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    anniemay9318's Avatar
    anniemay9318 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 22, 2007, 12:05 PM
    I missed a pill.
    I am 24 years old, and I have been on Orthotricylcin (spelling?) Lo for 8 years. I recently went to the Gyno and because of my severe migraines that I was getting she changed my prescription to something called Loestrogen. I started the pill on Sunday August 12th after my period was over. That whole week that I was on the pill I felt like I had a yeast infection. Then I started to spot a light brown color, but so light that it only came out when I peed. Then on Saturday August 18th I missed my pill completely. I didn't realize it until Sunday when I almost bleed to death. I took one white pill and then on Monday the 20th I took my white pill again at my normal time, and I called my Gyno.
    She told me to double up on it. So that night I went home and took another pill and then the next morning which was Tuesday, I took my pill.
    Mind you, all this time I am still between spotting and bleeding to death. It just can't make up it's mind!
    If I have to be honest, my main concern is that my boyfriend from London that I haven't seen in a long time will be flying in on Saturday and I don't want to be spotting while he is here!
    What should I do? I have three days to get this under control!

    alkalineangel's Avatar
    alkalineangel Posts: 2,391, Reputation: 323
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    Aug 22, 2007, 12:12 PM
    I would say the bleeding is a result of changing hormones not missing a pill. Continue as you are and it will regulate. Whether it will happen by Saturday I don't know. I suggest though, if it does, that you double up on protection if you intend to have sex, as when you switch pills/miss pills/ the chances for pregnancy are increased for about a month...

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