure then to show respect for life.

    The Bible says: “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves” and “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.” Is it not obvious that this condition prevails in our day?—2 Timothy 3:1-4.

    Do you know that in the medical field and elsewhere the unborn baby is referred to as “the products of conception,” or what about “contents of the uterus”. Doctors who do abortion refer to the unborn as “contents of the uterus.” In the process of an abortion to make look less then killing, a doctor might ask the nurse, “Is the “content of the uterus” completed?” How sad when a unborn human is not even referred to anything but “content.” These ones that commit such horrific acts against the unborn, try to avoid the moral issue by calling an abortion “termination of pregnancy.” No matter what doctors and abortion clinics and those who go to them try to avoid, the fact remains is this: Abortion is the killing of an unborn human.

    Just because the unborn is in the uterus does not make any difference. The abortion is done within 12 weeks of conception. What difference does it make though as to when a human is choked to death, 12 weeks after conception or 12 minutes after it is born into this world? Is not killing still killing? Many moral professionals have though quit their jobs because they could not stand seeing a helpless fetus that was aborted, suffer and struggle to live in a disposal container, while other doctors and nurses sit back and watch this fetus fight to live, until it can not fight any longer. What if that fetus was you?

    Some claim that the fetus in not human yet and it doesn’t feel. If that is true, then why do some professionals quit their jobs because of seeing the aborted fetus struggle to live?
    These same ones say the fetus is not human because it cannot live by itself. This is not a good argument because we have many adults and children, who depend on the use of an artificial kidney machine or the aid of a battery-powered heart pacemaker. These ones cannot live without the help of these machines. Does that make them less human and alive?

    Medical professionals agree that life does begin at the moment of conception. I quote The World Book Encyclopedia, page 228b, has a photograph of an egg and sperm taken through a microscope. The caption over the photo says: “A human life begins when the sperm gets through the outer covering of an egg and fertilizes it.” After reading this from the world encyclopedia, can you personally say that the life snuffed out was not a live unborn human?

    Remember this, if your mother aborted you, you would have ended up in a garbage can. As a human that was allowed to live and that did not get aborted as a fetus, do you personally regret that your mother was more concerned with the right for you to live and welcome you, then her rights to have an abortion? Then maybe you will feel for the unborn humans that get aborted each and every day in this world.

    If you are a young lady and are faced with the choice of either becoming responsible for your unborn child, giving it up for adoption, or abortion, please read something I wrote that might help you in your choice. Thank you for reading it.

    “Mommy, Can You Hear Me?”
    By Hope12

    “Today I was conceived. I do not have a name as of yet, but my life began today. I can’t wait to see you mommy and tell you how much I love you. I can’t wait for you to hold me in your arms.
    Mommy, can you hear me?”

    “I am really small, but guess what, I am really here, and I just can’t wait to touch your face and see your smile. I am yours and I am real.
    Mommy, Can you hear me?

    You should see me mommy I am really growing and getting stronger and stronger each day. Why I am so surprise, because I look and each day I find something new. Now don’t worry mommy, pretty soon I will see you and I know you will love me, because I already love you.”

    Today I heard a loud beat, it was my heart and it beats strong. My heart will be important to my future because it will keep me alive when I am born and it will motivate me to always love you and do what is good, especially for you.”

    “Mommy, can you hear me?”

    Oh, my, what is this, it looks like my arms and legs are growing. I am going to have legs so I can run and jump into your arms. I’m really so excited.”

    “Mommy can you hear me?”

    I will soon grow so big for this place and I will need more room, and that is when I will be with you Mommy.” It is quit dark here and I can’t wait to feel the sunlight on my face and play outside with you

    I wonder what color hair you have mommy? Are you tall or short? Don’t worry; I will love you no matter what you look like. Do you love me? Oh that a silly question because, “I love you mommy and I just know you will love me. I am such a strong and healthy little girl. I am also part of you mommy, so I guess I will be just like you. I think you are special and you are my mommy who I love and can’t wait to see. Mommy, can you hear me?”

    “Wait, please wait, don’t do that it hurts real bad. What is going on? Ouch, oh my, I don’t feel so good, mommy. Something terrible is happening to me and it really hurts me.” Please Mommy, make it stop hurting, I’m so scared mommy. I really need your help mommy, something hurts me and it is making me cry.

    Mommy, can you hear me?”

    What is your comments and can you answer the question: Is this fair? If so to who?
    Amen! Hope12 has a heart for humans and a desire to help others know they can have true peace by having the baby and giving him up for adoption or keeping the baby and entrusting this life to Christ. God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. That is sooooo cool. He knows every single need and He loves us more than anyone on the face of this earth. I work at a pregnancy center teaching "relationship" classes to young pregnant moms. The joy of a person making a decision to keep their baby and to accept the help of our center is beyond words. Only God can work this out and we grow stronger every time we see his outcomes, not ours. That's how faith in Him grows. The relationship classes teach youg women HOW to date. Contrary to what the world teaches, God has an awesome plan for relationships that involves getting to know one another and having Him as the Head of that relationship. This means abstinence! Until married. Oh wow that's where these girls look at me like "you certainly are a fossil!"... their generation has not heard much about abstinence. As long as we act on our "feelings" and do whatever we wish without considering God, life will be very tough. Let me make myself clear. God did not promise a life without pain and suffering but He did promise that He will be with us in all situations and will give us discernment and love beyond comprehension when we decide to place Him over our lives. Embrace Him today and feel freedom like you have never experienced. He loves these unborn babies and He loves these young moms and wants the best for them. He knows us even before we are born and has a plan for our future. Now that's exciting!
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Sep 3, 2007, 07:52 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Maranatha
    Amen! Hope12 has a heart for humans and a desire to help others know they can have true peace by having the baby and giving him up for adoption or keeping the baby and entrusting this life to Christ.
    I haven't had a day of "true peace" in the 15 years since I place my child for adoption.

    You have no idea what you're talking about.

    That isn't to say that abortion would have been a better choice--but let's give people their options, hmmm?

    If "God has a plan for each of us" (I'm not Christian, btw), why don't you leave it between him and the person making the choice? I'm sure that those mothers choosing to abort because their child is already dead inside of them resent you judging them for making what is probably the hardest choice they'd ever have to make.

    I disagree about holding sex until marriage--Frankly, sex is such an important part of marriage that, like living together, I'd want to make SURE of before I made a lifelong commitment to someone.

    Want to get a better handle on unwanted pregnancies? Start teaching kids how their bodies really work in sex ed, and teach birth control. Studies have shown that teaching abstinence hasn't helped in the least.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 3, 2007, 08:28 AM
    Abortion is murder, and it all can be avoided if MEN would recognise, and be responsible for their actions. Do the deed, pay the cost.
    iAMfromHuntersBar's Avatar
    iAMfromHuntersBar Posts: 943, Reputation: 146
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    Sep 3, 2007, 08:35 AM
    Can open... worms everywhere!

    Surely the whole point here is the question of choice? People can make their own minds up either way, with the help of their own family / friends / faith / religion / conscience!

    Saying it's murder is a very harsh way of looking at it... surely you can see there are times when it HAS to be an option at least?

    Good discussion though!

    **edit** Oh, and I don't think that blaming men for it all is right either!
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Sep 3, 2007, 08:36 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman
    Abortion is murder, and it all can be avoided if MEN would recognise, and be reponsible for their actions. Do the deed, pay the cost.
    Not all abortions are because men want the girls to have them.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 3, 2007, 09:06 AM
    On this subject I can only speak for ME.
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Sep 3, 2007, 09:16 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by talaniman
    On this subject I can only speak for ME.
    But, you spoke for the women that had no man telling them to get an abortion. So not all abortions are equal, you see?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 3, 2007, 09:24 AM
    No I don't! Getting an abortion is not something I would tell any one let alone a female.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Sep 3, 2007, 09:33 AM
    Let me ask if aborting a fetus with anecephaly is considered murder. Anecephaly is a cephalic disorder that results from a neural tube defect that occurs when the cephalic (head) end of the neural tube fails to close, usually between the 23rd and 26th day of pregnancy, resulting in the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp. Infants with this disorder are born without a forebrain, the largest part of the brain consisting mainly of the cerebral hemispheres (which include the isocortex, which is responsible for higher level cognition. The remaining brain tissue is often exposed - not covered by bone or skin.

    These children typically do not live one hour after birth, if they live this long.

    Is this murder if the woman chooses abortion then?

    Does no one believe there may be medical reasons for abortion?

    Is it murder to have an abortion when you know that this baby will not live but a few hours at most?
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Sep 3, 2007, 09:59 AM
    I believe there are medical AND emotional reasons for abortion. I do not agree with the just because abortions.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Sep 3, 2007, 10:04 AM
    I don't believe that abortion should be a form of birth control. But I believe there are reasons for it.
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Sep 3, 2007, 10:06 AM
    Yup, same here. A reason like it was an accidental pregnancy is not reason enough for me but if someone was to have BIG problems (health) while being pregnant, I can see why someone would make that choice, OR incest or rape may qualify too. At least in my heart.
    jillianleab's Avatar
    jillianleab Posts: 1,194, Reputation: 279
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    Sep 3, 2007, 06:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by startover22
    I believe there are medical AND emotional reasons for abortion. I do not agree with the just because abortions.
    But you can't have it both ways. You can't just pick who can terminate and who can't. It's sad that there are women who have so little respect for their bodies and future that they would rather abort than use a condom or take the pill. But you can't tell those women they aren't allowed to abort, but other women are. It has to be an option for everyone, no matter what their reasoning is.
    Maranatha's Avatar
    Maranatha Posts: 5, Reputation: 5
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    Sep 3, 2007, 07:43 PM
    Well said, Hope12. I have seen a fetus struggling in a specimen pan folloiwng an attempted abortion. It is embedded in my mind and has made me aware of how precious life is. We live in an age where being responsible for our actions is fading away. It's always someone else's fault when things go wrong. When a young girl gets pregnant and is disappointed, frightened, embarrassed, why is that? If we learn to love one another and not lust one another it wouldn't be so complicated. Real love is not selfish. Real love is patient. Real love puts the other person first. Real love wants the best for the other person. Real love lasts respects the other person's opinions. Real love is not based on just feelings alone but on the big picture - savoring the uniqueness of the person we love, just as they are, through good times and bad. There seems to be a "disposable" mentality when it comes to relationships today. Whatever happened to commitment?
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Sep 3, 2007, 07:45 PM
    So far it seems that everyone is looking at abortion as a form of birth control. Has anyone else considered that abortion may be used for other reasons?

    I didn't think so.
    startover22's Avatar
    startover22 Posts: 2,758, Reputation: 363
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    Sep 3, 2007, 07:46 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jillianleab
    But you can't have it both ways. You can't just pick and choose who can terminate and who can't. It's sad that there are women who have so little respect for their bodies and future that they would rather abort than use a condom or take the pill. But you can't tell those women they aren't allowed to abort, but other women are. It has to be an option for everyone, no matter what their reasoning is.
    I know, it sure is sad... BUT true...
    J, not sure if you noticed but I pretty much said the same thing. There are many reasons that a woman may want to make this choice and it would be dangerous for us not to let them have that right. Even though many of us feel like it is the wrong reason for it, or not a good enough one. I had a friend in high school, she got pregnant, and because of her heath issues and what not, she was advised to have an abortion. Death would become her or the baby, she got the abortion, even though she could have died carrying that baby, she still has guilt. Poor girl, I felt like there was nothing I could do ever to help her get through but to give her many hugs and I love you's!
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Sep 3, 2007, 07:48 PM
    Jillian always seems to have the "right" answer.

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